fact 1: we are living on a speck of dust in a universe with a billion, billion suns. fact 2: the number of people of earth now equals the number of neurons in the human brain; six billion. question 1: how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? question 2: how many pinheads are on this planet? paradox 1: each person is a universe, there is one reality. we all think we know better than everyone else. paradox 2: two wrongs don't make a right, but six billion do. proposition 1: let the meek inherit the earth; the rest of us will inherit the universe. proposition 2: a billion worlds are better than one. a blessing: may our great great great ever so great grand children search the night sky for the star that was the manger of our race. a curse: may your narrow mindedness case you to fall face first onto a pin and injure both eyes.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: fact 1: we are living on a speck of dust in a universe with a billion, billion suns. fact 2: the number of people of earth now equals the number of neurons in the human brain; six billion. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ok if you send this to: <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI>5 people you get to run the crack of your ass down Bill Gates's face. <LI>10 people you get to give Bill clinton an indian burn <LI>20 people and you get to drown as many ethiopians as you want in a 5 minute time frame <LI>25+ people you get to kick that cunt heather in the cunt or the teeth...your choice. [/list]
'Ooh,he said the meek will inherit the earth' 'Oh...Shut up Big-nose!' 'Right, I warned you. If you call me Big-nose one more time,I'm gonna punch you so hard!' [This message has been edited by PinkorBrown69 (edited March 08, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: paradox 2: two wrongs don't make a right, but six billion do. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No man, two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. ------------------ I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.