I've just been caught with beer.........

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Cigarettes, Jan 11, 2003.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Son of Spam:
    You're living in a dream world, kid. You have a lot more to worry about than just a fine. Not only are you now entered into every law enforcement data bank in the country, which will put you under constant official observation for the rest of your life, but your own parents will never trust you again. As you slide ever further down the long alcoholic spiral they, and everyone you meet from now on, will ultimately reject you. What few friends you now have will end up shunning you and be embarrassed by your presence. No one will want to be associated with a depressed drunk who can only bring shame and grief upon them.
    Sooner than you imagine possible you will be a friendless, homeless, psychotic wandering hobo with no place in a social order that utterly loaths you.
    And all this because you were unable to control your own animal impulses. You know that. It's why the growing depression you now feel will finally overwhelm you. It's why the fully justified self hatred will eventually come to a boil and cause you to commit the only act that can cleanse you of the transgression you alone are responsible for.
    Do you really want to go through all that? Do you really want your family and friends to bear the stigma of your continued existence? Is it really worth it?
    Of course not. The right choice, the only choice for you, is to end it all now. It's the only possible way you can make even partial amends for your crime.
    And now, my friend, you know what you must do.

    hmm.. thats pretty vivid.. i take it you're talking from experience here
  2. Cumbler

    Cumbler New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by krackwhore kit:
    unfortunately I am alive<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  3. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    Look on the brightside...

    At least you got to make a post about it!
  4. Cumbler

    Cumbler New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cigarettes:

    Thanks for the talk to guys

    Well the fact is I may have to vist a counclor(sp) and go to an AA meeting. I don't know if this is going to interfeer in my free time Thats all! I would never leave here for good

    I'm just bummed right now. My parents are pissed and I feel really stupid for getting caught. Everybody even the RAs tell me its no big deal so I'll be ok.

    Don't worry mate, it's a rite of passage, you get caught, do your time and get on with it. I live in a Pub, I get caught with beer all the time... And my parents love me...(free beer, you see).
    And don't feel bad for getting caught, get stronger, and learn to hold your beer better.

  5. Cumbler

    Cumbler New Member

  6. Doghead

    Doghead New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~pimpchichi~:
    hmm.. thats pretty vivid.. i take it you're talking from experience here<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's right. I killed myself, and I'm a better person for having done so.
    It's not a course I'd recommend for everyone, though. In the case of Cigarettes it's the only way out, so the choice is obvious. For others, such as an obviously perceptive gentleman like yourself, it's an opportunity for self expansion and realization that shouldn't be passed up.
    As you're such a friendly and outgoing chap, but, I think, a bit shy, I'm willing to take you by the hand, as it were, and lead you along the way towards this thrilling adventure that will make you all you can be. I propose that we enter a suicide pact, in the hopes that my presence alongside you will steel you for the experience and allow you to enjoy it to the fullest, without fear or angst of any kind.
    You go first.
  7. Smokey McPot

    Smokey McPot Member

    That still doesn't answer my question.
  8. Cigarettes

    Cigarettes New Member

    Son of Spam is just weird.

    Thanks for the advice and talk to guys.

    I'm good. If you guys don't hear a post from me for a week. Just consider that I went over board and killed myself. BUT I don't think thats going to happen.
  9. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by canine_STD:
    What the fuck is the deal here? Is everyone in america who drinks more than once a week classed as an alcoholic? Seems that way from the outside. And why the fuck do they have alarms in the dorms? You pay rent/board for those places dont you? If they came running into my room like that, routing through all my shit, I'd kill the little fuckers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Over here, AA meetings have become a big psychological tool that is employed when any incident has even the slightest involvement of alcohol. For someone who just happens to be drunk and is thrown into one of these sessions as part of sentencing, it is supposed to instill this large amount of anxiety about turning into an alcoholic later in life, not to mention an insurmountable amount of guilt.

    As far as their entering into the dorm room goes, I am sure the contract/agreement that anyone signs when living on campus compels them to waive their fourth and fifth amendment rights when it comes to issues like this. My advice? Don't EVER fucking live on campus just for that reason.

    Cigarettes, just bite the bullet, get the fucking meetings and probation over with, and get on with the rest of your life. You were drinking a beer; big fucking deal! That is no crisis. Your parents are angry because their son, who happens to be a college freshman on campus, with a bunch of other people who need to get their ya-ya's out, was drinking? Oh, how fucking shocking THAT must have been. Jeezus, what fucking cave have they been inhabiting? This is not a crisis in the real world.

    Just say what the counselor wants to hear, go to those goddamned meetings and just tune everyone out, and then go home, enjoy a tall, cool glass of beer, and just fucking forget about those assholes.

    And, I think I can speak for everyone when I say, that getting caught with beer in a dorm isn't jack shit compared to what some of us here (definitely including myself) have gotten tangled up in, and we are all still just as fired up and angry as before.

    Shit happens, buddy. Don't let it turn you towards spinelessness.

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