Reply to that Lilian Reese bitch...

Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by tank_killer, Oct 30, 2000.

  1. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    First of Lilian, why come to a site, probably owned by Americans, and trash us with America sucks big cock? Now I understand that you are from a third world country with no schooling at all, and you and your family like to bomb American Naval vessels in your spare time, but you should have put an "a" in between sucks and big. By the way my second rate schooling taught me that. I am in the military, and I have no respect for any foreigners due to the terroristic attack on our military family. I know this has been happening alot, but I'm sure you feel sorry for those young men and women who died for no reason serving this "shitty" country as you put it. I'm just babbling so try to stick with me here. Also, you should be happy that you have a home and an internet connection so that you can try to put down America and send hate email to sites that won't shut down when they recieve this kind of mail. There's no point in sending hate mail, because you will get a response like this. I know you would be much happier if America didn't join in on World War II, because you would have wanted Hitler to be our supreme ruler. I'm also guessing you might be French, and you are mad because America had to bail your weak military out of every war that has been fought because your army is weak. I understand this. You might be from Iraq where your "awesome" military leader Saddam lives, once again, I guess you're happy there though. I would suggest that you don't even bother coming to this site if all you're going to do is write hate mail. It's really very simple, just go to the top of your browser and type in another address that you like. I know that Lilian won't read this, probably nobody else will either, but I feel I had to say something. I enjoy this site, I know that there are more bizarre and grotesque sites out there, so why don't you (Lilian) go to their sites and trash them. Leave us alone so that we can enjoy our free time and get a laugh or two from other peoples misfortunes.


    P.s- Foriegners suck big fat cock (Especially Lilian, but she probably sucks it anyway, so it's not much of an insult to her.)
  2. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    sorry, that was my second rate schooling acting up again, i put weak military twice in one sentence. forgive me...
  3. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    Once again, my second rate schooling is acting up again. I forgot to post this too: Lilian- where did you go to school? I re-read your mail and it sounds to me like you talk somewhat like Yoda from Star Wars. Well, some of your sentences sound like it...

    P.S.- Awww, fuck it.
  4. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tank_killer:
    Once again, my second rate schooling is acting up again. I forgot to post this too: Lilian- where did you go to school? I re-read your mail and it sounds to me like you talk somewhat like Yoda from Star Wars. Well, some of your sentences sound like it...

    P.S.- Awww, fuck it.

    P.P.S- I had no idea that was a real site...

    Alarm Red....Mopp 4....Buddy Care...Buddy Care... and if you are in the military, you might get this...

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    my man, you are the first person here I LIKE.
    Well done. I salute you. Too bad you are a tank dog..(for you) need to jump...Paratroopers drink more beer..
  6. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    I work on the A-10 jet engine, just thought tank_killer would be appropriate..

    Alarm Red....Mopp 4....Buddy Care...Buddy Care... and if you are in the military, you might get this...
  7. lillian Reese

    lillian Reese New Member

    Dear Tank_loser,

    considering half the internet is owned by wankers from america, it is no surprise that randomly I come across shit like this, and more unfortuantly, totally dumb shits like you.

    Dumb being the operative word here:

    Third world country? rah de rah.......
    Try, having the best social security system in the world punk, with no civil unrest, with no dominant religious systems. People sell their lives to live in this country I live in. Never has there been a war, never is there social injustice. Unlike america, we don't breed war machines.

    Unlike America, we look for alternative ways, not domination.

    A third world country???? the population alone in many of them would fuck america up big time buddy.... ie..... India.

    I am not from a terrorist country wanker, so you can stick that theory up your arse. If there was anything i'd bomb, it'd be your intelligent cells because I swear to god, they need it.

    Your second rate schooling is typical. No surprise there.

    You overt stupidness is obvious.. Military or not, you have a low IQ regardless. As tools of the government, you are not taught to think. why no, they don't want you to think and have second thoughts when sticking your gun in some minor country's countrymen's face.

    lets all become the company of America Inc.

    Shit yeah! I feel sorry for those men/women who died rececently. You think I am heartless? I feel equally sorry for those poor Russian souls at the bottom of the ocean as well.

    Hate mail doesn't bother me either. I am just expressing my opinion. free country remember tank_loser. Your "american" opinion is not law. It just another power trip you think your intitled too.

    well guess what buddy....... I don't care much for your ideals.
    you are a brute with absolutely no brains.

    And this Lillian bitch has read your email,
    so bend over and smile for daddy

    Because you deserve a big hard one.

    May you swim in your own deluded self sepremecy.............Tank_loser.

    you aren't very smart after all.

    later puink.

    lillian may reese
  8. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    lillian 4 questions please
    1)do you spit or swallow?

    2)are you currently wearing panties? if so please describe

    3)what is the larget object you have ever had inserted into your anus or vagina?

    4)do you have a pic of yourself you can submit for us to laugh at?
  9. lillian Reese

    lillian Reese New Member

  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I guess those questions are too diffacult for an english convict
  11. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    First of all Lilian, I'm very sorry that you're british (capitalization needed for british, because I don't consider it a word). Secondly, why continue to argue with people over the internet? It's pretty pointless. And remember, simple minds think simple thoughts. And I do like your references to sexual acts, where abused when you were younger by your mommy and daddy? I'm pretty sure they have help for you. Oh, one more thing, I'm so glad that we won the Revolutionary war. I mean, I would feel stupid saying all those british words like wanker, and spot of tea and dumb shit like that.

    Alarm Red....Mopp 4....Buddy Care...Buddy Care... and if you are in the military, you might get this...
  12. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    By the way, you still can't spell Miss High and Mighty. And every country has terrorists, even America. Believe me, we have military bases almost everywhere, we have to always be on the lookout.

    Alarm Red....Mopp 4....Buddy Care...Buddy Care... and if you are in the military, you might get this...
  13. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    (capitalization not needed for british, because I don't consider it a word).

    Alarm Red....Mopp 4....Buddy Care...Buddy Care... and if you are in the military, you might get this...
  14. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    Dear Tank Killer,

    Shaddup you moron.
  15. tank_killer

    tank_killer New Member

    No chance for that, sorry

    Alarm Red....Mopp 4....Buddy Care...Buddy Care... and if you are in the military, you might get this...

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member


  17. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    being British i feel the need to suggest that tank_loser has a closer inspection of one of his thunderbolt engines right about the time its started hopefully resulting in a scenario not to dissimilar to the prowler/intruder incident in suckplane.mpg

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  18. Pervert

    Pervert New Member

    hehehe. i forgot what i was going to say...

    Perverts r0ol! YeaH!
  19. Phobitch

    Phobitch New Member

    Hehehe this is funny!! I don't even know what you guys are talking about but tank_killer, you sound sexy, and i'd wanna get on a sexy military man, unless you have a problem with Canadians (eh??)
  20. urena13

    urena13 New Member

    This thing that bothers me about people sticking up for america with the, "We won WWII for you rhetoric" is that it really dosen't mean that much anymore. In the past 50 years we have undone many of the accomplishments gained by WWII. We no longer support democracy but support henchmen that buther their own countrymen in the name of US companies that operate there. Almost every murderous leader in central and south america has had or has our support, as well as, butchering leaders in southeast asia, and in the middle east. The list is endless and if you care to find out their names and examples you will not have to look far.

    In defence of there lives, their religion, and culture many people of the world have waged a losing battle against the US. Many times that have used any means nessessary to oppose us, including terrorism. To them, it is similar to the type of anti-insurgency terror state they have been subjected to. If you research the subject you will find endless testimonials and evidence supporting the idea that the United States has become one of the worlds leaders in terrorism.

    Lastly, I think it is silly in this day and age to call an attack on a US war ship as terrorism. US uniformed personnel are legitimate targets and always have been. The US govt. knows that that is why they give them guns to protect themselves. In this recent case of an attack on the US war ship, I would have to conclude that the there is a far deeper story here that the US press would or could never possilby report. Bottom Line, the US govt, and US people better watch their ass when they are overseas. These people are not kidding around and we really have only ourselves to blame.

    One more note.Because you believe that the US is so fucking great only proves that you are gulible.Super Rich people run this country and they depend on dopes like you to do their bidding.When the revolution comes, be assured we we will come up with a very efficent ways of bulldozing your bodies and burying the multitude of dumb asses like you!

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