
Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by Snooguns, Nov 27, 2000.

  1. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    Now that is a kick ass woman.Will you be my internet girlfriend?PLEASE?!

    I tell you what you need is a phatty bo batty blunt.And I'll garauntee you'll see the ocean,a sailboat,and maybe some of those big titty mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit.
  2. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Yes Undead I would love to point out a couple more double standards - I DID explain my reasons you holier than thou fuck, they are arrogant and righteous as I said. Secondly you make out I'm so above you all - and you're not, dissecting every word I say and then adding little comments like "sigh"? I have every right to say Americans are twats because people like yourselves clearly show this to be true. Thirdly, what do you want me to do? Jump through some giant portal and knock out Piecraft? It is easy to say things over the computer, isn't it Undead? I imagine you're the kind of person
    who receives verbal batterings from people every day so I suppose the Net is your only way of release. Fuck you you pompous little shit.
  3. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    that girls got balls the size of watermelons!!

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  4. Piecraft the Terrible

    Piecraft the Terrible New Member

    Snowfuck how long did it take you to come up with that rather mediocre attempt (if not pathetic) for a counter-attack to Undeadchick's argument? Let me see did your "special friends" tell you what to write? You know those guys dressed in white coats and shove a canteloupe up your ass every morning just to make sure you recieve the right amount of torture and pain you deserve you camel humper! If you want to fight me and wanna kick my ass, go ahead BRING IT ON BITCH! I'll samsh your cack-face any given day, don't fuck with me swiney bitch I admit I came here ( for fun and so what if I appear to be having menstrual periods every now and then, I thought it was about time that a lousy fucker rattled some of the idiots in here and see their reactions. Of course it seems I've proven myself right you're a total fucktard. And you're an arrogant, obnoxious, self-centred and narrowminded slimeball. I hope a bunch of rednecks gang bang your ass to Milwaukee little fuck. Don't push me, cause next time if you really want to fight then prove yourslef! And don't judge Americans or any other race, ethnic group or country by the stereotypical label slapped on them by the media, I know it's hard for you to admit but we all know you REALLY wanted to be an American, you just weren't allowed in since you didn't pass the test due to your low braincell count. So you had to take you little raft and 20 kids back to whereveer you came from. I salute you with the major middle finger bitch! FUCK YOU!

    Next time ask someone with more intelligence to write for you, since it's quite clear you either are a spastic fuck who has brain spasms every second and relapses over the true criteria or you're just plain and simple dumb!

    Go to Hell!!!
  5. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Undead Chick, I got so bored reading yet another dissection of every word that I say that I only read a few lines. I think my argument made perfect sense...fuck you you pompous bitch, again. As to the guy who wanted her to be his girlfriend...she probably has a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, and an attitude to match. And to Piecraft, when you've finished licking Undead's ass clean...bring what on! I'm entitled to my opinion as are you, you probably hate English ppl anyway. Do I give a shit? I dislike most Americans as everything you see or read has to be approved by America these days (music, films) bcos ppl like Undead feel they have some inflated importance, bcos ppl like YOU are constantly suffering from serious PMT! This argument is so boring and pointless, I'm sure your little piece was well written Pie but I don't care... let the argument rest. This isn't a "let's make up" message, just " SHUT UP" message.
  6. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Actually I don't know who was knocking Springer or the WWF cause along with Rage Against the Machine and McDonalds they are one of a select few quality exports...
  7. Piecraft the Terrible

    Piecraft the Terrible New Member

    DO you gain satisfaction by writing utter and total bollocks??? NO really you must cause I'm starting to pity you cause you're not pretending anymore. Act your fucking age and go whack off to some bestial porn like a good sheep shagger should from your country you Limey bitch ass! And sure you're entitled to your opinion but it's people like you that think they're above the rest calling I quote: "Americans are twats" REAL INTELLIGENT EINSTEIN! Where do you attend college? Retards University? Oh I forgot you still haven't passed kindergarten. You say shit about Americans when I have lived in Europe and I know for a mother fuking fact that English think they'r above everybody else just as French do. Every fucking country is nationalistic and pompous about themselves you dumb bitch! And I don't have a problem with English in general I like alot of English stuff, besides their food which isn't even fit for a retard like you to eat...

    Go to Hell!!!
  8. TheUndeadChick

    TheUndeadChick New Member

    This is another fine example of the things that internet people do that I LOVE....
    I LOVE it when some idiot comes up with a thread (and unfortunately doesn't have enough brain power to come up with anything more substantial than "Americans are twats") and then, after a bit, they tell the people they obviously wanted interaction from in the first place to "shut up" if WE started this long and drawn out smegma. That's always a riot. I mean, shit, if you insist on opening the door...expect people to come in. And if you start it off being a cocksucker, don't expect people to leave when you're done playing. Duh-fucking-huh.
    Of course, Snooguns hasn't actually read down this far, because my posts are boring, so the rest of this post is mainly for everyone else.
    We all know the real reason Snoog didn't read my entire post...yes, because Snoog only had enough thinking capacity to read a few lines...he/she/it had to save the rest for the reply. I guess I shouldn't poke must be hard to be that handicapped.
    Oh for me being some kind of nasty bitch...I'm not going to say I'm some blonde with big tits, but I'm not repulsive. I've been told I look sort of in between Wynonna Rider and Gweneth Paltrow. Note: I don't say that I look like these people, but this is what I've been told. I think these people smoke crack.
    And as for my attitude...I'm actually a very nice and courtious person. I say please and thank you, I open doors for the elderly, I was brought up with some manners. I was also brought up not to take shit. So, you don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you. Plain and simple.
    Anyway, I'm sure by this time NO ONE is reading this post...just feel better knowing you stopped reading because you actually got bored, and not because your attention and intelligence span is so lacking, like Snooguns.
  9. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Arrogant, narrow-minded slimeball? I like that. Cheers.
  10. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    i spend the time to read all the posts nomatter who sent them (i have a high boredom threshold) i was also raised with manners altho i leave them at the door of fugly anyway back to the point...that description of yourself (winona rider etc) how much crack had these people smoked? this does make you sound quite horny what are the chances of u posting a pic? i may even send ya a pic of me being the stud that i am <bg>

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  11. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    ps. Http://

    i recently posted my pic and scored 8.1 so i cant be too ugly

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  12. Incestuous Necrophiliac

    Incestuous Necrophiliac New Member

    Snooguns is still bitter about that cavity search at the Tijuana border...
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    but it was a doctored pic...

    live on amphetamines die high leave an emaciated corpse !!!
  14. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snooguns:
    Undead Chick, I got so bored reading yet another dissection of every word that I say that I only read a few lines. I think my argument made perfect sense...fuck you you pompous bitch, again. As to the guy who wanted her to be his girlfriend...she probably has a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, and an attitude to match. And to Piecraft, when you've finished licking Undead's ass clean...bring what on! I'm entitled to my opinion as are you, you probably hate English ppl anyway. Do I give a shit? I dislike most Americans as everything you see or read has to be approved by America these days (music, films) bcos ppl like Undead feel they have some inflated importance, bcos ppl like YOU are constantly suffering from serious PMT! This argument is so boring and pointless, I'm sure your little piece was well written Pie but I don't care... let the argument rest. This isn't a "let's make up" message, just " SHUT UP" message. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey Snooguns,that was one of those things called a joke.Or sarcasm, depending on you're intelligence.I won't comment on the rest of your post cause I don't really feel like reading right I will bow out gracefully-bubye.

    I tell you what you need is a phatty bo batty blunt.And I'll garauntee you'll see the ocean,a sailboat,and maybe some of those big titty mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit.

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