You all fuck sheep

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Snooguns, Mar 15, 2001.

  1. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    How sad, I read a post that said "IMC and Pimpdaddy are our leaders" or something like that. You lot are the biggest bunch of nerds. You think you're all so clever and witty. You're about as funny as a lobotomy. Fuck you all.
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    it could be worse your nick name could be snoogu..... Oh, never mind...
  3. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    You fucking prick it's from a film, it's not my nickname, actually really pleased you've never seen Clerks or Mallrats it would probably be too intelligent for even someone of your vast brain power (watch the others come in and defend you now, are Pimpdaddy and co rentboys or something? You must be paying them money for them to even talk to you)
  4. allyourbasearebelongtous

    allyourbasearebelongtous New Member

    yeah. Clerks and Mallrats....that's some highbrow stuff....
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    i saw clerks at the theaters accually... i dont remember a refrence to snoguns... sounds like some kind of gay limey crap you made up.. I know why your upset, you miss your soulmate, mark hollz

    [This message has been edited by I Murder Children (edited March 15, 2001).]
  6. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Of course it was just some gay limey crap I made up cretin crawl back under your rock J says it loads of times, there and in Mallrats
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snooguns:
    You all fuck sheep<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ok... i admit it... a practise bestial sexual acts with larry the lamb and his posse...

    and a post saying IMC and Frer Pimp are our leaders?? ....
    guess i ain't got to that one yet...

    i've just got a helluvalotta posts because it's comfortable to loaf about the forum while i am doing the various things i do while online.... i get more done while contributing to the forum than i would do in a chat... because it's not in real-time.. so i can concentrate on the things i switched my pc on to do....
    and since i have surftime i might as well be logged onto the net while i'm doing my writing/video editing....
    'cos rendering takes forever and i can't stand watching tv for any length of time...

    tho' i don't know why i'm justifying myself to you snuggles... you're just a student living off the backs of society... going to university to escape another year of having to face the big wild world...
    and don't reply accusing me of being bitter 'cos i never got into uni... i did.. i just gave it up and centured out to face the real machine.. rather than stay sheltered in some hellish academia being spoonfed facts other people had discovered... i found it anaesthetising to sit and soak up other peoples knowledge... when i am self-motivated and inquisitive enough to go out and discover these facts for myself....
    so i dropped out and got myself a manual trade... a HVAC installer and plumber... and i earn more now than any of my friends who graduated from university...

    so fuckya.. ya prick...
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    tho' of course assumption played a big part in me saying you are a student...
    it's just you're IP was logged at leeds university... so you may be a tutor... tho i doubt it.. as a tutor would have the maturity to realise it's all a fucking joke....
  9. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    hey says "Snootches" you dumb bitch... your a homo just admit it snoogums
  10. iStalkBritneySpears

    iStalkBritneySpears New Member

    you're goddamn right.
    just look at those sweet asses
  11. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

    You did it snoogoo you managed to get everyone to hate you in one swoop!
    Damn fine job!
  12. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    That's a copout PimpDaddy, "I dropped out cause I didn't want to go I wanted to face the system". No you dropped out so you went off to work in a supermarket or a corner shop. Don't give me all your pretentious knowitall crap you're just a nobody from Surrey or some obscure place with a deadend job so fuck you you're totally unimportant, not saying I'm really important but at least I don't go round with this pretentious worldwise attitude
  13. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you still never admitted that your a homo snoodlegums
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    oh... and i have also been working on a screenplay.... it is being storyboarded as we speak... (by someone else.. i can't draw for shit!)....
    and after a VERY pleasing and productive day yesterday... i have the talents of a world renowned drum n bass producer to provide a soundtrack.. so i am full of glee today...

    and i do believe (if i understood correctly the garbled message on my mobile ansafone today ) we have another backer...
    another big grin
  15. Six_Digit_Debt

    Six_Digit_Debt New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote

    Ya really think so?

    Haw-haw... thatsa good one, boss!

    Honk honk.

    Alright cue the tumbleweed.


    I'm going to KICK your face off bitch!
  16. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Oh yes sorry forgot to mention that that snoodling offer still on after all? Hope you're the one doing the snoodling I'd love to get to know you better let's stop fighting and let's be lovers instead

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    Hey IMC will hook you can ride his brown banana express straight to hell with him you homo...
  18. Icare

    Icare New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snooguns:
    Oh yes sorry forgot to mention that that snoodling offer still on after all? Hope you're the one doing the snoodling I'd love to get to know you better let's stop fighting and let's be lovers instead<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    ooh-you dirty little buggering dirty little donkey-banging sleazy little bit of lick teasing-sheeeech!ya little bitch fucking nipple twiddling shimmying tart fucking slippery little bugger!!!

    [This message has been edited by Tori_Anus (edited March 16, 2001).]
  19. Snooguns

    Snooguns New Member

    Sarcasm doesn't seem to be appreciated on this page, this could be explained by the vast number of Americans on this least someone slagged off IMC he is a prick
  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Stay away from me snoodlegums you faggot

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