
Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by kitana, May 12, 2002.

  1. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member


    1. Learn to spell.
    2. Post something that makes some sense.
    3. Say something interesting once in awhile.
    4. Explain to me what your problem with everyone here is. (I know you have a lot of problems so let's just focus on one at a time).

    Seriously, man, if you've got nothing better to say that "you're a pussy, you're dad is gay," then get lost.

    I realize that you're angry. Behind your posts I see a frustrated country boy, maybe about 13 or 14, who has trouble communicating with others and making friends. You should talk to one of your teachers at school about the feelings you have. I can see you're really hurting. Did your parents move recently or get divorced? Are your classes at school to difficult or is there a bully bothering you? There may be an after-school special that's right up your alley.

    Why don't you deal with what the problem really is, rather than just making a fool out of yourself on the internet.

    Sometimes little boys don't care what kind of attention they get as long as they're getting attention. You need to realize that people aren't laughing with you, they're laughing at you. Is that really what you want?

    If you want some help, you won't find it here, but if you look in your neighborhood, you will likely find services to help a frightened little boy.

    You keep your chin up, little man. Everything will be better if you just get some help.

    Remember, my screen name is Minister Saint-Fond. It is the name of a character in a novel that you can read when you're older. Remember: You can do it if you try!
  2. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:

    1. Learn to spell.
    2. Post something that makes some sense.
    3. Say something interesting once in awhile.
    4. Explain to me what your problem with everyone here is. (I know you have a lot of problems so let's just focus on one at a time).

    Seriously, man, if you've got nothing better to say that "you're a pussy, you're dad is gay," then get lost.

    I realize that you're angry. Behind your posts I see a frustrated country boy, maybe about 13 or 14, who has trouble communicating with others and making friends. You should talk to one of your teachers at school about the feelings you have. I can see you're really hurting. Did your parents move recently or get divorced? Are your classes at school to difficult or is there a bully bothering you? There may be an after-school special that's right up your alley.

    Why don't you deal with what the problem really is, rather than just making a fool out of yourself on the internet.

    Sometimes little boys don't care what kind of attention they get as long as they're getting attention. You need to realize that people aren't laughing with you, they're laughing at you. Is that really what you want?

    If you want some help, you won't find it here, but if you look in your neighborhood, you will likely find services to help a frightened little boy.

    You keep your chin up, little man. Everything will be better if you just get some help.

    Remember, my screen name is Minister Saint-Fond. It is the name of a character in a novel that you can read when you're older. Remember: You can do it if you try!

    Minister(Clit) remember you have been christened your new name Clit by Thundy.You are scraping the barrel on this one and the posts that you have resorted to churning out are making no sense whatsoever.If we want to read the material that you are spurting at us we will go to the library ,you sound like a worn out record & you are making your self look a biggerClit than you already are.Your stupidty& Ignorance Is shining bright like a well lit beacon for all to see.I heard that when you where first diagnosed with Aids that you punched fuck out of your frail poor old mum hospitalising her with various broken bones,a wired jaw & have reduced her to a quivering wreck every time you arrive home after you have spent many hours at the factory sorting nuts & bolts out.I fear there will be more violence towards her after you read this and I strongly feel that you will soon be on a murder charge.Please stop qoting & copying the things that I say & post as I fear you will go down the same road as you did when you made the assumption that me ,thundy & S & I where the same people.Look old boy Its never 2 late 2 change your career,It would be an uphill battle but think of the final results and the violence may end towards your poor old ma....Clit up
  3. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Now that sounds like a desperate man 2 me & you know that Is a feeble reply Minister Shit face & will have absolute no Impact whatsoever.I told you 2 apoligise last week for making a fool of your self & guess what You have stolen yet again my material & quoted the same thing back to me,really Minister this Isnt going 2 wash & you know you are struggling & I have you on the back burner along with Fred Vagina features.I can handle 2 burnt out pussy's like you & FVF without the help of thundy & S & I Unlike you who needs the assistance of mongol Fred 2 Insert your Butt plug whilst you are posting your very dour messages.They say that there Is some one for every one but I doubt whether Freds down syndrome one legged sister who resembles Cyclops would have much time for you...Dream on Factory Boy.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    I never realized how much you cared about me, Train. You just mentioned my name twice as many times as the person you were replying to in that post. I knew you were ghey, but that's startin' to border on obsession. I mean it's cute and all, the way you get all flustered like a little school girl when ya think about me, but let's face facts here. I would never let you suck my cock. From what your dad tells me, you're just not very good at it.
  4. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    I know what you mean, Fred, he drops my name everywhere. I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or sexually harassed. He's started calling me "clit" now, and you "vagina". I think that's some kind of attempt to deal with his homosexuality by assigning female characteristics to the men he is obsessed with.

    He's probably got a huge butt-plug in his ass right now, convinced it's a guy named "Thundercat", and whacking it while he types. That would at least explain some of the problems he has with spelling.

    I'm guessing he's mad at me because he was reading one of my posts when his dad caught him with his latex boyfriend and beat him loud. I'm sure he'll be better when he turns 18, gets out of the closet, and joins the Navy.
  5. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    I know what you mean, Fred, he drops my name everywhere. I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or sexually harassed. He's started calling me "clit" now, and you "vagina". I think that's some kind of attempt to deal with his homosexuality by assigning female characteristics to the men he is obsessed with.

    He's probably got a huge butt-plug in his ass right now, convinced it's a guy named "Thundercat", and whacking it while he types. That would at least explain some of the problems he has with spelling.

    I'm guessing he's mad at me because he was reading one of my posts when his dad caught him with his latex boyfriend and beat him loud. I'm sure he'll be better when he turns 18, gets out of the closet, and joins the Navy.

    Again Minister ( clit ) you steal more of my material.I can understand your obssesion with me as you get frustrated over the way Ive pulverised the 2 of you.Clit & Vagina Is excactly the pair of Twats that you are.Fred I do not need 2 waste a full post on you any more as you are a sitting duck & easy prey,go & buy an 8th,of crack & this will ease your worries 4 a while.Minister ( clit ) stop reading novels that are out of your league whilst having your lunch break at the nut & bolt factory .I know that you are struggling to come 2 terms that me,thundy and sweet are seperate people but this Is really no excuse for mumbling on about the same old things that you post week In week out,,,please go easy on your poor old mum 2 nite,,,Clit UP....
  6. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Wow, you're about the only person I've ever met who considered being well read and worldly a negative trait. I suppose you don't like us "College Boys" making you look like a fool again and again.

    My mother went to college too. She has three Masters degrees. Is that why you bring her up? Because you're jealous of her and know that women of her stature are so far out of your league?

    I've noticed you run from Fred because he's not as much of a nice guy as I am. Does he make you cry, little soldier?
  7. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    Wow, you're about the only person I've ever met who considered being well read and worldly a negative trait. I suppose you don't like us "College Boys" making you look like a fool again and again.

    My mother went to college too. She has three Masters degrees. Is that why you bring her up? Because you're jealous of her and know that women of her stature are so far out of your league?

    I've noticed you run from Fred because he's not as much of a nice guy as I am. Does he make you cry, little soldier?

    You( clit ) & Fred seem 2 be a double act these days & the only reason you have grouped 2gether Is b,cus In your little uneducated brains as a twosome you think you can match me.You are a pair of buffoons who get blitzed every time yet you come back 4 more.I will admit I am a little annoyed as you( clit ) & fanny fuck features are not much competition.Ive put you straight about the Horses & even you will admit you got your fingers burnt.Its not my fault that the Special school you attended sent you on a 6 month work experience as a general hand around some krauts stables,It obviously had no effect on you as you are doomed for a life of engineering.Your mother may have had many degrees but not anymore as she Is a former shadow of herself after the many times you have returned from the factory & beat her 2 a pulp..Oh by the way who Is the Giver or the Taker with you & Fanny head Vegas?????
  8. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Let's go though this bit by bit:

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    You( clit ) & Fred seem 2 be a double act these days...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    No, we just don't like you.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    & the only reason you have grouped 2gether Is b,cus In your little uneducated brains as a twosome you think you can match me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Uneducated? Who scoops shit for a living?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Ive put you straight about the Horses & even you will admit you got your fingers burnt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Please, your last horse post proved you're full of it. Don't make me go there again. I'd have to really expose your ignorance and bullshit.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Its not my fault that the Special school you attended sent you on a 6 month work experience as a general hand around some krauts stables,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Of course we will ignore the fact that Germans are considered better riding professionals than the British.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    It obviously had no effect on you as you are doomed for a life of engineering.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah, doomed to not have to spend my life covered in animal feces.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Your mother may have had many degrees but not anymore as she Is a former shadow of herself<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You don't lose degrees. What the hell is "a former shadow of herself" supposed to mean? Is that English? Spit out your sandwich and try that again.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    after the many times you have returned from the factory & beat her 2 a pulp..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Unlike you, I do not live with my mother.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Oh by the way who Is the Giver or the Taker with you & Fanny head Vegas????? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    We're both givers. We give you shit and you take it.
  9. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FredVegas:
    I knew you were ghey, but that's startin' to border on obsession. I mean it's cute and all, the way you get all flustered like a little school girl...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter the next day:
    Again Minister ( clit ) you steal more of my material.I can understand your obssesion with me as you get frustrated over the way Ive pulverised the 2 of you...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Hmmmmm....who's stealing who's material, Train? And ooooohhh yeah, the way you pulverise me with witty remarks that bite like your toothless girlfriend and are about as sharp as a spoon. Stuff like:
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    haha....good one(?) Do you hang out in schoolyards just to steal insult material from 8 year olds or is it because it's the only place in the world where the girls find your wit amusing?
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    I don't need to buy crack, your mom gives me all the 'crack' I can handle.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    Where do you come up with this stuff? I mean, that's just really neat the way you twisted my name up like that. You're pretty smart for your age.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    You're absolutely right. My sister is waaayyyy too busy fuckin' your dad in the ass to be bothered with Minister.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    *pats train on the head*
    Good boy. And the doctors said that your brain damage was permanent...shows what they know.
    *presses the "add reply" button*
    Nowwwwww, go fetch!!!
    *smiles fondly while watching train stumble off to the schoolyard to glean some more 'insults'*
    Look at him go! Ya gotta love him for tryin'...A for effort. We'll work on his execution when he gets back...
  10. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    Minister (clit ) two very Identical postings by you & fanny fart Vegas you disapoint me yet again.It would be easy 2 say that you & fanny head where the same person but I wouldn’t stoop 2 your level of Ignorance & stupidity .Your poor old mum might still have her degrees but what use would they be to her after the violent & brutal punishment you have subjected her to causing her Irepairable brain damage & all because you are getting rejected by the opposite sex & the humiliation I have inflicted upon you.The dementia that Is now setting In Is so reflective In all your postings & I think that you should now seek the help of a phsychiatrist.Minister (clit) do not lie about the fact that you still live at home with your mum as It has gone beyond the point of any one ever accepting you as a partner except for little old Fanny head Fred.I can picture Fred Rimming the warts around your arse as you type your frivolous messages to me.Freds tumultuous state of mind Is now beyond repair & he just doesn’t know whether he Is coming or going & your double act Is doomed for failure.Im off for a short break to the South of France so I will have to love you & leave you for a while but do take this opportunity to regroup & for fucks sake try & come up with a decent post for a change..
  11. FredVegas

    FredVegas New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    I can picture Fred Rimming the warts around your arse as you type your frivolous messages to me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    DAMN!!! Is that what you spend your time thinking about...?

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