what have gary glitter and whiskey both got in common?... They both come in tots. . Why is Michael Jackson like Santa claus? Because they both go into lottle boys rooms and ome out with empty sacs. . what is 18 inches and makes a women cry? crib death! . What did the new mother say to Michael Jackson, when she met him on the beach? "Excuse me, but you're in my son." . a couple celebrating their 10th aniversary go to berlin. Sitting in a cafe and staring lovingly at each other 2 other diners catch the husbands eye, "here luv, am i going mad or is that hitler and his wife eva?" she turns round and replies, "looks just like them but it couldnt be". As the night wears on the man gets more and more drunk and is unable to take his eyes of the other couple " listen pet i'd swear on my eyes thats, thee hitler and his wife". Sick of this talk she snaps "well why dont you just go and ask them, eh?". the husband nods his head and staggers over to the couple "excuse me not being rude but you are the hitler and eva arent you?". Hitler turns and nods his head cheerily, the man frowns and says "well what do you think your doing?" at which hitler replies "oh me and the wife are just planning a new holucost, 6000 jews and a rat!" the man frowns and replies "why, why kill a rat?" and hitler turns to his wife and says "see i told you no one gives a fuck about the jews!" . This man pulls up in his Merc beside a little boy. He opens the door, holds out a brown paper bag of sweets and says, "Hey kid, if I give you a sweetie, will you come in my car." To which the kid replies, "Gimme the bag and I'll come in your mouth!" . Did you hear about the man who raped a deaf and dumb girl,and then broke her fingers so she could'nt tell her mum. . what is the difference beetween michael jackson and acne? acne only comes on your face when your 13.
Well, take your IQ and divide it by 6. That'll give you the number of days I've been here. So you can just fuck off.