coffee, anyone?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by darknessallaroundme, Jun 11, 2001.

  1. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    thinking in my head
    im going to die soon
    im going to kill what is rightfully meant to be killed.

    i will search for my next victim. search the streets for the right girl, a pretty girl, one that i can savor. this death is going to be what i need.

    I get her into my car, it wasnt easy, but i did. I took her back to my place, a dirty apartment on the third floor. I took her inside, i can see the fear in her eyes. "is this real". Is the the way it should be.
    Yse, sacrifice the innocent, that is the way of life i have chosen.

    For i have been chosen to die also, and i blame god for infecting me with this "disease". And to pay him back i must slughter what is good, what he creats, the innocent girls who have lives and families. The ones that have a reason to live, i must kill them all, for god has taken his last life.

    I take the girl to the middle of the woods, trees surround us for miles. Shes trying to scream but the tape has silenced her. Her only emotion showing was the tears rolling down her soft cheeks. Shes such a pretty girl, its too bad god has not been good to me, so i will not be good to his people.

    I find two trees about three feet away from each other. I put one of her arms on one tree, and stab my knife into her palm. I do the same with the other hand. Now she stands before me, like a cucafix, like jesus took his punishment, you shall take yours.

    I remove the tape off her mouth and kiss her on the lips, stare into her eyes. She seems so fightened, so scared that i can see her shaking. the blood that can some out of a human body is unreal. I whisper into her ear "jesus hates you. hw wants you to suffer.

    I stab my other blade into her leg, she cries out in pain, i close my ears as not to listen.

    I turn around and run, leaving the poor girl to suffer, just like jesus, just like the way it should be. And i know this will not be the last, not until jesus brings death upon me so i can face him myself.
  2. Biscuit Wise

    Biscuit Wise New Member

    Don't give up the day job,your story is shite.
  3. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    And i stare into her eyes, her skin as soft as silk, i realize that this girl has only minutes left to live. She doesnt know it yet, but i must fulfill my addiction. I take her to the dining room where i offer her some wine, and she accepts. "Nice lookin place you got here, looks like a tornado came through."
    I take her into my bedroom. I lay her on the bed and kiss her softly on the lips. "I love you" she says to me, but i just stare. She's so pretty, so attractive, but i must overlook that. I must kill her. i NEED to kill.
    I tie her arms to the bedpost, she smiles at me with the softest lips, no idea whats about to become of her. I tie her legs to the bottom of the bed.
    I go into the kitchen to look for something to use......something to sacrifice her with. I look in the drawer, and find the butcher knife.
    I return into the bedroom, turn off the lights, and kneel next to the bed. I was ready to do this, but in the back of my head something is telling me to stop. But its God i blame, I have wished for death for years, and i dont want to bring it upon myself. I ask the lord to send death to me, and im still here. What the fuck is wrong with you!?! I hate god, and i will destroy his people. Maybe he gave me this addiction, wants me to suffer, killing beautiful girls everyday of my life.
    I kneel beside the bed where she is now crying, and begin my prayer.
    "Dear Lord, all that i ask for is for you to end my life, end this pain and sorrow youve givin to me. I will bring death upon the innocent if you dont bring death upon me. Now i shall slay this poor girl, and may the lord accept her into his world, unlike he has done for me."
    I stab the knife directly into her chest, her screams fill the room and the blood gushes out....the only thing i feel now is hope.......hope that the lord will finally bring death upon me. I will sit here for a day or so, with this corpse next to me, hand in hand, and if death does not reach me, i shall kill again. I will sacrifice as many lives as i have to, and no one can know. The cops cant find me. They dont even know i exist.
    I grab the hand of the almost dead body, she twitches every couple seconds, probably the shock of being stabbed. I continue to hold her hand until she eventualy dies. Then i hide the corpse in my cellar, underneath somerocks and brick. There must be about thirty of them rotting away. Thirty innocent lives because one man cant be free.
  4. Biscuit Wise

    Biscuit Wise New Member

    It looks like you are copying someone else's work,Stoner
  5. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    that is all my work. im actually a writer but i write gory shit. i can only write when im stoned cause thats when my mind gets crazy.
  6. Biscuit Wise

    Biscuit Wise New Member

    Don't fuckin lie.I've read that shit somewhere else.
  7. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    I get into my car, satisfied at the death i just caused. I smile to myself and drive away, looking for my next victim. This one wasnt enough, didnt fulfill my hunger, my addiction. Her blood stained my clothes and hands and i could still smell her perfume. I pull into an allyway where i see a young girl, maybe 12 or 13 years old. perfect. Young deaths are more satisfying, more exciting.
    I get her into the car, it wasnt easy, but i did. Shes crying and screaming at the top of her voice for help. Nobody can hear us. I drive to the woods where my last victim was slaughtered. I take her out of the car and show her the girl, still alive, hanging like a crucafix. She has grown skinny from lack of food, and im sure shes gonna die soon.
    "It's time to sacrifice you to the evil" i whisper to her. Shes crying and begging me to stop, but i remove all her clothes.....and stab one of her arms into the same tree. I can see her trembling, and the fear in her eyes. Her hair was golden like the sunshine on a bright day. Her pale blue eyes stared, in fear, at the girl hanging next to her. I took her other arm and stabbed it into a tree about four feet away, causing her arms to stretch farther than theyre meant to be.
    This one is special i can see. This one will lead me to god. This one will help me escape from my nightmare.
    I go back to my car and get the gas can out of the trunk. I say a prayer as i spill gasoline all over the delicate bodies of the girls. "Shall Jesus protect you after death. If he shall not, than you shall burn for eternety in hell!"
    I light a match and toss it into the shirt of the women, flames erupt suddenly. I sit and watch in satisfaction as the bodies burn and wither away. The screams are so loud, so intense, it makes me want to run away. But i must watch, for this is my addiction, my hungre.
    After there is nothing left but ashes, i fall to my knees and beg for God to take my life away. I beg him to stop the pain and suffering that he has brought upon me. But he will not, and for this i hate God, and i will continue to kill, continue to fulfill my addiction.......until death pays me a visit.

  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darknessallaroundme:

    and your shit stinks
  9. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    lets see you do better.
  10. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    The demon's closing in on me, staring me directly in the eyes, ready to strike at any moment. I realize that he is about to attack so i run. I run farther and farther, without looking back, until i can no longer breath. I turn back slowly, just to see the wretched face staring at me still. I hold back my tears, trying not to show fear, for i know this is all a nightmare, i know this thing cant hurt me. But i continue to run from the beast,this time looking back, watching it get closer and closer. There is no way im going to outrun this thing. I stop and it stops directly in front of me, staring at me again. "what do you want?" i scream to it.
    "i am your nightmare,your darkness, i am the thoughts and the angre you hold back. All of your hate and crime is what made me your god."

    I take out my knife and take a stab right to the demons heart, but it smiles and continues to live."You cannot kill the past, i am your wrong doing, and now your gonna pay."

    The demon removes the blade form his chest and grins. "Welcome to the dark side , your time is now"
    He stabs me directly in the chest, the blood starts spilling, my intestines unravling, and my vision gets blurred again. i fall backwards onto the ground and the demon kneels beside."you shall be my next meal" it says with fury. I can feel his teeth digging into my stomach....tearing away at the muscle and drinking the blood. The pain is so unreal, so intense, death would be better fate.

    It walks away, leaving me alive to suffer, half of my insides eaten away, and i lay here with confused thoughts, what could've jsut happened, before i drift away to death.
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Playing 'Shadowmaaaaaaan' has left quite a big impression on you,hasn't it DrAbNeSs?
  12. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darknessallaroundme:
    lets see you do better.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    oh no!!! i can't.. i must bow to your superior literary talents...

    (you sure you're above school leaving age)
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by littleErn:
    It looks like you are copying someone else's work,Stoner<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    nah.. i don't think so Ern... nobody else would admit to doing something so lame and cliched...

    unless he stole it from the wastepaper basket of a third rate pulp fiction writer
  14. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by littleErn:
    It looks like you are copying someone else's work,Stoner<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ern If I felt like stealing works I would steal from a good writer....that is his dumb little essay...
  15. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

    sorry that didnt come out quite right...
    I trad that slop and I thought to myself if I was to steal smeones works I would steal from a good writer....
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yes.. we're all talentless losers posting together

    come here loser and give me a big hug
  17. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...asking again and again...'what happened just there!?!!...i've just had this horrible creature smiling and continuing to live after i just stabbed it...and its !TEETH!...oh GODand..that SMILE!!!Then the rest of the sickening ordeal came back to me!Yes-I remembered the moment when the BEAST -stabbing wildly at my chest with his hideous silvery skinned pointy phallus,grunting 'WOOOO!!WOOOO!!YOU ARE A ONE!!!OOOOH!!I DO LIKE YOOoOOO!!!'...then the creature-kneeling beside me,flicks me on my side and starts to 'eat out' my 'innards' with it's long adept furry tongue.'YOUR TIME IS NOW-DUCKSY-YOU'RE IN FOR A REAL TREAT!!!!!*GIGGLE*''...As i lie there subordinating myself to this rank,filthy,yet strangely handsome monster...i find myself panting...heaving...and feeling myself ever widening chasm opening up that coincides with noxious gases being released from the very bowels of my being...'EEEEEEEK!!-OOOOOH!*GIGGLE GIGGLE*NAUGHTY BOY!!...the BEAST shrieks...and then it DAWNS ON ME!!!YES!!!I am ~enjoying~ this evil...HAHAHAAAAAA...enjoying the sense of my 16 yr old dudeness being devoured hungrily by this flouncing,eager cum-dollop from HELL YES-enjoying it...but-no...wait...what about all the promises from jesus?Jesus on his cucafix...awwww...damn...and all my dude pals-would they approve of my newfound taste for demonic probings?The torment was shortlived as i suddenly become overcome with an experience like no other...the BEAST...continuing to make contented gurgly grunting sounds firmly fixes its long muscular proboscis in one particular area of my innards and now very enthusiastically moans in body is now overcome by demonic possession...i start to judder and squirm...clasping wildly at the BEAST'S hairy head...dementedly flinging my hips from side to side...UNTIL...(OH MY GOD!!!)...(MOMMA PLEASE DON'T WALK IN JUST NOW!!!! DARK SIDE IS NOW MY HOME...AND THE TOILETS HERE ARE ALWAYS FULL...I NEED NEVER BE AFRAID OF BEING LAUGHED AT BY THE CHICKY DUDES AGAIN...HERE I AM ALWAYS GREETED BY SATANS HUNGERING HORDES...AND I AM AT ONE WITH THIS EVIL...UNLIKE WHEN I WAS WITH THOSE CHICKS WHO LAUGHED AT MY SPOTS...THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE MOCKED-OH NOOOO!

    <font size=5>THE BEAST</font>
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by P. Diddy:
    come here loser and give me a big hug<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    erm... thats a manly non-gay hug... *backs away slowly*
  20. darknessallaroundme

    darknessallaroundme New Member

    let's just not hug at all, you know how rumors spread

    Have you ever been choked with your own intestinal track? Have you ever had a thin piece of glass shoved into the tip of your penis? Have you ever been getting a blow job and have the girl sinking her teeth into your dick? ......hey, neither have i.

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