do they dig blisters? the reason i'm asking, is i burnt the living hell out of my hand yesterday with melted plastic. lucky me, it burnt into my hand so the blister is only a little above skin level. so, the question is, do you think that this freak looking blister on my hand will scare away this chick i'm gonna go see tomorrow? i'd think about wrapping it, but bandages are for pussies.
Just make sure to tell them a lie about the burning--and don't feel bad about it. Its always been ok to lie to girls. Like your mom's glass eye fell into the fire and you'd be damned if you would stand for that. Also for pussies: casts, stitches and emotional counciling
you were burned in NAM! while you were killing some gooks, you got nailed by friendly fire while they were trying to napalm the little kids.
yeah! there i was, no one around for miles...except for charlie. rubbing my earlobe necklace and patting my lucky m16 (named cheap trick after the whore in thailand and the band) i sighted down on an innocent child. sure, i might have been dishonorablly discharged, and it might be 1998, but them damned slopes will pay!!!! thanks for the help guys. this tricks not gonna know what hit her!
say it was a deffective flash bang that seared ur hand cause you were trying to save a kid with no legs. the girl will eat it up.
its a grenade thats used in civilian type warfare, in buildings that need to be seiged. When they detonate they put out a blinding light, and a sound that makes you deaf for a period of time. Its meant to disorientate you while the troops storm the room your in.
How about you just surprise the trick with a burn of her own, right on the same spot you have yours! Its fucking romantic