Yahoo freaks

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by unlimited-time, Apr 5, 2003.

  1. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    and what did he have to say for himself?
  2. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    heheheheheh sick dirty daft cunt nice one.
  3. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited time:
    I capture the image by using PSP screen capture..but you can capture the screen by pressing print scrren on your keyboard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Where do you go to get the screen shots? Or where can one get PSP screen capture?
  4. ChemicalNova

    ChemicalNova New Member

    so far he's hitting on me.... maybe he needs to see for himself ill post the link.
  5. stinky

    stinky New Member

    wow u lot are really could ruin his life!!!...I feel really bad about all this now...pls dont post it anywhere else

    (this is becky bye the way ul's sis. forgoit me password again!)
  6. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    It UT not UL and come on sis if he's gonna go on a webcam and shove a vibrator up his arse for all to see he deserves everything he gets and he actually seems quite proud of it.A few people from here have spoken to him on yahoo and all he wants to know is if they enjoyed the show.
  7. stinky

    stinky New Member

    hey peeps its me here... my sis is here and i have got a REAL nice yahoo freak set up for yalls to have a tommy tank at...ill get tash to put it on in me next post...some dodgy old geezer fingering his ass!!!! heheheh im gettin quite evil111!!!!!!!

  8. Nicodemus

    Nicodemus New Member

    There is this dumbass on a morning radio show in KC who is always putting things in his ass for money. Around Christmas they gave him (T-Bone) 20 bucks to shove a candy cane up it. For the 4th of July last year he stuck a roman candle up there and fired it at the station. The best was when we got our first bitter cold snap this winter, and they dared him to stick his tongue to the flagpole outside the studio. Just like the kid in "A Christmas Story," it stuck... but even after all that, he still couldn't resist the 60 or so dollars they coughed up to get him to go back out in -6 degrees and try it with his nutsack. That stuck too.

    Here's his name stapled to his ass:

    And here's a link to the download page for the roman candle footage. Yes, they videotaped it.

  9. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I think Jimbo deserves to be bumped to the top for all the new fugly people to view.
  10. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    poor jimbo, I wish I knew how to save yahoo cams. Dewaine is always doin funny shit like that on cam...
  11. CyrilDaSneer

    CyrilDaSneer New Member

    that boy has some issues he needs to work out.
  12. zeek

    zeek New Member

    I used to borrow my sister's hamster and do similar things until I discovered what a jar of peanut butter and a toy poodle can accomplish.
  13. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I just noticed... he is wearing 2 different shirts... so I guess you talk to him often??? why 2 shirts
  14. eMolee

    eMolee New Member

    very interesting.............. I guess she liked it so much she went back for MORE
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    hahaa, we got some detectives here.. and they are right... so indulge us...Why are there 2 shirts, and while im asking questions , why are you looking at that long enough to notice the 2 shirts??
  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    There are two shirts coz somebody else i know spoke to him and got screen shots of him sucking the dildo the next night so i cut them all together.
    And unlike Emolee the dirty boring whore who tends to be drawn the the most dull victims ever i never return.
  17. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schmed:
    hahaa, we got some detectives here.. and they are right... so indulge us...Why are there 2 shirts, and while im asking questions , why are you looking at that long enough to notice the 2 shirts??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes I watched the whole thing... like everyone did... Why did you NOT notice the 2 shirts.... busy looking at other parts were you??? You dirty Little Monkey You...
  18. eMolee

    eMolee New Member

    thats funny, in your original post you said " My sister and I were on yahoo *tonight* talking to some guy and at first he seemed normal blah blah blah
    now all of a sudden you are changing your story
    and saying the *next* day you got some new info from another "friend"

    that's where it becomes obvious that you are LYING
    fat cows like you don't have friends other than their alter egos or "sister" as you like to call her
  19. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Your such a anal retentive retard, my SISTER talked to him the next night and got the pic of him.And if your retarded brain had actually read what i wrote instead of what you wanted to see you would have seen i wrote
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    and guess what tard...i know my sister.
    Your a fuckin waste of oxygen.Cunt.
  20. zeek

    zeek New Member

    HOO-WHEE, boys! Looks like we got ourselves a heaping bowl of fun brewin' here!

    Time to crack a beer, pack a bowl, and kick back for the show...

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