Sad day

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Icenhour, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I am upset over Johnny Cash's death
    But the news keeps goin on and on over John Ritter's Death from an exploding heart or something... and I could care less.
    I guess Mr. Ritter did not hear it commin..

    Johnny Cash Rocks
  2. Tryme

    Tryme New Member

    Didn't you supposedly have another lobotomry yesterday?
  3. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    no I had pituitary surgery... Came home the same day.
    weird how fast they discharge people these days.

    now all I have to do is sit upright all the time... so a lotta internet for me
  4. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Then I feel very sorry for the internet at this moment.
  5. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    dat hurt my feelins

    naw for real Someone suggest a site... I have looked at every site I know about.
    Speaking of... hey Cheese.....What happened to
  6. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    I just didn't have time to fool with it anymore. I'm just too busy on the road to update regularly.

    It wasn't built to make money or pay the bills. The site was basically just a way for myself and the writers to vent their frustrations at the world and perhaps entertain and educate a few viewers along the way.

    Some of the staff have approached me about bringing it back up and letting them run it. Thats fine with me but I wouldn't be doing much at all with it personally.

    Whether it comes back or dies out forever, sickppl will always have a place in my heart. Not only was it my first real website, it was something I started when I didn't know the first thing about html. I had to learn it all in five weeks AND build the site while learning. It was my way of showing the world that an dark underbelly does exist... and usually... it exists within ourselves.
  7. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    BTW I am sorry about the prank call... ya know the broom girl...

    I liked the site ... allthough now that I have a kid, the kid pics bothered me.
    BUT when I saw the bunk bed pic, with the kid. I took every precaution when buying new bedroom furniture for my brat.
    And now I inspect all my friend's kid's beds.
    And when its raining and I forget to put my seat belt on, the image of the that one guy with the smashed face pops up... and put my seat belt on.
    So I guess it touched me for life.
  8. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Was Redneck X in on it with you? When he told me someone called about it I thought he was fucking with me until he said he was dead serious. I just wanna know if he played along with it.
  9. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    haha no one was in on anything. I got bord one day, and was on bed rest... so bound to my laptop, and fuzzy on pain meds... I decided to entertain myself

    I think I even did a few fake sniffs (like I was crying)... the lady that I talked to was real nice.

    I was paided back.. Karma maybe, I ended the convo with her real quick...I was hit with the shits... while I was trying to get to the potty... I shit on myself while talking to her... It was not cute... But now that I look back on it. It is funny.
  10. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Uhhhh.... Redneck X is a guy. He may sound like a chick on the phone to some though. It's possible you got ahold of his girlfriend. I KNOW you didn't get ahold of Crystal because she would have accused you of calling to hit on Brookie and then began to threaten you over and over (Some chicks are sick in the fucking head).

    It's probally best you didn't get ahold of me though. I can be brutal to people for absolutely no reason other than they happen to be bothering me at the time.Especially if I've been drinking too much Jack.

    That reminds me..... Schmed is suppose to come down here and get wasted with me sometime.....
  11. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    No it was a woman.. at the time I thought it might be your mom. She sound like she may be older... rough... like she smokes like 6 packs of marlboro reds a day. She had that what we call in Atlanta "the Crystal Palace voice" That was a 24 hour club full of crank, road whores, and just about everything. The one time I went pick up a stranded friend, there was a dead nigger in the parking lot... woooo
    I got way off subject...
    Or she could have just been sick at the time.

    Like I said , I am sorry. That was way back when I was new. I thought you may have been a 16-18 year old kid.
  12. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    Just another reason to hate Atlanta. Niggers are everywhere. I don't even go and visit my family there anymore. When I drive through, I do it very quickly and try not to fuel up at the truckstops on the beltway.

    Normally, I hate it when niggers hang out in parking lots.... but that one seemed to have a good enough reason. Did you get pictures?

    Must have been Lori that answered the phone then. She's the only one with a raspy Kim Carnes voice. She kisses my ass too much.
  13. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Yeah Atlanta has gotten black. Its the city affirmative action. If you are black, you can get a good job in atlanta, and make more then the white guy in the same possition. I live on the Suburbs and Country line. If you have drove thru on i20 west ... I am about 20 min from Six Flags. My grandparents on both sides had to move to the country... Both lived in the nicest white neighborhoods that in 2 years turned black, then ghetto. Its sad.

    Yeah when I walked up to that club "Crystal Palace" ... a guard asked for my ID ... I said "I saw a man laying in the parking lot" he replied with "yeah its just a dead nigger" I figured he was just passed out drunk... when I left the club about 2 hours later.. I lightly kicked him to wake him up... sure nuff... It was a dead nigger. It was strange... he did not appear homeless. He looked as if before a fight he might have been well dressed.

    A report on the schools came a few weeks back. It had scores and back / white / hispanic / other percentage

    Atlanta schools are 64%black 7% mexicans

    My town was getting higher
    12%black 2%mex and 3%other...
    I know there is no such thing anymore as an ALL white town... and I think in 100-150 years the USA will only have like a 10% white population.... The mexicans have a litter of like 6 on average... and all the biracial babies out there... hell what was I talking about? Shit nevermind I am sleepy... will continue tomorow...
    I should not post comments when my pain meds start kicking in.

    but as a closer, I will say. I am not really a racist . well yeah maybe a little, but everyone is.

    shit this thread was started with R.I.P Johnny Cash... how did it end up here.. Fuck.. Well anyway... I love you Johnny Cash, I have 6 of your CDs... You kick Ass

    Boy named Sue, I walk the line, and ghost riders in the sky... best songs of all time... you be one bad ass niggah

    Ok off to bed
  14. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    oh and who cared about John Ritter?
  15. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    John Ritter died? Bummer...

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