victim :D

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by ctm0808, Jun 1, 2003.

  1. ctm0808

    ctm0808 New Member

    Tasha is a girl I met the other day on chat. She was upset because a friend of mine was making fun of her...heh heh, I never knew it would go so far

    Chris says:
    ahh don't worry bout it, she was just sayin it
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    yea well it hurt my feelings ok
    Chris says:
    but it's just over the internet!
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    ur just sensitive I guess
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    u would be if u were teased al ur life
    Chris says:
    i have been teased all my life! you can't see it in the pic, but there's a dead fetus attached to the back of my head. it was going to be my twin brother but he died in the womb
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    ur not serios
    Chris says:
    YES I AM, it's small though, he died very early. it's just about half the size of a fist, a bit bigger
    Chris says:
    plz don't make fun of me now
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i would never
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    i definitely appreciate it, i've dealt with it all my life
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    im here for u ok
    Chris says:
    awww that's sweet of u!
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i mean it
    Chris says:
    thankyou though, really. no one can really understand it, at least u have an open mind
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    hey im nice what can i say
    Chris says:
    u sure are
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    thank YOU
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    ur welcome

    Alright. I'm missing a little bit here...she was just asking me to introduce her to any friend of mine, cuz she's lookin for love! So I used another email account of mine. Remember here, I am MARK AND CHRIS. (mark even has a pic to make this more convincing :p)

    Chris says:
    hey man
    Maaaaark! says:
    sup ppl
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    hey nice pic
    Maaaaark! says:
    thanks...who are u?
    Maaaaark! says:

    Chris says:
    lol it's a friend of mine
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    im tasha
    Maaaaark! says:
    nice name
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    I'm mark
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    how old r u
    Maaaaark! says:
    17...turning 18 in June
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    im 16 turning 17 on april 14
    Maaaaark! says:
    that's cool.
    Chris says:
    mark, what u been up to man
    Maaaaark! says:
    lol shutup ya freak, I'm talkin to tasha!
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris u still have my other email address right
    Chris says:
    dude..u know not to call me freak
    Maaaaark! says:
    Chris says:
    I told u tasha
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark here my pic is at this email
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    its of me in the summer but i look better now
    Maaaaark! says:
    not bad not bad
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    u saw it
    Maaaaark! says:
    not as ugly as Chris, hahah
    Chris says:
    DUDE SERIOUSLY, stop that
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    u callignme ugly
    Maaaaark! says:
    No No, lol that came out wrong
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    then what did u think of it
    Maaaaark! says:
    Ya look good! You've got a nice smile
    Maaaaark! says:
    I can tell
    Chris says:
    for sure
    Chris says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i look better then that now
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    that pic was taken after i lost 61 pounds
    Maaaaark! says:
    60 pounds?! in how long??
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i started last year on nov 21
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    what dou thin kof me
    Maaaaark! says:
    u seem aight
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    Maaaaark! says:
    what u cryin for
    Chris says:
    lol he said ur alright, tasha
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    alright isnt a good think
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    usually peopel say ur cool or ur hott stuff like that
    Chris says:
    true, true..
    Maaaaark! says:
    damn, You a real sensitive bitch aren't ya
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    oh thanks
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    u would be too if u were teased all ur life and ur friends threaten to kill u
    Maaaaark! says:
    Man shutup Chris, I wasn't askin ya u freak
    Maaaaark! says:
    so what, get over it
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i gues su dont like me do u mark
    Maaaaark! says:
    LoL oh yeah? what you gonna do Chris, hit me with ur head? hahaha
    Chris says:

    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    I'm gonna cut it off tomorrow for you
    Chris says:
    Tasha he's always like this 2 me
    Chris says:
    I can't take it
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    anybody there?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    but i feel unwanted here
    Chris says:
    yeah i'm here tasha help me out
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris if its bugging u ignore it
    Maaaaark! says:
    HA, can't handle it urself Chris? Get that fetus of yours to back you up
    Maaaaark! says:
    does it have a name?
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Mr. Fetus sounds good to me
    Chris says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark stop
    Maaaaark! says:
    Hey Chris, is that thing actually classified as a person or what?
    Chris says:
    shutup mark
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris y is he so mean to us
    Maaaaark! says:
    serves u right
    Maaaaark! says:
    Chris says:
    God I dunno
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Well you're pretty weird too, but naw I was callin that fetusface Chris a freak
    Chris says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark answer ur messneger plz
    Maaaaark! says:
    nah I'm happy typing here, thanks
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    plz for me
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    Chris says:
    uhhh Tasha I think you could do better than mark
    Maaaaark! says:
    hahahaha looks like she likes me Chris
    Maaaaark! says:
    U suck
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    then find some oen better
    Maaaaark! says:
    why would anyone like a freak
    Maaaaark! says:
    Ya Loser
    Chris says:
    mark if you don't stop i'm gonna hurt myself, i mean that
    Maaaaark! says:
    Do it!
    Maaaaark! says:
    You'll be better off
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maybe in hell you won't have that thing
    Chris says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris ignore him
    Chris says:
    why though? he's just an example of what I have to put up with every day
    Maaaaark! says:
    You deserve it though
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    well ignore them its nto worth it
    Maaaaark! says:
    Look in the mirror.
    Chris says:
    Mark I'm serious, I'll do something
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark y r u so mean
    Chris says:
    he's a jerk
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris plz dont ur g'f wouldnt want that
    Maaaaark! says:
    Look in the mirror Chris! Does that look like something that deserves to live? Naw
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    I don't care anymore, I'm always dealing with it mark just put me over the edge
    Chris says:
    i'm serious
    Maaaaark! says:
    Yeah. They should give me a medal
    Maaaaark! says:
    Get it over with and stop whining
    Maaaaark! says:
    Make the world a better place.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Spare us your freakiness
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Because I nor anyone else wants to see that during their day.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Chris why you bother staying around? No one wants to look at you
    Maaaaark! says:
    I've seen your own mother grimace at your fetus
    Chris says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Cool. I'll put it up on my wall
    Chris says:
    you are a horrible person, I don't want to live in a world this cruel
    Chris says:
    say your goodbyes
    Maaaaark! says:
    Later. Freak.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris dont
    Maaaaark! says:
    chris do
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    punches mark
    Chris says:
    bye everyone. no one's at my house, if you get the opportunity tell them i said hello. seeya
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris damn it no
    Maaaaark! says:
    hahahahahahhaahahaha, is this gonna be a repeat of grade 8, Chris?
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    w/e, doesn't matter, i'm done
    Maaaaark! says:
    LoL use something better than oven cleaner this time, idiot
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    Chris says:
    yeah i WILL, i'm using a rope this time
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    Maaaaark! says:
    hahahaha tasha, this moron tried to kill himself in grade 8 by drinking oven cleaner
    Chris says:

    Chris says:
    this time it'll work
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    Maaaaark! says:
    Yeah. Ah well. go do it Chris and stop dragging it out
    Maaaaark! says:
    No need to make it all dramatic, the world won't miss you
    Chris says:
    you're right.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    no i will
    Maaaaark! says:
    She's just saying that Chris.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Like everyone else who pretends to love you.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Like your parents?
    Maaaaark! says:
    Give your dead brother a high five for me.
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris i cant take this anymore
    Chris says:
    you're regretting this mark, i swear to god, because i'm doing it
    Chris says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    HA, well that's that. Good riddance to the freak
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    I hope you're doing it now
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    is crying
    Maaaaark! says:
    ..Ha, he might actually do it though, when he did it in grade 8 it was for the same reason.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Hopefully it'll work this time. I hate seeing him at school
    Maaaaark! says:
    Then he dropped out
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    maerk y r u so mean
    Maaaaark! says:
    Because he's a loser. And it's gross to look at him.
    Maaaaark! says:
    LoL, he left msn on. The police will probably be reading this
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Tasha made him do it, cops.
    Maaaaark! says:
    I might actually get in trouble for this though
    Maaaaark! says:
    hahaha Chris ya bullshitter, speak up
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    Maybe I should send someone over there...I know Chris is capable of this kind of thing.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Tasha you there?

    FunkyBabe Tasha has left the conversation.

    Ok, in another window here (I forgot to save it) I (as mark) told Tasha that I called the police, and that they said they would get to Chris's soon. Then I messaged Tasha ('Chris' being the cop) 7 or 8 mins later. Hahahaha ok, so now I'm MARK AND THE COP. This girl was so weird here though...cuz like, Mark just made Chris kill himself, and this girl is in love with Mark now...the whole time she was talking to me in another window with crap like "i'm here for u baby, we'll make it" ....This was great

    Chris says:
    This is Ralph Peters of the Kingston City Police ma'am. I'd like to ask some questions, if that would be OK.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    We arrived here not long ago...Chris left a conversation open on his computer, and it looks like you were involved.

    Maaaaark! has been added to the conversation.

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    this is his friend
    Chris says:
    Ah good, Mark. I would like to talk to you as well.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Who is this?
    Chris says:
    Ralph Peters, Kingston City Police
    Maaaaark! says:
    Are you serious?
    Chris says:
    Very. I saw a conversation Chris had left open on his computer...I'd like you both to tell me what happened, in your own words please.
    Maaaaark! says:
    did Chris do something?
    Chris says:
    Just answer, please. We will get to that.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i was talkign to chris and i asked if he new a guy that i cna talk to then he added mark to the conversation
    Maaaaark! says: Tasha and Chris were in a convo, and he was just talking really weird. Me and tasha got worried, so I called you. I told ya on the phone
    Chris says:
    I didn't talk to you on the phone, that would have been one of our lieutenants.
    Chris says:
    Why was Chris acting strangely?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:

    Maaaaark! says:
    I don't know, he tried to kill himself in Grade 8
    Chris says:
    Yes Mark, our coroner has already identified him as that same Chris Martyn.
    Maaaaark! says:
    a Coroner? K plz tell us what happened
    Chris says:
    I told you to answer my questions first. Cooperation will make this a lot easier. Now, may I have your full names please? You're not in any trouble, this is just how it goes.
    Maaaaark! says:
    fine then. Mark Douglas Ulrich
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    Your full name, please.
    Chris says:
    Thank you Mark
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    its tasha
    Chris says:
    Miss, your first and last name.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    tasha carter
    Chris says:
    Ok thank you. Now, what exactly did Chris tell you before he left?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    that he was gonankill himseld
    Maaaaark! says:
    He said he was gonna hang himself well he didnt say that exactly, he said he was gonna 'use a rope this time'
    Chris says:
    I see.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    im scared
    Chris says:
    I appreciate your cooperation. Yes Tasha I can't blame you, I've dealt with a lot of witnesses, and it's a horrible thing to talk about. How well do the both of you know Chris?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    not that well
    Chris says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    sorry...I know him ok, i guess. known him for awhile, he's not a real friend though
    Chris says:
    Hmmm, alright. Chris did exactly that, he hung himself, and our coroner has just verified that it was a very short time ago.
    Maaaaark! says:
    oh my god...
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    is crying mark i dont knwo what im gonan do now
    Maaaaark! says:
    is Chris dead? is he ok?
    Chris says:
    We're still dealing with that Mark. We have him on life support, but his heart rate is very low.
    Chris says:
    I'm asking you both not to talk about this to anyone, as there may be more factors in this.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark how can this happen
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    is crying
    Maaaaark! says:
    oh my god I can't get over this though...ok, Chris is DEAD? He's gone?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    hoolds mark
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    its ok im here for u
    Chris says:
    You're both in very different stages. Tasha you're already in the grief stage, and that's good. Mark, you are more in the denial stage, grief will be next. So prepare for it...I know this is tough to do
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    rubs marks backits ok
    Chris says:
    Do you two know each other?
    Chris says:
    And do you both know Chris personally?
    Maaaaark! says:
    I know him personally...
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i dotn kwo him personaly
    Maaaaark! says:
    me and tasha know each other though, yeah
    Chris says:
    Hmmm, alright. Do you and Tasha go to school together?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i use to thouh\gh
    Maaaaark! says:
    that's right
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i was talkign to chris and i asked if he new a guy that i cna talk to then he added mark to the conversation
    Chris says:
    It doesn't sound like you two know each other.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    well i mean by that a friends to talk to because i didnt know marks email and he gave it to me
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark ilove u
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    this is too much for me
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    I'm mark
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    how old r u
    Maaaaark! says:
    17...turning 18 in June
    Maaaaark! says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    im 16 turning 17 on april 14

    FunkyBabe Tasha has left the conversation.

    FunkyBabe Tasha has been added to the conversation.

    Chris says:
    Tasha I'm sorry, but you must stay. I just need to ask a few more questions. You didn't do anything wrong.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i cant take this
    Maaaaark! says:
    It's ok tash, it won't take much longer i don't think
    Maaaaark! says:
    stay with me
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark hold me plz
    Maaaaark! says:
    only if you stay...we should help.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    iwill stay
    Chris says:
    That's exactly right Mark, and we appreciate it here.
    Maaaaark! says:
    not a problem, officer
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    cryes on marks chest
    Chris says:
    I have been reading your conversation with Chris (we will be saving it as evidence) ...Ok, I have deduced that you both did not know each other previous to this incident.
    Chris says:
    It's alright, it's not exactly obstruction, it's ok.
    Maaaaark! says:
    you're right, we didn't know each other..
    Maaaaark! says:
    what's obstruction?
    Chris says:
    Obstruction is Obstruction of is illegal, it is when you lie to a police officer.
    Maaaaark! says:
    I see.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    ididnt kow if this was the mark i knew ok
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i cant take this anymore
    Chris says:
    Tasha just one more question, and it will be over. Neither of you are in any trouble
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    is crying
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    i feellike im going to be sick
    Chris says:
    I know, like I said I've dealt with many witnesses. It's easier to do in person, but this is ok for now
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    well i dotn knwo chris personaly i just started to talkto him online
    Chris says:
    Ok, I see.
    Chris says:
    Tasha you're ok, we won't need to talk to you again after this. Mark on the other hand, you may have to appear in court if Chris's parents decide that is what they want.
    Maaaaark! says:
    What? are you serious? court?
    Maaaaark! says:
    ah plz, I can't do that
    Chris says:
    Mark we read what you typed in the conversation. Tasha, you did a great thing by trying to make him stop.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    I was just messin around, Chris gets it all the time
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    he didnt mean it
    Chris says:
    "mark you're going to regret this, you just pushed me over the edge"
    Chris says:
    And yet you persisted.
    Chris says:
    Why? Did you not take him seriously?
    Maaaaark! says:
    no, i didn't think he'd actually do it
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark would never mean it
    Chris says:
    He did it in grade 8, remember? Why would you mess with someone who was mentally unbalanced?
    Maaaaark! says:
    I don't know!!! It was just fun
    Chris says:
    "Fun?" mark? Suicide is never something to joke about, some people take it to heart.
    Maaaaark! says:
    i'm so sorry thoughj
    Chris says:
    Mark, Chris is dead and this may have been your fault. I want you to accept that.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Maaaaark! says:
    officer please
    Chris says:
    Cruel, tasha? Cruel is making fun of a mentally unbalanced innocent kid with a birth defect, then continuing even when he threatens suicide. Now please calm down, let's keep this reasonable.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    iu knwo officer i dont wanan be mean but ur making mark want to killhimself too ok
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    HOW UR ACUsing my boyfriend that he made him kill himself
    Chris says:
    I made no accusation, Tasha. Please speak in a more respectable tone, no more capital letters.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    but i wont let u accuse him
    Maaaaark! says:
    Officer, I really think that's unreasonable. he mighta killed himself for some other reason
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark i love u baby
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    im here for u
    Chris says:
    Of course, Mark. Like I said, there may have been other factors.
    Maaaaark! says:
    such as?
    Chris says:
    We're still investigating, it will take time.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    is shaking
    Chris says:
    Oh and another thing..Did Chris make any threats?
    Maaaaark! says:
    he just told me I was gonna regret this, but that was it
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    mark hunny im here ok
    Chris says:
    That's good Tasha, Mark is going to need support right now.
    Maaaaark! says:
    yeah really
    Chris says:
    How old are the both of you?
    Maaaaark! says:
    I'm 17
    Chris says:
    And when is your birthday, Mark?
    Chris says:
    Nevermind, it looks like Chris has it written down on a calender...June 8th.
    Maaaaark! says:
    that's it
    Chris says:
    Tasha? Age and Birthday, please.
    Maaaaark! says:
    Tash just tell him, it'll make this easier
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris doesnt knwo me
    Chris says:
    Tasha you are NOT in any trouble.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    we talked from reading msn profiles
    Chris says:
    Are you going to cooperate? You are completely innocent here, Tasha. You have nothing to hide, and nothing to worry about.
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    ok 14 april and im 17
    Chris says:
    You are 17 now, or you will be turning 17?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    will be
    Chris says:
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    Chris says:
    now, ONE final question and this is over. Thank you both so much for your cooperation, we appreciate it.
    Chris says:
    Tasha, have you always been this gullible?
    Chris says:
    HAHAHAHAHAHA did it occur to you that maybe I was THE COP, MYSELF, AND MARK the whole time...?
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    fuck u
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    chris how can u be so mean
    Maaaaark! says:
    mwaa ha ha!
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    Maaaaark! says:

    Chris says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    that's disgusting
    FunkyBabe Tasha says:
    it scared me ok
    Chris says:
    hahahahaha why u whispering me tasha, I AM MARK
    Chris says:
    Chris says:
    Maaaaark! says:

    FunkyBabe Tasha has left the conversation.

    ....Cool huh? Heh heh! That line at the end there... "why u whispering me tasha".. at that point, she STILL thought that 'Mark' was actually Mark, she still didn't realize that I was playing the cop and Mark. Heh heh..dumbass.
  2. Jeeves

    Jeeves New Member

    That was pretty cool-not quite 'evil sarah' standard but better than most on here. That girl was fucking gullible, you should have milked it some more!Like after you had her name and date of birth, you could have had mark accuse her of saying some shit and have the cop start questioning her, that would have been great.Well done though
  3. djdev

    djdev New Member

    LOL if i could give 10 stars, i would! too bad i can only give you 5. Nice role in playing the cop!
  4. djdev

    djdev New Member

    err wheres ur damn rating? o well.
  5. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    i guess in that situation its hard to come out with a stronger ending. good stuff though. she seemed a bit on the "thick" side also...

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