crappy victim I did

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Dwaine Scum, Feb 17, 2003.

  1. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    not funny enough for the site, but maybe worth a chuckle...

    (nursey may appriciate this)

    You know, sometimes everyone needs a little attention, but why in the world would you want it from a degenerate scumbag like Dwaine? Yeah it boggles my mind too, but some people just have to learn the hard way I guess. I mean if your grandfather just died, would you goto Dwaine for sympathy?

    well any ways Fugly Radio Dot Com is Dwaine,

    and the moron of an annoying victim is SHAKIRA.

    Here is what happened...

    yo!!!you gots a message dumb ass nigga!!!!

    SHAKIRA says:
    i now it rubbish

    fugly radio dot com says:
    I have no idea what kind of thought you are trying to convey to me.. Im sorry.. Im still busy

    SHAKIRA says:
    its ok

    fugly radio dot com says:
    repetes, i'm busy

    SHAKIRA says:
    ok i dont care

    fugly radio dot com says:
    well your a fucking moron... there simple enough for you?

    SHAKIRA says:
    shut the fuck up

    fugly radio dot com says:
    I mean I have met some really dumb people on-line, but you are definatly in the top three
    fugly radio dot com says:
    I just wonder, how do you dress yourself in the morning?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    do you have to have help? I mean it seems like every time I log on you are crying for help over something

    SHAKIRA says:
    ala right why shut up my grandad just died today ok

    fugly radio dot com says:
    what looking for someone to help you reply to me? I mean you have my undivided attention now. It's obvious that's what the fuck you wanted
    fugly radio dot com says:
    yeah he probly deserved to die too

    SHAKIRA says:
    shut up thats my grandad your taqlking about
    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    were you at his funeral begging for attention too?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    or were you "bored"?

    SHAKIRA says:
    no shut up he was there anytime i needed him ok

    fugly radio dot com says:
    I mean you are a bit dim, maybe his dead corpse could keep you entertained
    fugly radio dot com says:
    anytime? Like on those lonely saturday nights when you couldn't find a man?

    SHAKIRA says:
    SHAKIRA says:
    by the way i calling the police on u

    fugly radio dot com says:
    calling the police? for what? making fun of a retard
    fugly radio dot com says:
    or stating the fact that I'm glad your grandad is dead?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    hey maybe rigamotis is still set in and he has a mighty powerful erection, so then you wont be bored?

    SHAKIRA says:
    no because ive got one here my sister
    fugly radio dot com says:
    your sister isa retard? does she wear a helmet all the time so she dosen't smash her head?

    SHAKIRA says:
    shut the fuck up ho its julies sister your talking to i can track your computer down y now

    fugly radio dot com says:
    why you want my home address?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    so your the retarded sister?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    you speak somewhat better than your non retarded sister
    fugly radio dot com says:
    well somewhat

    SHAKIRA says:
    shut up

    fugly radio dot com says:
    so what kind of retardations do you have? are you a drooling mongoloid that has to type with a pencil in there mouth?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    you got a wheelchair? colostomy device? wear diapers?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    I have a retarded little brother, I make him do dumb tricks to entertain my friends
    fugly radio dot com says:
    ANSWER ME CUNT!!! You have my undivided attention now bitches!

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    tell me about your retarded sister
    fugly radio dot com says:
    stupid lying sack of shit Euro trash
    fugly radio dot com says:
    hey did you know, Scottish people are the "niggers" of Europe?

    SHAKIRA says:
    shut up please

    fugly radio dot com says:
    no, you wanted my attention, remember ms 'I don't care if you are busy"? I put my shit on hold for you! so tell me about your dead grandfather... did he die horribly? lots of pain?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    can you still hear his groans of agony in your mind?

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    oh he must have had a heart attack smoking crack then
    fugly radio dot com says:
    serves him right...

    SHAKIRA says:
    he dose not smoke

    fugly radio dot com says:
    oh I'm sorry, he shot up cocaine

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    what do you look like? how old are you and your sister?

    SHAKIRA says:
    blonde hair blue eyes my sister the same

    fugly radio dot com says:
    how old are you two?

    SHAKIRA says:
    im 20 and my sister is 25

    fugly radio dot com says:
    how old is the retarded one? she got any nude pics? ill buy retard porn for my brother

    SHAKIRA says:
    no she is 25 ok and she is not a retard ok

    fugly radio dot com says:
    hey I thought you said she was retarded...
    fugly radio dot com says:
    are you lying about your grandad too?

    SHAKIRA says:
    no i did not

    fugly radio dot com says:
    yes you did , you said you had a retard there, then emplied your sister..

    SHAKIRA says:
    i said she was a police woman

    fugly radio dot com says:
    hahahahaha!!! dirty pig
    fugly radio dot com says:
    hey tell her I have a meth lab in my basement.. it will be our secret okay?

    SHAKIRA says:
    no shes not your the pervert

    fugly radio dot com says:
    no a cop = pig
    fugly radio dot com says:
    the only good cop is a dead cop

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    are you niggers allowed to even own guns over there?

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    I know Scottish people like to deep fat fry everything, and talk funny and get ridiculed by the British, other than that I don't know anything else
    fugly radio dot com says:
    send me a pic of your sister, Ill send you one of my retarded little brother Harlan

    SHAKIRA says:
    not all the time
    SHAKIRA says:
    shes not retarded ok

    fugly radio dot com says:
    my brother is... he is severely retarded... we make him do dumb tricks like a dog for like Slim Jim treats

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
  2. TimBoaT

    TimBoaT Member

    it's funny... worth a chuckle at least.. but she was just too fucking retarded to get any hilarious content out of. you can see those failed attemps that she was just too dumb to bite on.
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    heh I just noticed the whole thing didnt post... well here is the rest...

    fugly radio dot com says:
    my brother is... he is severely retarded... we make him do dumb tricks like a dog for like Slim Jim treats

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    its funny... We show him porn and he just starts crying and screaming at the top of his lungs
    fugly radio dot com says:
    you got a pic?

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    well you gonna share?

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    why not?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    scared or ugly?

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    fugly radio dot com says:
    is that the same as scared and ugly:?

    SHAKIRA says:
    no not after what u said about my grandad

    fugly radio dot com says:
    why is he in the pic too?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    what do you look like? I just like to put faces to whom I'm chatting too...

    SHAKIRA says:
    blonde hair blue eyes

    fugly radio dot com says:

    SHAKIRA says:
    5f12 a dancer

    fugly radio dot com says:
    6 foot tall dancer? dancer like stripper?

    SHAKIRA says:
    SHAKIRA says:
    im a dance teacher

    fugly radio dot com says:
    blond hair, blue eyes 6 foot tall.. okay I guess you look like this then

    SHAKIRA says:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    thats what you look like right?
    fugly radio dot com says:
    6 foot tall, blond hair, blue eyes
    fugly radio dot com says:
    thats the closest I could come to that image in my head... so I assume you look like that
    fugly radio dot com says:
    dance teacher, do you teach strippers to dance?
  4. kinky-bitch

    kinky-bitch New Member

    Yes IMC you went straight over her head,most of it was lost on her,she might not be retarded but i think shes definatly got learning difficulties.
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    most people that appear on my messenger, don't get it...

    or me for that matter...
  6. murraymckinlay

    murraymckinlay New Member

    hey bitch! what's so kinky about ya?

    Now don't go slating scots. its the filthy english that need to get thrown into a big pit and doused with copious amounts of fuel and burnt to fuckin carbon!

  7. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by snozzlefook:
    hey bitch! what's so kinky about ya?

    Now don't go slating scots. its the filthy english that need to get thrown into a big pit and doused with copious amounts of fuel and burnt to fuckin carbon!


    Ahhh, he's Scotchperson...that would explain why he's a dick. VIVA ITALIA! you fucking loser...
  8. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children:

    fugly radio dot com says:
    hey did you know, Scottish people are the "niggers" of Europe?


    ..but you forgot to mention:the Welsh, Irish, French, Germans, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, Bosnians, Kosovans...etc...etc
  9. stymie

    stymie New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by theonlylivingboy:
    ..but you forgot to mention:the Welsh, Irish, French, Germans, Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Albanians, Bosnians, Kosovans...etc...etc<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hey... Bradford!
  10. murraymckinlay

    murraymckinlay New Member

    hey dubya.

    do u like englishmen or little englishboys? or do u just suck english dick?!

    fekking italians...
  11. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by snozzlefook:
    hey dubya.

    do u like englishmen or little englishboys? or do u just suck english dick?!

    fekking italians...


    You haven't quite grasped what I'm saying have you, you fucking imbecile?...shall I point it out to you veryyyyyyy slowlyyyyyyy?
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by snozzlefook:
    hey dubya.

    do u like englishmen or little englishboys? or do u just suck english dick?!

    fekking italians...

    Q: why do scots wear kilts?

    A: because the sheep can hear a zipper like a mile away... you dirty sheep fuckers..
  13. stymie

    stymie New Member

    Also don't forget IMC Scotsmen are living proof that stoneage man climbed over Hadrian's wall and fucked pigs.
  14. shark

    shark New Member

    Where d'ya think that wiry ginger hair came from?

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