COO-EE I have found love!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by death, Nov 25, 2002.

  1. death

    death New Member

    Well, my little sweeties. What have you all been getting up to today?

    What have I been doing I hear you ask? Well as I said last night I was opening for the Kareoke. What a blast that was! OH! I had fun. We had a young boy from Bosnia or some other third world country. Well he came up to me and said I was the most beeee-u-teee-ful bell he had ever seen. The young lad is only about 16 and has a body to DIE for. gets goose pimple all over thinking about it he has the firmest ass I have ever seen (no doubt from all the walking and swimming he had to do to get to Glittery Brighton and Hove).

    Well this young man decided to sing what I assume is the only song he has ever heard considering where he comes from - Stand and Deliver by Adam and the Ants. OH, to hear him with his American-like accent singing that passe song was a treat!

    But! about 10.34pm we had some riff-raff come in and try to start trouble. Thankfully John and Bill were on the door although they were no good. What goes through these peoples minds?

    Well It was like a movie in slow motion. I just saw these boys comeing straight for me. The look of hate in their eyes was aparent even in the neon lighting. For some reason they were screaming FAGHAG at me(?) They must have been out of towners. Maybe from Biggon Hill they are all meanies. Maaughure (he just spelt that for me because I never could, I call him Princess) my new imagrant friend came to the rescue like some sort of - Superman. Like a man really should. I was so worried about these yobs I ran and tripped on my dress arms and legs akimbo, ladder in tights as well I was so humiliated but I got right up and started to stroll to the bar with tears in my eyes when Princess came up and walked infront of me. He started yelling at the boys and waving his arms around like a maniac. Yelling in his native tounge of errrrrr oh-er South American? These yobs just stood there and looked at him. Then he turned around and hugged me - hard. His head nestled into my lower chest. I have never felt so loved. He looked so lost and lonely - like a little orphan boy begging on the streets of.......... Tibet or where ever it is he hails from.

    Well at the end of the night he got in my Nissan Sunny and we drove to my flat and he is now going to live with me.

    When you are least expecting it love just comes up and paints glittery hearts all over your face.

    So what I wanted to say was that I know I have been leading I murder Children and was it Nick? and Cigarettes? on. But Im afraid I am now taken. I owe my life to Princess. I won't completly ignore you and I will still flirt with you (see the other threads) but Im afraid I only have enough room for one boy in my life - Princess.

    wipes tear away from eye so not to ruin false eyelash glue. Blows kisses to all the men in the room. I now I haven't been posting long but watching you all for 3 months has made me feel likes there is a special - how can I say this - thing. I will still give you all my attention but Princess gets use of my ass.

    Kicks shoes off and starts to dance like Holly Valance around room signing Whitney's I Will Always Love YouI shake my ass as I leave the room to go to bed.
  2. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Jesus, cunt.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    You read it?
  4. death

    death New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya Dubya 2:
    Jesus, cunt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    OH! In no way was my leaving you out intentional. With so much ferocious testosterone prancing up my nose I just forgot to tell you what a wonderful guy you were.

    Come out with me and Princess tonight! OH!OH!OH! Good idea alert! Yes Dubbywubby Make your way over here (Brighton) tonight and we can have a ball.

    Fingers Dubby to come (harder! OH! Im sooooo naughty!) closer - whispers in ear -You can try my titty tassles on if you really want. Wiggles ass on way out of the thread
  5. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    See, I am a fucking stud muffin, I am equally attractive to all genders....

    *flutters eyelids and adjusts his super sized crotch to the right for extra impact *
  6. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    You read it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Course I did, how do you think I came to my all endearing conclusion?
  7. death

    death New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    You read it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh Bitch! :O

    Listen Hunny, just because you have the mental capacity of a slug and the attention span the size of the poor things cock ring - does not mean you have to post useless tidbits from your memory bank after someone decides to actually post in this prodigious forum. Get that protein from all those yanky burgers you no doubt chomp down on, working by reading it. While you're doing it get a can of beans and do some weight lifting so the fat from the Whooper doesn't settle and give you saggy arms.

    Women! Why would I want to be one!?

    Raises eyebrows, purses glittery lips and looks down on Nauseous the 'Bitch' shakes ass at all the men HEEEEEEEY you guys!
  8. death

    death New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya Dubya 2:
    See, I am a fucking stud muffin, I am equally attractive to all genders....

    *flutters eyelids and adjusts his super sized crotch to the right for extra impact *

    Blushes (glittery red and blue colour).
    My what a big - nodule - you have. You must be proud. Soooooooo Dubby hows about a rendezvous at my local club. Its called Dreams and plays all sorts of funky moosik. From the Bee Gees to Kylie (obviously) to Puddle of mud (obviously). OH! Say you will come. Come Please Come.
    Slaps face like a Bitch - CALM!

    So what do you say?

    Shakes ass sexily at Dubby. Realises hes a real man. He can handle me. Grrrrrrrr
  9. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Don't do clubs anymore. They make my asthma flare up.

    * sucks on his inhaler to prove the point *

    However, if you guarantee a bucketful of drugs and no drunken fumbling if pass out, yer on!
  10. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Go on dubya... show sparkles how much of a man you can be. It's not gay if your balls dont collide.
  11. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    Christ, If i'm not careful this thread could spral out of control!
  12. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    spiral even!
  13. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

  14. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    dirty fucking faggot... it's people like that, that give rainbows a bad fucking name
  15. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited-time:

    Fuckin bitch....

  16. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children:
    dirty fucking faggot... it's people like that, that give rainbows a bad fucking name<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Incidentally, what are the colours of the rainbow?
  17. Cigarettes

    Cigarettes New Member

    Sparkles, I'm glad you found a man. Good for you. Next time just tell everybody who you are. On the other topic no offence just a joke. I hope you and your boyfriend are happy together.

    I'm not gay!
  18. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    depends on whether you believe george, zippy and bungle, or your science teacher....

    red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue......


    red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
  19. ross_perot

    ross_perot New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya Dubya 2:
    Incidentally, what are the colours of the rainbow?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ROY G BIV!!!!!!!!!! WHHOOOOOO

    Fuck yeah!!!!!!11
  20. NiCo

    NiCo New Member

    I'll fuck her

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