Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by pimpchichi, Mar 6, 2001.

  1. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    chapter five of sun tzu's the art of war...

    Generally, commanding of many is like commanding of a few. It is a matter of
    dividing them into groups.
    Doing battle with a large army is like doing battle with a small army. It is a
    matter of communications through flags and pennants.
    What enable an army to withstand the enemy's attack and not be defeated are
    uncommon and common maneuvers.
    The army will be like throwing a stone against an egg; it is a matter of
    weakness and strength.
    in battle, use the common to engage the enemy
    and the uncommon to gain victory.
    Those skilled at uncommon maneuvers are as endless as the heavens and earth,
    and as inexhaustible as the rivers and seas.
    Like the sun and the moon, they set and rise again.
    Like the four seasons, they pass and return again.
    There are no more than five musical notes,
    yet the variations in the five notes cannot all be heard.
    There are no more than five basic colors,
    yet the variations in the five colors cannot all be seen.
    There are no more than five basic flavors,
    yet the variations in the five flavors cannot all be tasted.
    In battle, there are no more than two types of attacks: Uncommon and common,
    yet the variations of the uncommon and common cannot all be comprehended.
    The uncommon and the common produce each other, like an endless circle.
    Who can comprehend them?
    The rush of torrential waters tossing boulders illustrates force.
    The strike of a bird of prey breaking the body of its target illustrates
    the force of those skilled in warfare is overwhelming,
    and their timing precise.
    Their force is like a drawn crossbow
    and their timing is like the release of the trigger.
    Even in the midst of the turbulence of battle,
    the fighting seemingly chaotic,
    they are not confused.
    Even in the midst of the turmoil of battle,
    the troops seemingly going around in circles,
    they cannot be defeated.
    Disorder came from order,
    fear came from courage,
    weakness came from strength.
    Disorder coming from order is a matter of organization,
    fear coming from courage is a matter of force,
    weakness coming from strength is a matter of formation.
    those skilled in moving the enemy use formation
    that which the enemy must respond.
    They offer bait
    that which the enemy must take,
    manipulating the enemy to move
    while they wait in ambush.
    Those skilled in warfare seek victory through force
    and do not require too much from individuals.
    Therefore, they are able to select the right men and exploit force.
    One who exploits force commands men into battle like rolling logs and boulders.
    Logs and boulders are still when on flat ground,
    but roll when on steep ground.
    Square shapes are still,
    but round shapes roll.
    those skilled in warfare use force where the troops in battle are like boulders
    rolling down a steep mountain.
    This is force.
  2. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    "You don't have time to think...if you think your dead" -Mavrick-

    Go ahead and study all you want, whilst you are trying to remember what Sun Tzu said, I will have clobbered you with a mallot and let my dogs devour your entrails.
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i don't have to study, or remember, or think... i just know...
  4. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    You know then that your skull is mush.
    Kudos though for Sun Tzu references. I keep four or five copies of it on the shelf and send them to people when i have no time to think of a better birthday gift. Many versions....I'm sure you got the "Art of War for Dummies"
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you're gonna say next that you have a compulsion to buy 'catcher in the rye' and the rest of your bookshelf is brimming with copies...
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    and no... i got the txt translation of it from ....
    i don't have a copy of "the art of war for dummies"... but seeing as you have a glut of copies.. perhaps you could hook me up...
    i don't usually buy more than one copy of a book... unless i lose a book i really like.. then i may replace a lost copy...
    but when i can't think of a birthday gift for someone.. i usually get them fuck-all...

    and i didn't know my brain was mush.. damn.. i guess that BSE got to me... then again.. if my brain is mush.. i'm not likely to know about it.. am i?
  7. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    Try reading more dickey...I said "your skull is mush" a reference to the earlier comment regarding, "while you are busy reflecting on what Sun Tzu would do, I would have smashed your skull with a mallet." and your response, "I don't have to think, I know", not to imply you were un-read. As a Republican I am use to oppose abortion of all kinds, even incest rape cases, but after talking to you I am re-thinking that stance.
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    we are talking??

    pro-choice personally... but it's my opinion.. and i do not expect others to share it.. but i get this feeling you are one of those dickwads who thinks people are retarded unless they agree with every thought in your tiny little mind
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    As a Republican I am use to oppose abortion of all kinds<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    so you oppose abortion because you are a republican...
    not because you think all foetuses have a right to life... but because it is the party line...

    the respect i never had for you is rapidly diminishing into pity...
  10. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    The line regarding abortion was a fucking joke that obviosly got past the lot of you. That is my problem, I am a PBS guy hanging in your MTV world.
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    The line regarding abortion was a fucking joke that obviosly got past the lot of you. That is my problem, I am a PBS guy hanging in your MTV world.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yes.. i got the joke... idiot.. you used to oppose abortion.. but now you don't 'cos you wish i was aborted.. i ain't fuckin stupid .. or without humour you fuckwit.. try clicking the fucking link you assmuncher.. and see the spoof abortion clinic.. yes.. more humour...
    just like my "i hate you" reply to your shitty racist post.. more piss taking.. you are but a foil for my rapier wit.. and yet you still keep bumbling on.. with your self righteous delusions that you are in some way better than the rest of us...

    but soon i will get bored of my mock arguments with you...
    i enjoy a battle of wits.... but it is no fun when your opponent is unarmed...

    my blood contains iron....y
  12. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    The joke was missed a bit as the true joke lay in the "incest rape abortion cases". You see you farkin bloke, I was saying that your sweet ole Mum and dear old Dad were also loving syblings. Go see the dentist and Sod Off.
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i see.. you expect me to dissect all your posts and point out EVERY sly dig.. just to prove i understand your (ever so stale) humour...
    ok the new one in that post...
    go see a dentist... a reference to the alleged bad dental hygiene of the british...
    a joke that was laid on extra thick in the two austin powers movies...

    and do you not think that when someone feels they have to point out their humourous asides they cease to be funny.. as you did long ago...

    oh.. and by the way... i went to the dentist two months ago.. where i was told my teeth and gums are some of the healthiest she had seen... except for my two pre-molars at the bottom rear... which is down to genetics as my father and grandfather have both had the same teeth removed.. i had one out then.. and the other will follow shortly..
    they aren't pearly white... i was offered bleaching.. but it comes under the umbrella of cosmetic surgery/body modification... which goes against my principles...
    same as piercing/tattoos/jewellery....
    i am more than comfortable with myself.. so why adorn myself with gaudy baubles and inkings??
  14. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    Your point is well taken. Now do somthing about your breath.
  15. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member


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