tell me something i don't know.... ------------------ live on amphetamines die high leave an emaciated corpse !!!
PMS.... really screws you up.... menstrual cycles.... just say NO!!! ------------------ live on amphetamines die high leave an emaciated corpse !!!
And you're a pair of donkey nuts you spermsucking spaz!! If you got something to say to Americans BRING IT ON BITCH!!! I''m a fucking American so don't judge all Americans just cause some of them are red neck assholes or racist fucks, WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT YOU LIMEY BITCH ASS QUEEN ASS LICKING FUCK!!! ------------------ Go to Hell!!!
And you're a pair of donkey nuts you spermsucking spaz!! If you got something to say to Americans BRING IT ON BITCH!!! I''m a fucking American so don't judge all Americans just cause some of them are red neck assholes or racist fucks, WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT YOU LIMEY BITCH ASS QUEEN ASS LICKING FUCK!!! ------------------ Go to Hell!!!
OOOOooooooo piecraft!!! wrong time of the month? ------------------ Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
Personally I couldn't give a rat's arse what you think since you're full of shit anyway. You judge an enitre country by the stereotypical label placed on them. Well you know what, maybe you should stop watching WWF and Jerry Springer cause believe it or not IT'S NOT REAL!!! Also as to that remark of PMS, I wouldn't know about that since unlike those two other fucks I don't get it twice a week as they probably do causing that burning sensation to melt their braincells... ------------------ Go to Hell!!!
By the way Snooguns you DID not explain the reasons why Americans were twats, you simply wrote AMERICANS ARE TWATS. I have to agree there are many that are, but there are also loads of TWATS in Europe and all over... ------------------ Go to Hell!!!
Piecraft calm down. See this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Americans are so righteous and think they're so fantastic. They're arrogant beyond belief: rarely have I come across a down to earth American. All I said was Americans were twats and I have explained my reasons why...personally Piecraft I think you're most likely a weedy little punk who would get the shit kicked out of him if you ever started a fight. It's very easy to say that kind of stuff over the computer, but I think you would run for the hills in a real situation.
Perhaps the reasons are self-evident; explicit arguments are just an exercise in redundancy. America is a society in decline. Jerry Springer and the WWF exist in the market economy because the American people, en masse, demand it. You don’t see Masterpiece Theatre on at prime time, do you? And that says something, however generalized, about Americans. The claim that Americans are intellectually bankrupt may not be true for every last individual in the US, but it does have a ring of veracity to it when made in an international context. Americans are generally dumber than Canadians, Europeans and the citizens of the NICs. There have been countless studies on this, demonstrating that the educational standards in the US are embarrassingly low, relative to the twenty industrialised nations of the world. Compound this with the fact that your country is wealthiest in the world, and you have a truly dysfunctional situation. All of this might even be funny, were it not for the fact that you’re also the most heavily armed nation in the world. You guys are scary.
I personnally did not read 75% of the crap you guys wrote... snogums is mad because I wouldnt let him cyber blow me on Yahoo chat
i read it imc.... boredom i guess.... ------------------ live on amphetamines die high leave an emaciated corpse !!!
Snooguns wrote:>>Piecraft calm down. See this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. Americans are so righteous and think they're so fantastic. They're arrogant beyond belief: rarely have I come across a down to earth American.<< ...*sigh*...and the way you're acting is supposed to be better than this? I have to assume that the fact that you even feel it's appropriate to post that Americans are twats makes you feel superior somehow. Righteous, fantastic, arrogant. But that's just me... >>All I said was Americans were twats and I have explained my reasons why...<< you didn't... >>personally Piecraft I think you're most likely a weedy little punk who would get the shit kicked out of him if you ever started a fight. It's very easy to say that kind of stuff over the computer, but I think you would run for the hills in a real situation.<< ...I guess it's pretty easy to say that Anericans are Twats via the internet as well, since there really are no physical repercussions to fear. Are there any more double standards you'd like to present? We're all up for it, I'm sure.
i c ur posts are going up TUC only a few more and uve reached avarage slob status ------------------ Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
TheUndeadChick thank you for pointing that out, at least there's someone else here who ain't half brain dead as snooguns is. I'd like to know why he criticises the way people write or their spelling? Does he have an inferiority complex? ------------------ Go to Hell!!!
Bob>>i c ur posts are going up TUC only a few more and uve reached avarage slob status<< Oh yeah? Cool. =) Piecraft>>TheUndeadChick thank you for pointing that out, at least there's someone else here who ain't half brain dead as snooguns is. I'd like to know why he criticises the way people write or their spelling? Does he have an inferiority complex? << Ahh, but Pie, NO ONE here seems to be even half as braindead as Snooguns. Hehheh. And as for spelling...I can't say I haven't ripped on someone's spelling before...but it's usually someone who seems so stuck on their so-called intelligence, and who is calling someone else a dumbass, that I feel compelled to point out their simple little mistakes. It's always good to knock those people down a notch. Typos are nothing...simple misspellings again are nothing. But blatant lack of even the simplest of spelling skills annoys the hell out of me. Maybe I'm the shithead, but I believe that in order to properly communicate with others, one whould learn to use the language properly. Especially if they think what they're saying should be considered seriously in any way. Hell, I guess I AM a shithead. =)
Somebody needs a hug! C'mon over here and give me a squeeze Snooguns. ------------------ I tell you what you need is a phatty bo batty blunt.And I'll garauntee you'll see the ocean,a sailboat,and maybe some of those big titty mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit.
**SIGH** Snooguns rambled:>>Yes Undead I would love to point out a couple more double standards - I DID explain my reasons you holier than thou fuck, they are arrogant and righteous as I said.<< Well, gee, you sure have me pegged's true, I AM holier than least you got that point loud and clear. didn't explain your just said Americans are Twats. Once again, me good, you bad. Snooguns also babbled:>>Secondly you make out I'm so above you all - and you're not, dissecting every word I say and then adding little comments like "sigh"? << ...*sigh again*...let's see...I quote " make out I'm so above you all - and you're not..." Now, see, this is why I have to dissect every word you say. Did that above quote make sense? didn't. I think I understand what you were trying to say, which goes back to my "holier than thou" complex...which is fine, but for fuck's sake, at LEAST make sense when you type some bullshit counterattack...please...for The People... Snooguns also shit out the following:>>I have every right to say Americans are twats because people like yourselves clearly show this to be true.<< AND?? And, finally, the following fell out of Snooguns' ass:>> Thirdly, what do you want me to do? Jump through some giant portal and knock out Piecraft? It is easy to say things over the computer, isn't it Undead? I imagine you're the kind of person who receives verbal batterings from people every day so I suppose the Net is your only way of release. Fuck you you pompous little shit.<< Truth be told, even in "real life", I don't take shit. Admittedly, I have taken a certain amount of shit in the know, being young and naive, but at this point in my life I really couldn't give a rat's ass about how people react to the occasional verbal ass reemings I tend to give. Please, don't feel that being an "internet person" makes you somehow special in the sense that I only go off on you. Trust me, I'm sure what I do here is mild compared to the mental and emotional damage I cause some people in real life. Do I give a shit? No, not really. I feel if you're stupid enough to invite such things, you deserve all the shit that comes with it. I'm sure you're thinking about all the ass-kickings I've received for being so actually, I've received none. I guess the difference between you and I is the fact that I'm smart enough to get around that and still not lose face. People are fuckin' idiots, and they should be reminded of that fact, be it online or at the office...fuck 'em. Yes, that means you too. Have a swell fuckin' day.