Did They Live?

Discussion in 'Complaints, Requests and Suggestions.' started by Gerald, Aug 28, 2000.

  1. Gerald

    Gerald New Member

    I always wonder what the story is on some of your movies and images. Specifically, the woman that gets nailed by the train. Who was she? Did she live?

    I doubt it too.

    Still, I'm curious about what happened. Where was it? Who was the guy with her? Boyfriend? Husband? I find that with a lot of these posts, I want to know the when, where, and how about what happened. Is there any way to put a synopsis about what the deal was/is with the people that wind up here?
  2. Ruckus

    Ruckus New Member

    That movie has been generated around the net for atleast 5 years. I know the chick died cause someonehad the autopsy pics of her. No idea who the guy was but if you look closely i think you can actually see him trip her up.
  3. Nightrain

    Nightrain New Member

    whoa dude... it sounds pretty serious.

    first i saw the fag chick got hit by that train i was laughing my ass

    then i was like "oh wait a minute..."
  4. Gerald

    Gerald New Member

    Yeah, I just think it would be a really good idea to make the site more interesting. Like the pizza guy that gets nailed by the car. It's obviously not in the United States. Where is it? Austrailia? New Zeland? Did the guy live or what? I have a hard time believeing the tape because the camera work is too good. He walks right up to the camera, everything is framed perfectly and to top it all off, the camera pans perfectly with him and the car after he's hit. Is it from a movie? Also, what's with the icon at the lower left side of the screen? Was this on a TV show?

    Who? What? When? Where?
  5. Gerald

    Gerald New Member

    I also want to know what the story is with the old lady that bites it on the default page. Did they catch who killed her? Was she stabbed or what? Did she get robbed? What is the story on that deal?
  6. Slappy Joe

    Slappy Joe New Member

    Yeah, we really need to know these peoples names and all, plus where they were from and there next of kin. That way we can call up their relatives and tell them what dumbasses there loved ones were and it was funny how they bit it.
    Slappy Joe

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