I'm writing a term paper and I came across some sites that say it did not to the effect that Jews claim. So now, what is true? "Institute for Historical Review" http://www.ihr.org/leaflets/leaflets.html
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Baby Jesus: hey, don't get testy. i know nothing about this shit... thats why I asked.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you want to know all about that stuff speak to Ulfur, but i'll expect he'll want paying in kind for any info.
do a Video search on kazza for "concentration camp" the results will amuse most of the ppl here as we're all sick fucks but to the average (i hesitate to use the word) "normal" person they are probably quite disturbing. if on the other hand u are like me and relish the oppertunity to see people maimed/stabbed/beaten/decapitated/disembowled/hung/amputated/pulled apart by tanks/flamethrown/garotted/etc the just look for "faces of death" there are 100's to download and enjoy @ ur own leasure.
Baby Jesus, if David Irving is around, talk to him (The Institute for Historical Review should have a bunch of his books).
Wow if they have a website it must be true. Not only are you ignorant enough to believe bullshit like that but you come to the fugly forums to find the correct answer. Read a fucking book retard.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SkidMark: Wow if they have a website it must be true. Not only are you ignorant enough to believe bullshit like that but you come to the fugly forums to find the correct answer. Read a fucking book retard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Big talk from a spamming fucking asshole... Fuck off, bitch.
Are you still upset about the mushroom tatoo Lomo? Man you slap someone in the forehead with your dick and they get so touchy.
hey skid , maybe you didnt get the memo, but it said to shut the fuck up....way to speak up and be known a fool...fool
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SkidMark: Are you still upset about the mushroom tatoo Lomo? Man you slap someone in the forehead with your dick and they get so touchy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I like how you're trying to pass off your spamming tactics with the subterfuge of pretending to be an active member of the board. I bet it makes you feel all warm inside to know that in a week or so, nobody will have ever remembered your pathetic contributions to this forum. Take a hint from yourself and go read a fucking book.
I'm not trying to pass myself off as anything Porn Star GuruIs a fun game i found online that I thought people would enjoy. It's a free game and you win porn. As far as my oppinion goes I have a B.A. in history and it really pisses me off when people don't even know the basics of the 20th century. It wasn't that long ago. As an American I reserve my right to call a tard a tard.
Lmao i love the way not only did you manage to link that site again but u actually managed to advertise it's plus point. And you can all the qualifications in the world...you're still a turd.