1. TacoBellDog5454

    TacoBellDog5454 New Member

    One day there was a guy riding in a car and he sees a preist on the side of the road so he pulls over and picks the preist up. So as they are going along they start talking. Then way up ahead the guy sees a nigger on the side of the road. He thinks to himself how am i going to get this guy with the preist in my car. So he thinks and comes up with an idea. So as the come up to the nigger the guy acts like he fell asleep and swerves over. After a couple of seconds and looks up and wanders if he hit him. So he ask the preist and the preist said "No you missed him by a mile but I got him with the door!"
  2. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    Shit joke, badly told.

    Now fuck off.
  3. Poopystick

    Poopystick New Member

    Nice joke, I liked it, ignore chester grape, that guy just can't stand anyone else having a sense of humour.
  4. Phil

    Phil New Member

    U gotta give that joke to them man, it was a cracker. and poppy i agree wiv u altough i think ur a retard
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Chester dosent like that joke because he is a nigger, that has been hit by a car door before...
  6. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

    I don't like the joke because it's no funnier now than when I was six.
    I don't like the joke because it was badly told.
    And I don't like the joke because it appeals to amoebas like Phil.
    The racism I don't have a problem with.
  7. Poopystick

    Poopystick New Member

    Wow Chester, you must have such an evolved sense of humour over us mere mortals.

    Want a cookie?

    *Starts looking for Chester Grapes "Joke delivery and burger flipping: advanced strategies" guidebook.

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