
Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by kitana, May 12, 2002.

  1. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Profile for Minister Saint-Fond Rate Member5: Total asshole
    Member Status: Punk-Ass Bitch
    Member Number: 2301
    Registered: May 09, 2002
    Posts: 30
    Location: USA
    Occupation: Engineer .<<<<<in other words...tea boy hahahahahahahahahaha
    Interests: fucking little boys in the ass Sex: Male
    Quote: i wish i had a laptop

  2. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    You sure mention my job a lot. You must be jealous. What's the matter, little boy, mommy and daddy can't afford college for you either (clearly the let you down in grade school)? I post links to add flavor to my communications. The same reason, I imagine, you use so many profanities. You can't communicate effectively so you just yell, like a baby who can't speak that cries and cries. Don't worry, you won't have to communicate with anyone when you're older, spending your life scooping crap on your daddy's farm, whiling away the evening playing the banjo on the porch... It must be great to not have to live up to any kind of standard. It almost makes me wish my parents had been realated prior to marriage just like your's.

    Hey, just try something new, why don't you read some of the posts before responding this time. It would make replying to you much more fun.
  3. kitana

    kitana New Member

    this was supposed to be about Trainspotter1's lifestyle. u guys are just bitching at each other back n forth. i didnt read much on trainspotter1's lifestyle here.

    TRAINSPOTTER1: Tell Us About Yer Lifestyle
  4. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    You sure mention my job a lot. You must be jealous. What's the matter, little boy, mommy and daddy can't afford college for you either (clearly the let you down in grade school)? I post links to add flavor to my communications. The same reason, I imagine, you use so many profanities. You can't communicate effectively so you just yell, like a baby who can't speak that cries and cries. Don't worry, you won't have to communicate with anyone when you're older, spending your life scooping crap on your daddy's farm, whiling away the evening playing the banjo on the porch... It must be great to not have to live up to any kind of standard. It almost makes me wish my parents had been realated prior to marriage just like your's.

    Hey, just try something new, why don't you read some of the posts before responding this time. It would make replying to you much more fun.

    Minister I have underestimated you.I thought even your jelly headed brain had at least one pickled cell in it to at least figure out by now that we are not the same person .It seems 2 be just you and yellow bellied GA who are clinging on 2 this theory.Is It because you enjoy G A' s cheese coated bell end up your sweaty hairy arse after a heavy days work???????? and you can comfort each other thats its only one person ripping into you and taking the piss?? Yes I will keep on about your job in Enginerring>>hahahahahahahahaha(once again ,plenty of bottle to admit that)No matter how much you try 2 dress it up and glamourise it,at the end of the day you are one of lifes failures.The horses I trade with as a hobby would let you comfortably retire for the rest of your life(are you getting the picture??)Flavor???????/dont you mean flavour???hahahaha.I can see the stress is hitting you big time>When you get up for work tomorrow morning. Think of me In my mansion style farm house having to worry about If im to go shooting,flying ,riding or perhaps a trip abroad.Do not forget my offer still stands If you want to better your self and come and shovel shit 4 me..
  5. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Man, that really fits the formula. I'm right on target today.

    Are you guys sure that Train is a person and not some cheezy bot slapped together by a high school kid in programming class?
  6. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    Hrm.... I don't think so, train.
  7. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    Hrm.... I don't think so, train.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I know so Minister and deep down I think you do aswell.You poor bastard the penny's finally dropped that we are 3 different Bods.How do you feel now? You silly cunt,after you harped on about It for so long .The man who thought he was so clever pointing out all the spelling mistakes,you are without doubt the biggest fool on here.The reason why you are the sad boring bitter person you are Is because your adoptive parents have just told you that you are the product of the Incestous rape that took place when your mothers older brother raped her.Keep your chin up old boy...
  8. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    Let's learn about computers, dumbass. This site logs something called IP adresses via a cookie exchange. You can log out, change your IP, and appear as a different people in a number of ways. You could use different Proxy servers, you could release and re-acquire IPs on a network in any Windows OS in the 9x range, you could (and most likely do) reboot that Coleco of yours and let your dial-up ISP reassign you a new IP when you log back on, etc., etc...
    So you haven't proven squat other than the fact that you spent too many nights on the internet. You should be sleeping, saving your energy for long days of milking animals while the other farm hands have their way with you behind the tool shed.
    Get over yourself, little boy.
    By the way, I had a theory on why your spelling and punctuation is so poor. Is your keyboard, you know, sticky? They probably have a cleaner for that. Just a thought.
  9. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    Let's learn about computers, dumbass. This site logs something called IP adresses via a cookie exchange. You can log out, change your IP, and appear as a different people in a number of ways. You could use different Proxy servers, you could release and re-acquire IPs on a network in any Windows OS in the 9x range, you could (and most likely do) reboot that Coleco of yours and let your dial-up ISP reassign you a new IP when you log back on, etc., etc...
    So you haven't proven squat other than the fact that you spent too many nights on the internet. You should be sleeping, saving your energy for long days of milking animals while the other farm hands have their way with you behind the tool shed.
    Get over yourself, little boy.
    By the way, I had a theory on why your spelling and punctuation is so poor. Is your keyboard, you know, sticky? They probably have a cleaner for that. Just a thought.

    i like all that isp shit but i have another idea...perhaps the truth of it all is...we are not the same fucking people.i do however admire all the fucking research u put intoo all that shit and proves u have just researched it other wise why say you would check the isp`s in the first place if you had known all that crap??? droped yourself in the shit again i see,oops!maybe i have 3 fucking phone lines??????? what will you think of next? the only isp u have is your (incredibly small penis) and the only cookie u ever share is out side infant schools looking for that (special little boy)so stop trying to be a clever little bastard and trying to beat train by pc jargon u limp wristed faggot.all u have to do is say sorry to trainspotter and he may ease ur pain and suffering.
  10. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    See? You can't even remember who you're posting as.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    Sorry pal, it's common knowledge (or at least I thought it was until I met you). And IP and ISP are two different things. You can't use them interchangeably. That tip is free of charge.

    Incidentally, you still haven't proven squat so throw temper-tantrums all you want, it's not doing you any good.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    I've already beat you dozens of times, but it's good that you remembered who you were logged in as towards the end.

    Hear that bell ringing? That's the school bell. You just got schooled. Now answher Kit's questions or get out of the forum.
  11. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Here's another tip:

    Do you see where I typed "answher"? I meant to type "answer". That's called a typo. It's a kind of mistake. Ask your parents about mistakes. They've made at least one.
  12. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:
    I've already beat you dozens of times, but it's good that you remembered who you were logged in as towards the end.

    Hear that bell ringing? That's the school bell. You just got schooled. Now answher Kit's questions or get out of the forum.

    Minister for fuck sake you really cannot get your pea brained head around It can you???/Im definately flogging a dead Horse hear.Just carry on,Im not even going to try 2 justify It any more,Its common knowledge that we are not the same person and your sad arrogant brain will not allow you 2 work this out.This Is well uderstandable as working class factory boys like your self are programmed from the Hiarchy to do what they are told and not think for themselves.You thick retarded forest gump twat,you are simply getting trashed & fucked by clinging on to this issue.The problem may also be the fact that you cannot beleive that 3 or 4 or 5 people are pissing themselves at you.Now stop going on about schools cus you know that you are barred from going within a mile of one by the courts for what you have done in the past you silly nonce case.Now either come up with some something good or shut the fuck up and get back to your paedophile sites..keep your chin up...
  13. Cuntmonkey

    Cuntmonkey New Member

    You know what? You're are all a bunch of twats. I'm guessing you're all still in school or just bored college kids. You really want to spend your days having a slanging match about who fucked who's mother and whether there are two or three people on the board. Shit for brains. As for your jobs and major amounts of propety - HA - they're about as real as you sex lives. You wanna talk hard, bring it you prepubescent weak boys.
  14. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cuntmonkey:
    You know what? You're are all a bunch of twats. I'm guessing you're all still in school or just bored college kids. You really want to spend your days having a slanging match about who fucked who's mother and whether there are two or three people on the board. Shit for brains. As for your jobs and major amounts of propety - HA - they're about as real as you sex lives. You wanna talk hard, bring it you prepubescent weak boys.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'm sensing some anger here... What's the matter, bitch-face, did she leave you for a stockbroker? Or is your dad still making you mow the lawn until you can pay some rent?
  15. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    Fuck off, Loser. If you knew when to shut your pie-hole and get in line, maybe your dad wouldn't have left all those belt marks on your sweaty farm-hand back.
  16. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cuntmonkey:
    You know what? You're are all a bunch of twats. I'm guessing you're all still in school or just bored college kids. You really want to spend your days having a slanging match about who fucked who's mother and whether there are two or three people on the board. Shit for brains. As for your jobs and major amounts of propety - HA - they're about as real as you sex lives. You wanna talk hard, bring it you prepubescent weak boys.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Cuntface why are you behaving like a deranged sibling whos just lost a grip of Its mothers saggy tit.Just because your job seekers allowance hasnt arrived for the bank holiday their Is no need to moan just cus your a born loser and all youve got to look 4 ward to Is the rest of your life playing Bingo and bumming halfs of lagers.I suggest that you go and clean some of that dog shit up from out your front room & after you have finished that reward yourself by scraping some toe jam from in between your toes & make your self a sarnie...
  17. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trainspotter1:
    Cuntface why are you behaving like a deranged sibling whos just lost a grip of Its mothers saggy tit.Just because your job seekers allowance hasnt arrived for the bank holiday their Is no need to moan just cus your a born loser and all youve got to look 4 ward to Is the rest of your life playing Bingo and bumming halfs of lagers.I suggest that you go and clean some of that dog shit up from out your front room & after you have finished that reward yourself by scraping some toe jam from in between your toes & make your self a sarnie...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hahahahahaha beats his normal pot noodle dinner
  18. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    I know where Minister Shit Face Is on the week ends,Its true that he does go 2 the museums & opera house's.He's got a part time cleaning job at these establishments 2 pay off his second hand laptop.He has even drilled holes In the ladies cubicles so that he can peep at 50 (plus)year old women having a crap.He will get back to his hi rise apartment in the middle of the bronx,log on 2 his Dream cast & be so angry that 3 different people or more have taken the piss & then claim Its the same person.I know his workload Is heavy combined with the approaching date of his sex change but their Is no excuse 4 this Delinquency.I do hope that he shakes himself out of this paranoid mess that he's got himself In to as he's a great guy 2 have around 2 bounce from pillar 2 post...
  19. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote

    Fuck off, Loser. If you knew when to shut your pie-hole and get in line, maybe your dad wouldn't have left all those belt marks on your sweaty farm-hand back.

    Just thought I'd re-post this response because there's nothing new in anything you posted either, bitch boy. Apologize publicly to everyone on the forum for wasting their time, wise up and behave yourself, and we just may stop trashing you and let you play with the other children.
  20. Trainspotter1

    Trainspotter1 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Minister Saint-Fond:

    Fuck off, Loser. If you knew when to shut your pie-hole and get in line, maybe your dad wouldn't have left all those belt marks on your sweaty farm-hand back.

    Just thought I'd re-post this response because there's nothing new in anything you posted either, bitch boy. Apologize publicly to everyone on the forum for wasting their time, wise up and behave yourself, and we just may stop trashing you and let you play with the other children.

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Now that sounds like a desperate man 2 me & you know that Is a feeble reply Minister Shit face & will have absolute no Impact whatsoever.I told you 2 apoligise last week for making a fool of your self & guess what You have stolen yet again my material & quoted the same thing back to me,really Minister this Isnt going 2 wash & you know you are struggling & I have you on the back burner along with Fred Vagina features.I can handle 2 burnt out pussy's like you & FVF without the help of thundy & S & I Unlike you who needs the assistance of mongol Fred 2 Insert your Butt plug whilst you are posting your very dour messages.They say that there Is some one for every one but I doubt whether Freds down syndrome one legged sister who resembles Cyclops would have much time for you...Dream on Factory Boy....

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