Did anyone ever just take a general look over the posts in the jokes forum? It seems to be where all the newbies congregate and post their 1 or 2 jokes and then disappear. Rarely,if ever tho,do they post here. I wonder why.. mabye they figure they can win peopleover by spouting off some lame joke before thy jump into the big peoples pool?
I fink u mayk a god poynt, mabye vey fink we wil be les liklee 2 be meen 2 vem if vey r funee. foooooooooooooooooooooools.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lil_devil: Did anyone ever just take a general look over the posts in the jokes forum? It seems to be where all the newbies congregate and post their 1 or 2 jokes and then disappear. Rarely,if ever tho,do they post here. I wonder why.. mabye they figure they can win peopleover by spouting off some lame joke before thy jump into the big peoples pool? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Although I am newbie wouldn't someone have to around longer than 6 months to spout off at her condesending yap, i wonder? anywayz your probably some unfit teenage mother raising some disadvantaged child that should have been ripped from your womb. who views fugly as her place of belonging, sucking up welfare and my hard earned tax dollars posting here all day long when you should be looking for a job, but i sure yo babby daddy will hook you up with some cash to buy crack with. now if you don't mind, fuck off
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CROTCHY OLD JUICE MONGER: Although I am newbie wouldn't someone have to around longer than 6 months to spout off at her condesending yap, i wonder? anywayz your probably some unfit teenage mother raising some disadvantaged child that should have been ripped from your womb. who views fugly as her place of belonging, sucking up welfare and my hard earned tax dollars posting here all day long when you should be looking for a job, but i sure yo babby daddy will hook you up with some cash to buy crack with. now if you don't mind, fuck off<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by MOTTMASTER (on the jokes forum): You tell a good joke, you tell a bad joke, either way where all still gonna get shit off little fags like you, if i told you this joke in the street none of this shit would get said cos id rip your fucking eyes out and skull fuck ya. Some of you cunts get a keyboard in your hand and you think your bruce fucking lee. anywayz fuck off!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Anyone else notice the similarities here? I think CROTCHY and MOTT are actually the same person. Is that true, Luke? Are you CROTCHY too?
I think he's MOTTMASTER. They both also suffer the same CAPS LOCK problem when it comes to typing their names in.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chester grape: I think he's MOTTMASTER. They both also suffer the same CAPS LOCK problem when it comes to typing their names in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> EEK ADD! I AM NOT MOTTMASTER FOR CHRISTS SAKE ALTHOUGH HE IS A GIFTED POSTER.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CROTCHY OLD JUICE MONGER: EEK ADD! I AM NOT MOTTMASTER FOR CHRISTS SAKE ALTHOUGH HE IS A GIFTED POSTER.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> "anywayz", I still say you is.
If he isn't MOTTMASTER he is MOTTMASTER"S bunboy. Makes you wonder who is the pitcher, and who is the catcher huh?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CROTCHY OLD JUICE MONGER: Although I am newbie wouldn't someone have to around longer than 6 months to spout off at her condesending yap, i wonder? anywayz your probably some unfit teenage mother raising some disadvantaged child that should have been ripped from your womb. who views fugly as her place of belonging, sucking up welfare and my hard earned tax dollars posting here all day long when you should be looking for a job, but i sure yo babby daddy will hook you up with some cash to buy crack with. now if you don't mind, fuck off<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 6 months actually outlasts the majority of the ten-post morons that join up here,then leave,thank you. For future refernce:One,Im not on welfare,never have been and never will be.Two, I do not spend my days posting on here,as I do have a job,and a life,and yes i do have a child .Which I do in fact take care of,and isnt 'disadvantaged',nor am I considered 'unfit' by any means. Are you even old enough to have 'hard earned tax dollars',or are you just referring to your parents money? Or mabye your counting the money you make at some mcdonalds or 7-11,that you liken to being a 'career'? Please try to have some idea of what in the hell you're talking about before you try to post an argument to me again,you inbred cum-cuzzling,mental midget.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lil_devil: 6 months actually outlasts the majority of the ten-post morons that join up here,then leave,thank you. For future refernce:One,Im not on welfare,never have been and never will be.Two, I do not spend my days posting on here,as I do have a job,and a life,and yes i do have a child .Which I do in fact take care of,and isnt 'disadvantaged',nor am I considered 'unfit' by any means. Are you even old enough to have 'hard earned tax dollars',or are you just referring to your parents money? Or mabye your counting the money you make at some mcdonalds or 7-11,that you liken to being a 'career'? Please try to have some idea of what in the hell you're talking about before you try to post an argument to me again,you inbred cum-cuzzling,mental midget.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hmmmmmm seem to have struck a nerve there did I, we are not going to get into my tax situation and the outrageous amount i pay, let's put it this way what i paid in taxes in my last fiscal year would afford you and your short bus riding child a home and all the luxury's. i'll bet dollars to the donuts you stuff your fat ass with that you probably live in your parents house and they support you and your half breed child, and i'm sure with all your higher education and obvious high standards for moral aptitude and rigid business ethics you are surley at the head of a fouturne 500 company. but the world needs janitors to. now isn't about time that your dead beat dad ex picked up his child so you can fuck local drugdealer for crack? and ohh yes way to make an unselfish effort for moral family standards as well, i know how children from split homes get all the advantages of children comming from stable environments. you make me sick. i retch at the thought of having to share this planet with you.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CROTCHY OLD JUICE MONGER: hmmmmmm seem to have struck a nerve there did I, we are not going to get into my tax situation and the outrageous amount i pay, let's put it this way what i paid in taxes in my last fiscal year would afford you and your short bus riding child a home and all the luxury's. i'll bet dollars to the donuts you stuff your fat ass with that you probably live in your parents house and they support you and your half breed child, and i'm sure with all your higher education and obvious high standards for moral aptitude and rigid business ethics you are surley at the head of a fouturne 500 company. but the world needs janitors to. now isn't about time that your dead beat dad ex picked up his child so you can fuck local drugdealer for crack? and ohh yes way to make an unselfish effort for moral family standards as well, i know how children from split homes get all the advantages of children comming from stable environments. you make me sick. i retch at the thought of having to share this planet with you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Man, you need a better accountant. Cos it's clear from the illiterate and garbled twaddle you've been peddling in this thread that you're not educated enough to be earning a hell of a lot.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chester grape: Man, you need a better accountant. Cos it's clear from the illiterate and garbled twaddle you've been peddling in this thread that you're not educated enough to be earning a hell of a lot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well chester being you would have to earn over 6.95 an hour to understand where i am comming from, isn't there a clogged toilet somewhere that needs your attention?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous: Me thinks Chester is smrat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why thank you Nausey! Me think you smrat too.
I'm afraid mott juice fucker or whatever that you're shtick has already been done countless times on this message board.. and quite frankly you're not impressing me... the first post was ok, pretty easy to counter however... but "shot bus riding child" PUH-LEEZE I suggest you try a different angle because, speaking for myself you're over thinking thesauras injected contributions to this forum are already becoming tiresome and less funny with each post you make
oh, and in anticipation to you being so anal as to correct my poor grammar, I'll change "shot" to "short" and "you're to your" anything else I did incorrectly, please do not take the time to pass the info on to me.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CROTCHY OLD JUICE MONGER: hmmmmmm seem to have struck a nerve there did I, we are not going to get into my tax situation and the outrageous amount i pay, let's put it this way what i paid in taxes in my last fiscal year would afford you and your short bus riding child a home and all the luxury's. i'll bet dollars to the donuts you stuff your fat ass with that you probably live in your parents house and they support you and your half breed child, and i'm sure with all your higher education and obvious high standards for moral aptitude and rigid business ethics you are surley at the head of a fouturne 500 company. but the world needs janitors to. now isn't about time that your dead beat dad ex picked up his child so you can fuck local drugdealer for crack? and ohh yes way to make an unselfish effort for moral family standards as well, i know how children from split homes get all the advantages of children comming from stable environments. you make me sick. i retch at the thought of having to share this planet with you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> haha You are so pathetic! Who said I was a single mother,for one thing? I agreed that I was a young parent,and that was all. Also not to mention the fact that you simply assumed that I had no education,just goes to show how narrow minded you are,and how much you buy into stereotypes. Arent we the racist one,adding in that you think I would have a child with someone outside my race as though its such a horrid thing. Even if he was mixed,(which hes not)hed probably still have better morals and a higher intellegence than you. And I HIGHLY doubt you make a decent salary,or have such a high-paying job as you claim. The next time you want to have a fight on here,dont you think you should get your facts straight,before sounding like a fucking moron?
and as a side note lil devil, rising to the top of any corporate ladder has never been about money, it is about power and control, the money is a nice bonus after the fact. but i'm sure as educated person you would have learned that in macro and micro economics and business ethics 101