I'm coughing things up that look like they were once alive. They're kinda sticky and yellow, and my throat feels like it's got a staple in it. Do you think I should go to the doctor or what?
cool! encase the phlegm in plastic and sell it off as Michael Jackson's sperm to japanese tourists. Make sure it's nice and bubbly. mmmmmmmmmmmm bubbles.
I would have to shoot myself between the eyes before I can pretend to even say "yummy" My sarcasm doesn't even go that far....
maybe it is from all those damn gwapes you eat. Yah go to a doc if u wanna spend money on something that will pass soon probably. I had that this summer, take some throat lozanges and sleep a lot also just get fucking stoned and everything will be ok.
you probably have AIDS. you should go to the doctor and get on that AZT or the triple cocktail they talk about on the news whatever the hell that is.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chester grape: I'm coughing things up that look like they were once alive. They're kinda sticky and yellow, and my throat feels like it's got a staple in it. Do you think I should go to the doctor or what?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you die ( and I hope you do ) can I have your 55 posts?
i assume chester is male and i have concluded from his posts that he is gay and all gay people either have AIDS or will get AIDS that is how i know
crayons in a box huh. like a colorful rainbow which is the symbol of the homo's. you even attempt to insult people like the faggot you are.
Ah... just back from the doctor. They're pretty sure it's cancer. Quite advanced and aggressive it seems. Anyhow, it's been fun dissing you guys all this time. I'm off for some chemotherapy. I'll let you know how it went in a few days. Stay cool.
Are you lying mr gwapes? If you are thats gay, but if you aren't I am sorry. Its all Kit's fault, she did it! and if it is testicular cancer she will be more than willing to cut yer balls off.
No you should let the living parasites whose carcasses you've been coughing up to eat your brain while you are still alive ....go to the damn doctor