Ok guys, this is serious. Over the past few days since Martins announcment that Fugly is to close, I've been thinking that it was all leading up to an April fools joke...And so haven't taken it seriously. But within the last hour I learned the closing of Fugly IS FOR REAL. But the only way it can be avoided is for the site to financialy support itself... And that means Me and YOU put our hands in our pockets and say here's a few $/£ fugly to help keep this place going. I like this place...I have found nowhere else like it, and would pay just for the Forums themselves. Let a lone the videos / pics / victims and all the other goodies fugly has to offer. So the time has come to stand up and be counted and if enough of us don't come forward Fugly WILL cease to exist...A sad sad thought... So YES Fugly I Will pay $3 a month, as it is a very small price to pay for all the fun, laughter, tears, shock, anger, fustration, LOVE, sadnes, happiness and all the other emotions this place gives me... After all, I can't even buy a pack of cigarettes for $3 So just use this topic to say Yes I Will Pay I will take the oppotunity to say GOODBYE to All of you Fugly bastards now, because if at the end of the month not enough people have come forward... All will be lost! Goodbye? *Pinky & Spooky cry in each others arms* And IHN...Stay the fuck away from this topic. [ March 25, 2001: Message edited by: PinkorBrown69 ]
Ok,i'll say it again...I'll pay,but first i need to find some old delapidated fucksac to sign her inheritance over to me,b4 her potassium chloride jab takes effect.
What we need is a designated spokesperson who can act as an intermediary between us and Martin. Someone to take the responsibility and leadership to figure out what Martin needs to survive, and then to collect the coin from the Fuggers and to then make the transfer. I nominate Topper. Any seconds? Also, Martin, what are your thoughts? Are you in, or do you think that we're such fucking assholes that we're not even worth talking to, even if it's at the cost of Fugly's very survival? Hope to hear from you soon...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69: Ok guys, this is serious. Goodbye? *Pinky & Spooky cry in each others arms* And IHN...Stay the fuck away from this topic. [ March 25, 2001: Message edited by: PinkorBrown69 ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> where is my fucking violin? Such a sad song. Pay up or shut up asswipe..and who the FUCK are you to tell me what to stay away from you LIMEY cockbag? Go fuck some more sheep before they kill off all your lovers over there assholio.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS: Go fuck some more sheep before they kill off all your lovers over there assholio.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hehehe.... i don't have to worry about that... i got my favourite sheep (woolly) cloned.... 26 embreyos in cryogenic stasis.... so fuck you llamaraper... (don't get too cocky fuckstick... llamas are cloven hooved animals aren't they??? one consignment of F&M winging it's way over to N.C. ASAP!!)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skully: What we need is a designated spokesperson who can act as an intermediary between us and Martin. Someone to take the responsibility and leadership to figure out what Martin needs to survive, and then to collect the coin from the Fuggers and to then make the transfer. I nominate Topper. Any seconds? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> SURE! I'm going to send money to that asshole...right...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: hehehe.... i don't have to worry about that... i got my favourite sheep (woolly) cloned.... 26 embreyos in cryogenic stasis.... so fuck you llamaraper... (don't get too cocky fuckstick... llamas are cloven hooved animals aren't they??? one consignment of F&M winging it's way over to N.C. ASAP!!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't worry fuckdaddy. F&M isn't even in this country yet, but according to the news I got last night there is already a 50% chance my animals will have to be put down. So your chances of seeing me miserable are good. But I'll kill a few of them when they come to seize them...so it won't be a total loss.
Yeah, Full Metal Jacket - that's like quoting Mary Poppins, innit? Anyway, I'm quite optimistic, and I never said that I'm here to save the day - I can't. Not alone, at least, which is why, collectively, I believe that a United Fugger Force can make a difference. We act - and you need optimism for that. As for wallowing in sorrow, well, only people like yerself, who simply sit on the sidelines, have time for shit like that. The rest of us act. Silly bitch. BTW, this is the last reponse you'll get from me, IHN. So kick up a storm all you want - I don't have time for you.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS: who the FUCK are you to tell me what to stay away from you LIMEY cockbag.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am PinkorBrown. And if you insist on following me around the forum, as you have the past few days I will have no option but to asume you really ARE GAY... It's odd, but when I read your posts I can't help but invisage...A poor lonely BLACK alcoholic crack addict, living in a tin hut in the middle of nowhere, surounded only by his seven<font size=3>*</font size> lamas, which he lovingly tends, in the hope that his love will be returned at night... <font size=3>*</font size> One for each day of the week.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69: I am PinkorBrown. And if you insist on following me around the forum, as you have the past few days I will have no option but to asume you really ARE GAY... It's odd, but when I read your posts I can't help but invisage...A poor lonely BLACK alcoholic crack addict, living in a tin hut in the middle of nowhere, surounded only by his seven<font size=3>*</font size> lamas, which he lovingly tends, in the hope that his love will be returned at night... <font size=3>*</font size> One for each day of the week.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WHO TOLD YOU? I'LL KILL THE MOTHERFUCKER!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS: WHO TOLD YOU? I'LL KILL THE MOTHERFUCKER!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> shit... i'm dead!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS: SURE! I'm going to send money to that asshole...right...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Buddy, you wouldn't send a fuckin dime to feed your starving, emaciated, shit-covered gramma, so I'm not interested in your opinions. You're against the whole fucking thing - we know that. So sit the fuck down and shut yer cum-soaked gob while the men and women of action save the day. Fucker.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Skully: Buddy, you wouldn't send a fuckin dime to feed your starving, emaciated, shit-covered gramma, so I'm not interested in your opinions. You're against the whole fucking thing - we know that. So sit the fuck down and shut yer cum-soaked gob while the men and women of action save the day. Fucker. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You stupid bacon eater. You're right about my gramma, so what. But to think that a stupid fuck like you who quotes "full Metal Jacket" is going to save the say, well that's pretty fucking funny....I think I'll start a "fuglys anonymous" when this shithole closes down, so assholes like you can come there and cry...or hopefully you will kill yourself in your sorrow..
Indeed, the last response you get from me, SNS. Then suddenly a storm all you want - I have no time for you. Tera Gold