How to pick up girls...

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by djdev, Dec 19, 2002.

  1. djdev

    djdev New Member

    if you know how, plz share.
    today I was in a club.. I dont go often and if i do I am usually very shy and dont talk to girls. anyways after a few drinks my buddy dared me to ask every girl that walked by for their number except the ones with guys. this was my line "Hi I was wondering if I could have your name and your number" I managed to get 10 numbers and got turned down only 5 times (including the ones that didn't reply) and I an't that good looking either. the ones that asked why I just repiled 'oh i saw you dancin and think your pritty cute' worked like a charm and think i'm going to use this more often. eventaully tho you should stop before they figure out that ur asking every girl that walks by. later I will tell how many i fucked and how manhy fake numbers i got... I think I even managed to pick up a retarted girl which is a HUGE PLUS!
  2. djdev

    djdev New Member

    man, i must have been realy drunk last night to post that.
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's okay... happens to the best of us. Congrats on the ree-ree!
  4. kitana

    kitana New Member

    allright, lemme give ya some tips.
    u hunt for the right one. u look for the chik u want, u make sure she is alone when u approach night is best, when its dark n make sure there arent many ppl around. witnesses r bad. u sneak up behind her n hit her over the head with some blunt object, nut too hard, tho. u just want her unconscious for a bit, nut dead...r dead may be, depending on yer taste for bodies. then u throw her over yer shoulder n take her to yer place r yer car n fuk her like mad b4 throwing her body out in some abandoned area. dun forget to use a kondom.
  5. djdev

    djdev New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kitana:
    allright, lemme give ya some tips.
    u hunt for the right one. u look for the chik u want, u make sure she is alone when u approach night is best, when its dark n make sure there arent many ppl around. witnesses r bad. u sneak up behind her n hit her over the head with some blunt object, nut too hard, tho. u just want her unconscious for a bit, nut dead...r dead may be, depending on yer taste for bodies. then u throw her over yer shoulder n take her to yer place r yer car n fuk her like mad b4 throwing her body out in some abandoned area. dun forget to use a kondom.

    you are very wise, thank you for the great advice.
  6. Alien Probe

    Alien Probe New Member

    Step one, I usualy (in a disguise) go to their place of work, and flirt with them. If they work with the public they have to be nice and polite. I like coffee shop girls. I ask if they are students and where they come from and eventualy, ask, How long it would take before someone noticed they were missing.

    Step 2, I visit them at night and use my immobilizer. the drones bring them to me and my friends and I get wicked fucked up and do them while we all watch. if they're really good. we never return them.

  7. kitana

    kitana New Member

    u see, tho, AP has backup. if u dun have backup, use my method.
  8. EllaMichelle

    EllaMichelle New Member

    If you have talent become a musician....if not just learn how to ride a motorcycle.....always worked for me
  9. EllaMichelle

    EllaMichelle New Member

    If you have talent become a musician....if not just learn how to ride a motorcycle.....always worked for me
  10. djdev

    djdev New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by EllaMichelle:
    If you have talent become a musician....if not just learn how to ride a motorcycle.....always worked for me <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  11. EllaMichelle

    EllaMichelle New Member

    hey I'm a singer, not Ann Landers for christ's sake....were you expecting depth or sincerity?
  12. djdev

    djdev New Member

    I'm just pissed, I had the worst night of my life.. oh my god was that girl fat.. she didn't look fat when i was at the club.
    Worst mistake I ever did was say "so do you have anything in mind you want to do tonight" she replied "yah i wana see that 8mile movie" omfg I had to stay with this whale through out the movie fuck I wanted to kill my self, end the misery right there....I wanted to just leave her out there but she had no ride back home .... I swear I coulda cried when I got back home... I learned my lesson well..

    This will take some time to heal... OMFGG we were the WORST COUPLE EVER. imagine a fat short girl in baggy jeans and a tall guy who was way too over dressed for the date.
  13. stymie

    stymie New Member

    So did you fuck her?
  14. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Tell us another story devdev, I like your fantasies about normal life and being able to pick up the ugly fat chicks.
  15. djdev

    djdev New Member

    I had no intention of fucking that thing, infact the only thing she got from me was a handshake which was a thing to see.

    normal life and being able to pick up fat chicks? the fuck you talking about monkey boy?
  16. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

  17. EllaMichelle

    EllaMichelle New Member

    wow that least it was dark in the movie theater and you managed to escape w/ just a time will be better hopefully
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    is this you and your black boyfriend?

    Nice wig Little Orphan annie...
  19. sweetlyscented

    sweetlyscented New Member

    Dev, I feal so bad for you. One time I was at this club and some guy looked sooooooooooooooooooooo good. I mean, good enough to eat, wow. So we were dancin' I was having fun. After a few dances he's like, "wanna go outside for a fresh breath of aire" I'm like, "sure."

    ................................WHAT THE FUCK!! When I got outside and saw him in some light........................I wanted to jump in front of the first fucking city bus that passed!!

    I was wondering why my friends were making "fingers down throat" jesters....Oh well....
  20. sweetlyscented

    sweetlyscented New Member


    I would have never been able to sleep if I didn't correct that mistake

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