punx are dumb

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by coulrophobe, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. coulrophobe

    coulrophobe New Member

    so, i was chattin to some bud's in the "industrial" chat room, when this cool guy named streetpunx came in. well, the smack talk started up, and i of course told him i'd beat him up. just how it works. so, the guy told me i should come out to the bay area, and he'd beat me down. i told him alright, since i was heading to san diego anyways, i'd take a detour and thrash the fag. so, i asked him for his address. well, here it is!

    1933 south el camino real
    san mateo ca

    amazing how dumb the guy is... i told him i'd send him a mailbomb for fun. his response was "i'm gonna screenshot this page and tell the fbi." honestly, i have friends who are punks...and this just makes me sad
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I got a punk riled up in a chat room... I told him I would fuck him up, he was like "Oh Yeah?

    Me: "thats right fucko... I am gonna straight jack your ass, like a gay convict in prison!!!"

    Punk: "oh you talk tough!!! Meet me fucker"

    Me: "Okay I'll be at Mcdonalds in 20 minutes!!!"

    Punk: Which one?!?!?!"

    Me: "the north one, and when I am finished fucking you up the ass, you are gonna pay for my fucking happy meal!!!"

    Punk: "okay zero, I'm out the door.."

    too bad I never told hom I was in raleigh NC, he was in torono canna-DUH...
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hahaha... that reminds me of the time in fugly chat when you came in and argued with that scottish guy in glasgow and said you'd meet him outside mcdonalds to fight at 6pm...
  4. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    hahaha... that reminds me of the time in fugly chat when you came in and argued with that scottish guy in glasgow and said you'd meet him outside mcdonalds to fight at 6pm...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I bet he was there waiting too
  5. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    Well, I don't know if this guy was a punk or not, but since we are posting about threats in IM, here was one I started.

    Cheezedawg was up in California with our friend Andophiroxia (who is of Asian parentage), and she had some guy who started obsessing over her online, so she went on "away," which only meant that she and Cheeze were watching me keep this guy entertained until she came back.

    andophiroxia: Hey ulfar
    andophiroxia: make friends
    ulfur_engil: I'll try...
    j86_pdx: Hi ulfur
    ulfur_engil: Hello, j86...
    ulfur_engil: How is life on your side?
    j86_pdx: Im looking for a file in yahoo folder
    ulfur_engil: Whose folder?
    j86_pdx: not the easiet task sometimes
    j86_pdx: mine
    ulfur_engil: What kinda file is it?
    j86_pdx: music
    andophiroxia: Ahh good!
    andophiroxia: I got rid of the queer shit
    ulfur_engil: Now your font looks like a gay dolphin...
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: But, I guess that's better...you know why dolphins have blowholes?
    andophiroxia: Hello, I'm eric the gay dolphin
    andophiroxia: let me send you a pic
    ulfur_engil: So you don't have to feel all squeamish about fucking them in the ass..
    ulfur_engil: j86, where are you?
    j86_pdx: here
    ulfur_engil: Oh, okay..
    j86_pdx: still looking for that damn file
    ulfur_engil: What kid of music is it?
    j86_pdx: hell if I know
    ulfur_engil: You never heard it?
    j86_pdx: I'll tell you when I find it
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: Did you create it?
    j86_pdx: noo
    ulfur_engil: So, someone else sent it to you..
    j86_pdx: yep
    ulfur_engil: You remember hwat the name of the file was?
    j86_pdx: nah
    j86_pdx: how do you open sent yahoo files?
    ulfur_engil: Well, what do you know about the person who sent it to you?
    ulfur_engil: Just double click it...are you missing some fingers?
    j86_pdx: very interesting person
    j86_pdx: let me check
    j86_pdx: no
    ulfur_engil: What is he/she?
    j86_pdx: yes
    ulfur_engil: Rapper, goth, whigger, shemale...
    j86_pdx: lol
    j86_pdx: trying to find out
    ulfur_engil: Is she online right now?
    j86_pdx: yeah
    ulfur_engil: What's her IM name?
    j86_pdx: andophiroxia
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: Oh, you mean that Asian chick?
    j86_pdx: Asian?
    j86_pdx: ok
    ulfur_engil: Whay, what did you think she was?
    ulfur_engil: a sand nigger?
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: You ever seen her in real life?
    j86_pdx: kinda hard to tell from the text
    j86_pdx: no
    ulfur_engil: She is really hot...
    j86_pdx: I bet
    ulfur_engil: I threatened to murder her boyfriend just to have a night with her...
    ulfur_engil: Are you in her area?
    j86_pdx: don't think so
    ulfur_engil: Where are you?
    j86_pdx: she's in Calif
    j86_pdx: I remember now
    j86_pdx: Oregon
    ulfur_engil: Yes she is....every goddamned Asian is in California..
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: But, she is still a hot piece of ass...
    ulfur_engil: You should try getting her to see you...
    ulfur_engil: You guys are on the same coast..
    j86_pdx: hey.. how do I find a file sent to me in yahoo
    j86_pdx: saved file
    j86_pdx: now cant find it
    j86_pdx: yeah
    ulfur_engil: For Chirst's sake...go into your goddamned Yahoo folder...
    ulfur_engil: What are you, 12?
    ulfur_engil: Or just stupid?
    j86_pdx: I did
    j86_pdx: fuck no
    ulfur_engil: I bet....you probably are some pimply-faced high school graduate...
    j86_pdx: looked in favorites
    ulfur_engil: You're a virgin, aren't you?
    ulfur_engil: No, don't go into favorites...
    ulfur_engil: Open up the Yahoo folder...
    ulfur_engil: There is a file folder in there...
    j86_pdx: ok
    ulfur_engil: Dumbass.
    ulfur_engil: She really is cute, tho....
    ulfur_engil: I got to meet her in person.
    ulfur_engil: Sorry about the pimply-faced comment...you should ask her out.
    j86_pdx: Im opening all the folders
    j86_pdx: in yahoo folder
    ulfur_engil: Okay...you see the received files folder?
    j86_pdx: was in a folder named data
    j86_pdx: no
    j86_pdx: even did a search for it
    ulfur_engil: Start looking into your folders...it is in one of those..
    j86_pdx: I found the file
    ulfur_engil: Okay, so at least you are not blind...
    j86_pdx: was in "data" folder
    ulfur_engil: I was wondering if you were just Hellen Keller with a penis for a moment..
    j86_pdx: why I dont know
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: So, what is it?
    j86_pdx: thought I was trying to read my dick?
    ulfur_engil: If you have genital warts, you could probably engage in divinations...
    ulfur_engil: Kinda like reading Braille..
    ulfur_engil: Do you?
    j86_pdx: why do they have braille at the drive-up ATMs at the bank?
    ulfur_engil: So niggers can be fascinated with it...
    j86_pdx: lol
    j86_pdx: ok...
    ulfur_engil: When some nigger drives up to an ATM, he will wonder "Why do they have Braille at the drive-up ATMs at the bank?"
    ulfur_engil: Hey, how do you keep a nigger in suspense?
    j86_pdx: not gonna tell me, are ya?
    ulfur_engil: Well, I was going to tell you after I cut the rope from the tree, but never mind now..
    j86_pdx: np
    j86_pdx: where do you live?
    ulfur_engil: So, what is the file?
    ulfur_engil: I'm in Baltimore..
    j86_pdx: music
    j86_pdx: need another player
    ulfur_engil: Well no shit genius...what kind of music is it?
    ulfur_engil: Player? For what?
    j86_pdx: to play it dumb shit
    j86_pdx: fear factor
    j86_pdx: wrong codecs
    j86_pdx: np
    ulfur_engil: Well, you didn't specify..."Need, anuthah, playah'...You really are black, aren't you?
    j86_pdx: just reformatted the other day
    j86_pdx: reinstalling programs now
    ulfur_engil: Ahh....so, what is the preferred choice among blacks for PC media players?
    j86_pdx: only have window media player right now
    j86_pdx: yassa
    ulfur_engil: I didn't think there were any niggers up in Portland...
    ulfur_engil: Aren't there only supposed ot be white crankheads there?
    j86_pdx: Ah is a Whitey
    ulfur_engil: Why would you want to go after Andophiroxia, then?
    ulfur_engil: She is an inferior race..
    j86_pdx: this is a Frank Zappa video
    ulfur_engil: He's part kike...
    j86_pdx: inferior to what race?
    ulfur_engil: To our race...
    ulfur_engil: Yours and mine..
    j86_pdx: Euro-American?
    ulfur_engil: Wouldn't you rather go after a nice beautiful white woman?
    ulfur_engil: Exactly..
    j86_pdx: too many white women... very common
    ulfur_engil: Hey, the more the better....
    ulfur_engil: We need to counterbalance this ugly influx of mongrels...
    j86_pdx: don't you get tired of eating just one flavor of ice cream?
    ulfur_engil: If it is the one that betters my soul...absolutely not...
    j86_pdx: its all gonna be one race eventually
    j86_pdx: already happening
    ulfur_engil: You get bored of drinking water....you don't need to start drinking piss to bring variety into your life..
    j86_pdx: no... but beer works
    ulfur_engil: And if you want variety...there are plenty of variables in Europe itself...you don't have to resort to being a goddamned race-traitor...
    ulfur_engil: Yes, beer does work...
    ulfur_engil: That is one of the other great White inventions...
    j86_pdx: you still there Andophiroxia?
    ulfur_engil: Even though niggers hate to admit it...they have whites to thank for bringing them Colt 45...
    ulfur_engil: And then they have the never to think we owe THEM sometihng...
    ulfur_engil: Hell, we overpaid on reparations just by giving them malt liquor and KFC..
    j86_pdx: nerve?
    ulfur_engil: yes, thank you..
    j86_pdx: np
    ulfur_engil: I get so enraged sometimes...I fuck up my typing..
    j86_pdx: Popeye's chicken is their preference
    ulfur_engil: all of these fucking lower breeds think they are something better than us...
    ulfur_engil: You and I...we are the best...
    ulfur_engil: Never let ANYONE tell you toherwise..
    ulfur_engil: otherwise*
    j86_pdx: we is mo betta
    ulfur_engil: Exactly....
    j86_pdx: could you hear that Zappa tune ok?
    ulfur_engil: There is a good reason why the third world came in third...
    j86_pdx: whats the 1st & 2nd world?
    ulfur_engil: We are the first...the second is India...only because their caste system was so wonderful...
    ulfur_engil: But now, that has been overrun, too...
    ulfur_engil: Fucking untouchables are fucking Brahman daughters in the ass...it's chaos over there..
    j86_pdx: by Sacred Cows eating all their food
    ulfur_engil: Hell, they should have just torched the untouchables when they had the chance...that would also fix their populaiton problem...
    ulfur_engil: Why the hell is that that the poorest people, who can't afford condoms, have to be the ones fucking the most?
    ulfur_engil: That's so fucking irresponsible..
    j86_pdx: would the real ulfur_engil .....
    j86_pdx: please sit down
    ulfur_engil: We should slaughter the poor, the homeless....
    ulfur_engil: Hell, that would fix he worlds problems right there...
    j86_pdx: at least the cows
    ulfur_engil: Think about it...it wouldn't have to be a racially based issue...just murder the homeless...
    ulfur_engil: They don't fuck..we have less welfare kids...
    ulfur_engil: It solves everything...
    j86_pdx: its been said before
    ulfur_engil: Well, except for the niggers that we already have...
    ulfur_engil: What to do with them...hmmm...
    j86_pdx: in Germany by Adolph Hitler
    ulfur_engil: Hell...Stailin had it better...he got rid of 40 million....Hitler was just lazy..
    j86_pdx: in mien Kampf
    ulfur_engil: 6 million? He could have done better than that!!!
    ulfur_engil: Stalin, Tito in Yugoslavia, Pauker in Romania....their total was 125 million...
    ulfur_engil: THAT deserves some applause..
    ulfur_engil: Hitler got too cozy too quick..
    j86_pdx: If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She

    would stand seven feet, two inches tall.

    j86_pdx: lol
    j86_pdx: Blonde hair, blue eyes
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: And, if they stop manufacturing that nigger "Flava Barbie," she may gain her reputaiton back...
    j86_pdx: master race
    j86_pdx: all Kens & Barbies
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: Amen....what's wrong with that?
    j86_pdx: Flava Barbie?
    ulfur_engil: No niggers to be annoyed by on the subway...no Asians to argue with in the convenience store...
    ulfur_engil: No Jews to turn you down for a loan at the bank...just because you are "goyim-trash"...
    j86_pdx: hey...just kill us all, then clone Ken & Barbie
    j86_pdx: great idea, huh?
    ulfur_engil: If this nation were all-white...there would be no bullies, because everyone would identify with each other....there would be no criminals..every white would loko out for each other..
    ulfur_engil: Yes, it is a wonderful idea...
    ulfur_engil: look* (oops, there I go again..)
    j86_pdx: nah... we would find someting else to bitch about
    ulfur_engil: We wouldn't bitch at all...everything would be ideal..
    ulfur_engil: But, if you want to throw that all awya, go ahead..
    ulfur_engil: away*
    ulfur_engil: You wanna fuck Ando? I can arrange that...
    j86_pdx: Its been tried in communal communities..... hardly ever works out
    j86_pdx: always something to bitch about
    ulfur_engil: Well, think about it....some sheemie roach starts whining about how "these separatists" are engaging to destroy Jews, and then the Feds overrun them...
    ulfur_engil: But hey....we got way off track...
    j86_pdx: what part of the U.S. do you live?
    ulfur_engil: Dumbshit, scroll up...
    j86_pdx: or are you in US?
    ulfur_engil: I said, "scroll up", didn't I?!?!
    ulfur_engil: See, this is why I thought you were a nigger at first....THINK before you post...
    j86_pdx: fuck you
    j86_pdx: lol
    ulfur_engil: Well, don
    ulfur_engil: Don't sound like some retarded yard ape...
    ulfur_engil: (See? I am so enraged that I fucked up my own post..)
    j86_pdx: I see that you fuck up quite a bit.
    ulfur_engil: How the fuck can I not....some white guy who tlaks like a nigger want's to get into some Asian girl's pants, and then expects me to play middleman...
    ulfur_engil: You are a presumptuous motherfucker, aren't you?!
    ulfur_engil: I was even nice enough to offer to be middleman, and you say "Fuck you" to me..
    j86_pdx: hahaha
    ulfur_engil: Never mind now....I'll tell Ando that you don't want anything to do with her..
    ulfur_engil: Yuo found out she was Asian, and you tried backing out..
    ulfur_engil: You*
    j86_pdx: your the presumptuous one
    ulfur_engil: Okay...you can kiss your chances with that fine piece of ass goodbye...
    j86_pdx: all you did was degrade her
    ulfur_engil: Too late...she's gone...no Asian pussy for you..
    j86_pdx: haha
    j86_pdx: nice talking with you Andophiroxia
    j86_pdx: haha
    ulfur_engil: Buddy, if I wanted to sodomise you, I could...
    ulfur_engil: This is a real white man talking here...not some Asian bitch...
    j86_pdx: nice friend that you made up
    ulfur_engil: Try calling me, motherfucker...
    j86_pdx: this has really been fun
    ulfur_engil: Seriously..try calling me...
    ulfur_engil: You think I am an Asian bitch? Try me..
    j86_pdx: best time I've had online in awhile
    ulfur_engil: Here: 215-492-2307..
    ulfur_engil: Pllease make my fucking day...
    j86_pdx: calling you what?
    j86_pdx: I'm sure you've been called it before
    ulfur_engil: You're a pansy....you fucking coward...
    j86_pdx: weirdo
    Yahoo! Messenger: j86_pdx has left the conference.
  6. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    agh too long, give us the cliff notes version.
    i had some guy call the house and said he was going to kill my brother and me. i told come on and do it fucker.
    i gave him my addy and asked if he needed directions. later we found out that my bros firend had lost her cellphone and some ass was going around
    calling every one on her list saying they were going to kill them. my bro later asked the guy (who we later found out about) why he didnt come over to beat our asses and burn dont my house to make it a "1 story" home. all he kept saying was "nah nigga i didnt call yo house yo." hes some short mexican vato. i wish he had come over so i could bash his skull in with a tack hammer.
    people are so cocky when ur playin games, they always wanna kick ur ass when they start to lose.
    ass holes
  7. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    while i can understand that the new wave punkers are a bunch of poser ass worthless losers that are far more concerned with their hairdos patches and saftey pins, and yes punk isnt dead it just sucks now, lets for the love of BOB not go trashing all punks, yes i used to have a mohawk (like 10 years ago, just check my profile pic) the old punks are not to be categorized with this new trendy shit that has been happening for hte last 8 to 10 years, but you will never see the old punks because we are all sitting in front of our computers listening to vinyl being anti social
    CIAO bitches
  8. coulrophobe

    coulrophobe New Member

    like i said...i've got punk friends. straight edge mostly (the un-utah breed of em). they're cool. they even shower. but i do agree with you, that most new punks do suck. and i like to think that punk is dead. it's fun.

    and, i think i'm gonna mail this dude some cookies. with urine instead of water. i'll get my mom to help. she makes good cookies.
  9. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schmed:
    while i can understand that the new wave punkers are a bunch of poser ass worthless losers that are far more concerned with their hairdos patches and saftey pins, and yes punk isnt dead it just sucks now, lets for the love of BOB not go trashing all punks, yes i used to have a mohawk (like 10 years ago, just check my profile pic) the old punks are not to be categorized with this new trendy shit that has been happening for hte last 8 to 10 years, but you will never see the old punks because we are all sitting in front of our computers listening to vinyl being anti social
    CIAO bitches

    You know what, Schmed? When my buddy Pat comes to visit, we'll arrange another binging weekend. You and he will have a hell of a lot to talk about (especially as he is a GG Allin fan).
  10. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    ulfer your such a scum fuck
  11. dumptruck

    dumptruck New Member

    Schmed knows.
  12. coulrophobe

    coulrophobe New Member

    you know what....cough syrup looks like that dude on the right double pumpin the melon. honestly. now, sure, ol' syrup is just a "bit" heavier...but his face is right on. and no, this isn't because he said i look like the prison rape victim.
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  14. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    Photoshop magic dude
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    "and they ask me GG why do you drink? Why do you shoot dope, why must you live out the songs that you wrote, im just living up to my SCUM FUCK TRADITION."
  16. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I never told y'all about the motherfucker that stole my cell phone...
  17. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    im drowninging in anticipation
  18. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Let's just say that he doesn't do that shit anymore...

    BTW: You have to be one dumb motherfucker to steal someone's cell phone and then call all your friends, and your own house...
  19. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    So what the fuck are you waiting for?
  20. njcct84

    njcct84 New Member

    Yea punks are straight... About as straight as Elton John squating on a parking cone while wearing a Rebbeca Lobos jersey and L.A. Lights

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