A Tribute to Wanktard...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Mar 7, 2002.

  1. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    thats either nursey trying to be pimp, or pimp not really trying

    and hety duncenobnber... i bet your faggoty ass is jealous that someone is a LOT more fucking funny and fits in better than you.. and doesn'rt pretend to be fucking clebver,,.. you're a fucking fag bitxch and i' hate you

    my my, you hate meee, little old meee, i dont have to pretend to be anything. i have had compliments through msn about my material being somewhat amusing by several people on several occasions. at least i take a little more time to ch&ck my spelkuing or was that what you reaaally say when you are having one of your fits.

    you're a fag bitch and i hate you too

    nahnahnahnaah *thumb on nose, wiggles fingers*
  2. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    by the fuckingh eway .. as you mat y tell... i#'m fucking pissed... but when i';m sober.. i staill hart you edson you fucking nancing dfaggot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    oh, like you did to me, except i was actually pissed and you were sober.

    lets start with


    what the fuck is that? you dont expect me to beleive thats a district do you?
  3. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder:
    if one speaks a load of mindless drivel, one can understand a load of mindless drivel.

    congratualtions nursey, you finally found someone you can talk bollocks to all night without them falling asleep.

    i cant remember a time i laughed at any of your posts. so, if you dont think i'm funny (because lets face it, the only reason you swooped down on my post is to splurt your overrated views and have your ego enhanced by the admiration you are reciveing from two whole people(pimp and imc))

    and if i only make 4 people smirk, its ok, at least i dont have to try and be funny. my comical shit comes out fast and free, you on the other hand have spend ages on your posts, making sure they sound right, read right, all the bolds,italics and urls are in the right place. you even have to pre-type it in notepad.

    what was your favourite saying when we used to chat on msn?.. "hold on a sec i'm just finishing a post"

    I'm spending way to long looking at that mindless drivel...you,i can safely say,are a truely worthless jumped up fucking cockbag and don't ever have any fucking clue about what you're talking about,or anything else for that matter.
    Ok-to those of you that are not familiar with Duncenobber-look at a bit of forum history...he one cool mutha!
    Canine...i want you to talk like that all the time please!
  4. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    how good of you, to spend so much time and attention on someone you so deeply dispise.. i'm sure dawn and kit are getting really jealous at the ammount of insults you've directed at me instead of them.
  5. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    fook moy spolling u wonker ond insult gonoraters and please be fucking original you fucking fool.be yourself std and type from the heart you never know people might like you. i will forgive you for now but please try and make a bloody effort ffs
  6. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thundercat_the_twat:
    please be fucking original you fucking fool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Here's a puzzle for you Thundy. Black, Pot, Kettle, Calling. Put them in order.

    On realization of the task at hand, you may reflect upon your performance and trace the wane in your writings. Query your deeds and outline a hasty decay of, a diverse range of factors including, wit style and hilarity.
  7. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Canine...i want you to talk like that all the time please! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    If not for a compulton of endeavours then no less than a want for stretch would be the rationale for my deficiency at the charge you so delicately lay.
  8. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    canine.. you obviously used some long fucking word thingf like that shitty fucking alta vista translator.. eoither that or yiou have taken emetic, dessicated him,, compressed hinm into a supposirtory,, and rammedthwe bitxch up your ass... someoine trells me what you said was funny... but i done't have rogers theosaurud s to hand to confirnm or deny that accusatiojn<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Indubatibly there was a factor of polyglot buttress in my jabber, despondently not the Alta Vista decipher you indicate. I familliarise myself with the continual lingual quandaries accessable through the sensationalists. Certain idiom would not be retrievable from such locations as Alta Vista!
  9. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    What in the wild blue fuck is going on in this thread?
  10. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    Disorder and std are obviously messanger buddies and have no doubt had butt fucking sessions.also both fat blubber lovers.why 2 faggots defend dawn is beyound me...then again they must be bi-sexual and to be honest this is a good thing becouse they both need fucking.perhaps fat fuck dawn has been crying like a bitch to them on messanger repeatedly sending that stupid fucking crying face (u know the one)i hate all 3 of you with a passion i usualy only reserve for niggers and i hope you all die.oh and dawn i did accept you on messanger fucking twice and on the profile your a fucking guy from the states so whats the score there? i know you look like a fucking guy...in fact you look like pat butcher on steroids you lard arse mass of blubber dont think i have forgotten you cos of the 2 bi-sexuals becouse i haveant even started yet becouse i still intend to fist your high milage fuck box in the worst possible way you whore.i hope std gets you knocked up and you have a lovely cute little downs syndrome kid that dribbles as you push the mong along in the pram......and if disorder is with you you could even pass him off as the dad cos im sure he has mong like features(is this too much and below the belt?)if so complain to my left bollock cos i dont give a fuck.dawn why not post how many terminations you have had? you dont have to include the one wear your dad raped you and kept the aborted bastard in a jar of vinager on the mantle piece (aaawww sentimental old cunt)he does like his trophies.god i hate these pc geeks(disorder and std)in real life i would have one cleaning my car and the other shineing my shoes after i had bitch slaped the faggots and confiscated there pokemon cards.the weak tend to congragate and stick together and i think this is the case here only becouse its through a pc the little cunts cant be physically harmed.i am going to open a chatroom tonight at 9pm on msn to help these faggots with there ffs (fat fuckers support)it will be in lifestyles and ill post the link when i set it up so untill then keep supporting fat twats and may you all lose a loved one soon. THE DON by the way i dont need search engines and if any1 posts back and slaggs my spelling off i hope the next time you take a shit your hand slips when you wipe your arse and you get shit all up your fucking spine.(lets have fucky wooky dawn)xxxxxxxx
  11. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thundercat_the_twat:
    i hope the next time you take a shit your hand slips when you wipe your arse and you get shit all up your fucking spine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I bet you've been saving that one for just such an occasion. The effort that's gone into it is astounding, or maybe it came to you in a vision through the blood running over your eyes, brought about from the onslaught of donkey punches your father gave you as he popped his helmet to you for your 18th birthday?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originaly posted by thundercat_the_twat:
    this is the case here only becouse its through a pc the little cunts cant be physically harmed.i am going to open a chatroom tonight at 9pm on msn<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originaly posted by thundercat_the_twat:
    in real life i would have one cleaning my car and the other shineing my shoes after i had bitch slaped the faggots and confiscated there pokemon cards.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    In real life you don't have a car, and as always you would get your big brother to confiscate the bigger boys pokemon cards. After all, the other boys aren't afraid to open their curtains and step outside like yourself.

    An appendage to your mendacity would be to highlight your failing accuracy in notation.
  12. thundercat_the_twat

    thundercat_the_twat New Member

    i feel fucking so good std.i sence your anger and its obviouse i have upset you....hurt you so much that all those big fancy words you use have gone. well done std the real you is much better and perhaps i could grow to tolarate you and even let you clean my car without bitch slapping you.i hope disorder fills you mouth full of spunk then slaps your cheeks so you spit it all in dawns face.the will be no fee for me bringing you out of your shell and ill continue to help you on here. you can now discard that well used dictionary and be a real man all thanks to me.
  13. D

    D New Member


    I shouldn't have gone out last night. I stayed on as long as I could but I needed a drink.

    Why do I miss all the action?

    Canine I won't be on line till about 8 here cos I have to go into work cos the fucks can't do it with out me. Try and stay awake tonight

    Thundertwat fuck off and do something instead of wasting your time talking at me. I cant be arsed to read your fucking essay length paragraphs.

    Disorder - what are you doing? what do you want?

    BTW I dont *ever* use the crying smiley or any other apart from the perplexed looking one and the smiley face one... just so you know.

  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>caninestd:

    nursey's seen thundercat.. and he's a huge motherfucker who fistfucks old ladies for cash
  15. Allasandro

    Allasandro New Member

    I reserve the right to tell you to silence yourself.
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    and i reserve the right to totally ignore you
  17. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by thundercat_the_twat:
    i feel fucking so good std.i sence your anger and its obviouse i have upset you....hurt you so much that all those big fancy words you use have gone.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And where exactly do you you get this sensation of anger? You haven't upset me in the least, yes the big words have gone, but so have your insults! I can always use more big words to some effect, but your insult engine is all dried up. Wheras your insults made little impact, the big words did their job well. You seem to given up even trying to annoy anyone and diverted your attentions towards pleading with me to dumb down my posts so you can follow without the aid of your "Cat in the hat's first dictionary".
  18. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    dawn - i'm not doing anything, apart from insulting everyone in here in turn equally, because i dont pick on the ones who dont have a chance to say anything insulting in return.

    twat - you're a cunt mate, no ammount of mindless drivel that spews from your cum soaked mouth is giong to deny that you're a stupid little retard, with a bib and a wide donkey punched ass that hasnt healed since childhood. me and dawn arnt together, std and dawn arnt together, and me and std arnt together, no one is on any of the others msn list and no one really gives a fuck about the other..

    what i do care about is that you think i've been ridiculed by your lame humour, why my boy, that didnt stop your mother from having a good time. your father struggled quite a bit against the makeshift chains, so i cut his face until he stopped moaning like your mother was. too much noise i think.
    and i think i kicked her stomach too hard, for her birth seems to have created a fucked up halfwit with as much substance as a handful of antimatter.
  19. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder:
    me and dawn arnt together, std and dawn arnt together, and me and std arnt together, no one is on any of the others msn list and no one really gives a fuck about the other..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Where did this guy from anyone? Wank's my best mate over the internet and I talk to her over MSN most days!
  20. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by You fucking wanker:
    Canine I won't be on line till about 8 here cos I have to go into work cos the fucks can't do it with out me. Try and stay awake tonight <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just to refresh your memory.

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