On The Rambling Road

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by KevinISlaughter, Aug 14, 2002.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Ya!I don't like that.
  2. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    I see your views on life as being flawed in the same way as science...and our logic based language and therefore reasoning process...well...dated science...the most progressive,cutting edge scientists are beginning to sound more like they are describing the Bhagavadgita or the I Ching with the concepts they are toying with nowadays.They are going beyond black or white...or binary,into the quantum age.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Every decade brings us a new crop of cutting edge scientists, I don't think that any have proven that we don't need to eat, sleep, shit, fuck or fight - have they? That's the line you quoted.

    I mean, there still are ahearents to the flat earth theory, and some very lettered men were involved in that movement at one time. Magellan sailed around the world in 1519, but in 1895 John Alexander Dowie founded a flat earth society. He offered $5,000 to anyone who could prove him wrong. Why he even traveled around the world lecturing on the subject, but of course he believed that he was just making circles on the flat surface.

    I'm all for scientific progress, and I'm not a scientific dogmatist, but there are a whole buch of kooks out there right along side of non-kooks. The pseudo-scientists graduated from the same schools with sometimes better GPAs than the scientists.

    I've been reading Desmond Morris a lot lately (The Naked Ape, The Human Zoo, Intimate Behavior) - I'm interested in human interaction, and human sexuality. I'm a Social-Darwinist. I've never read the Bhagavadgita, don't know how it sounds, wouldn't know if someone was describing it - or describing something like it. If you mean what they are talking about sounds like nonsense - then I understand you.

    I don't believe that science can explain everything, there are limitations to human knowledge. By the very fact that we are animals, and NOT divinely created (IMO), we have limitations. I do think there are quite a few things we can understand, and it doesn't take a quantum physacist to figure out that if you fuck another man's wife there is a good chance that man will come after you id he finds out. They also know what kind of person is prone to infidelity, and what type of person couldn't cover up that infidelity. I don't believe in good and evil, in any objective sense, but subjectivly I can decide what is productive (good) or destructive (bad) - but I don't need someone to tell me what that is.

    We can't even define electricity, but we know how it works, and we can control it (most of the time). I'm not a scientist, or a scholar. Most of the time I just refer to myself as an ignorant ol' country boy from North Carilina, though nobody that I talk to seems to believe me.

    Tell me HOW my views are flawed. Is it because I don't have faith? Because I need some sort of fact or evidence to come to a conclusion?
  3. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    'The Tao of Physics'

    If you can tell me how your copy and paste post has to do with my Essay, and how it relates to my supposed "outdated" ideas I would be appreciative.

    Just because people can communicate the ideas of physics by using Eastern Philosophy, doesn't mean they couldn't do the same thing in a Batman cartoon, or by noodle art.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin I. Slaughter:
    I don't think that any have proven that we don't need to eat, sleep, shit, fuck or fight - have they? That's the line you quoted.

    Tell me HOW my views are flawed. Is it because I don't have faith? Because I need some sort of fact or evidence to come to a conclusion?
    I'm not saying we don't need to-neither are they.
    The flaw i see is that ,as i understand it, you are trying to say that that is about all we amount to at the end of the day.I see all life as being far more complex than that.

    [ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin I. Slaughter:
    If you can tell me how your copy and paste post has to do with my Essay, and how it relates to my supposed "outdated" ideas I would be appreciative.

    Just because people can communicate the ideas of physics by using Eastern Philosophy, doesn't mean they couldn't do the same thing in a Batman cartoon, or by noodle art.

    Bit presumptious of you there,Kev...i typed all that out on a fucked keyboard with most of the letters worn off it.And it took about 45 mins.It's half six in the morning here,so i'll leave he rest for another day.
  6. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:

    The flaw i see is that ,as i understand it, you are trying to say that that is about all we amount to at the end of the day.I see all life as being far more complex than that.


    Well, I'm a pragmatic fellow. I like to know what works, and what be broke. There are innumerable processes biological, psychological, electromagnetic,
    etc. that are behind our actions. My point is that there's probably no god behind them, but thas doesn't mean that we should stop searching for "the answer".

    Also, my point was that people who don't really NEED to know about certian fields of study are being forceed to. "Stay in school" does no good for morons, but we keep them there anyway.

    Pragmatism tells me that if I sit and stare at my navel all day, I'll wind up not having rent at the end of the month. Now, if I was a Buddhist monk and lived in a temple in Bali, I could do that and not have anything to worry about. People would give me gistfs of food and my trained monkeys could steal what I didn't get for free!

    Okay, it got a bit silly there at the end,

    [ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: Kevin I. Slaughter ]
  7. sugar sphinx

    sugar sphinx New Member

    so thats why school feels like prison ooohh
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Just responding to one of the points you made,for now...
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin I. Slaughter:
    Just because people can communicate the ideas of physics by using Eastern Philosophy, doesn't mean they couldn't do the same thing in a Batman cartoon, or by noodle art.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    Bit presumptious of you there,Kev...i typed all that out on a fucked keyboard with most of the letters worn off it.And it took about 45 mins.It's half six in the morning here,so i'll leave he rest for another day.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i can vouch for that.. i was looking at that book round her house last weekend... which was when i spilt wine on the keyboard that the fucked keyboard she's typing on is being used as a replacement for
  10. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    I'm sure given the time, education and financial backing, I could make a great case for Heraclitus. His most famous maxim about skippin through creeks could parallel this idea of change, and I think it's quite accurate - to an extent. I think that a lot of Eastern Mysticism is so malleable. As astrology is vague, it can apply to so any situations.

    I'll let you comment on other points if you like, or we can continue here..

  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Well,i agree with what you say about education and social conditioning.It's this point which doesn't sit right with me.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>But why do we need to train our killers to be anything but? Why do we need to train our police to be social workers? WHY AREN'T WE TRAINING OUR CITIZENS TO DISBELIEVE?!
    1+1=2, 2-1=1 and then we can get to the advanced stuff. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Can you explain further please?
    And whether we like it or not,we aren't just animals.We are 'animals' that have free choice due to our bodies having evolved to such an optimum level of ability as to have liberated us from the restrictions of the physical world,freeing up energy to master the next dimension-consciousness or 'ethereal' level.Animals kill because they have to.They have no choice,but for us it's not necessary,unless in self defence.
    I'll leave it at that for now.

    [ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  12. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:

    It seems pretty self evident, but I guess I did write it.
    "train our police to be" - We are emasculating our police. They are afraid to do their job. Criminals have more "rights" and protections than citizens, but I'm not one to pay tribute to victim culture either.

    "1+1=2, 2-1=1 and then..." - It goes along with what I was saying earlier. Theism teaches people to reject logic, as exponded upon in the article. We should encourage imagination, but discourage delusion. I am an atheist, and a Satanist. I consider myself to be a reasonable person, but I can use sex, sentiment and wonder to create art and inspire me. I can understand that one thing is representative of another, and that the writers of previous ages might actually be discussing sociological and political issues by means of popular theology.
    Ahh... yeah, enough of that...

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>
    And whether we like it or not,we aren't just animals.We are 'animals' that have free choice due to our bodies having evolved to such an optimum level of ability as to have liberated us from the restrictions of the physical world,freeing up energy to master the next dimension-consciousness or 'ethereal' level.Animals kill because they have to.They have no choice,but for us it's not necessary,unless in self defence.

    We (using this to refer to humans in general and not YOU and ME) are animals, no more, no less. Sometimes better than ones that crawl on four legs, sometimes worse.
    We are different from other animals, just as the snake is different from the mongoose that stalks it.
    It's obvious that we have an evolved intellect, but I would disagree that we can somehow separate our consciousness from our bodies into some cosmic consciousness. I could give credence to Jung's theory of "universal consciousness" only by some sort of combination of racial memory and possibly a way of social communication that works on a more hidden psychological level. Not sure, don't know if it's relevant to the discussion anyway.
    I have a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to Eastern Mysticism. I enjoy the writings of Yukio Mishima, will eat Chinese take out, but that’s about the extent.

    Tell me, exactly how have we been liberated from the restrictions of the physical world? I don’t think there’s an animal (human or otherwise) that can remove himself or herself from the physical world. There are many who come to the delusion that they are controlling the minds of others with special psychic powers. There are people who think that they have epiphanies and contact with otherworldly entities. If you think you can prove of such a thing, please contact James Randi: http://www.randi.org/research/index.html

    Now about killin’ shit:
    We kill, constantly. You may not, but there are others who are doing their damndest to take up your slack.
    You might possibly be a vegetarian/vegan. I am not. I eat meat, the rarer the steak, the better. Something has to be killed for me to eat it. You’re right – I don’t have to kill it, but it gets killed for me. That frees me to do other things, but I’ve never traveled to an alternate universe.
    War, serial murder, mass murder, domestic murder, child killers, drive by shootings, execution of criminals, drug deals gone wrong, kids playing cowboy with daddies pistol, the guy next door has made one too many loud noises, your dog told you to feed Drano soaked donuts to the homeless.

    For every benevolent act, there has been a malevolent one, or five.

    We don’t have to kill, but we do, and many of use enjoy it. Sometimes it’s for the best, sometimes not.

    [ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: Kevin I. Slaughter ]
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Just one point until i've read all that more thoroughly...
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin I. Slaughter:
    Tell me, exactly how have we been liberated from the restrictions of the physical world? I don’t think there’s an animal (human or otherwise) that can remove himself or herself from the physical world]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ok,i didn't word that too well.I just mean we aren't governed by such rigid restrictions in the physical world as other creatures,to the degree,for example where our minds and bodies can direct information and resources into making it possible to travel outside the planet's atmosphere even.

    Oh yeah-and i'm not vegetarian.

    [ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  14. Yummy

    Yummy New Member

    I find it strange to believe that a female, who spends most of her time under the influence of chemicals/alcohol and has unprotected sex despite the fact that intellectually she should know the risks, is trying to debate the fact that she is more than just an animal. I would think if she were smarter than a dog she would weigh the risks of such behavior and spend her time doing more worthy things like showing her humanity by serving the poor, ill, and ailing.

    Being an intellectual is easy by reading and spewing back others ideas, but you can't be smart as long as you act like a dumb bitch in heat.
  15. KevinISlaughter

    KevinISlaughter New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goddess Yummy:
    Being an intellectual is easy by reading and spewing back others ideas, but you can't be smart as long as you act like a dumb bitch in heat.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Maybe this is more of a personal attack on Nursey than an actual statement of ideals, but I'll treat it as the latter.

    I think drinking, fucking, and whatnot is more productive than helping the sick, homeless and stupid. I'm not a humanitarian or a humanist, though I don't spend my time sticking fondu prongs into babies eyes either.

    I think one can be quite intellectual and indulgent, but one becomes stupid when they are allowing complusion to dictate what they do, instead of understanding the reprocusions of ones actions and being willing to accept those reprocussions.

    Look at the list of artists, writers, and otherwise that have used mind altering subnstances. Certainly for every one of them, there's a hundred thousand shitbag loosers scrounging around their carpet at 4am looking for a fragment of crack rock, but they are out there.

    I smoke cigarrettes, and take Tylenol once in a while. Never been drunk in my life, never been stoned. Doesn't interest me. I do know people who are the exact opposite and have been able to match wits with me in the middle of dispicable benders. In other words, it's not what people DO, but who they ARE that makes the difference.

  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goddess Yummy:
    I find it strange to believe that a female, who spends most of her time under the influence of chemicals/alcohol and has unprotected sex despite the fact that intellectually she should know the risks, is trying to debate the fact that she is more than just an animal. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It's unfortunate how much you seem to think you know about me you chancing whore...at best you have crucial details missing which completely changes the context and tone (your views based on a tiny piece of information you have gleaned about the -unusual- circumstances of me and Pimp's 1 1/2 year relationship)...and at worst are completely wrong (your assumption about the amount of time i spend under the influence of 'chemicals' or alcohol.I take ecstacy,coke or speed every 2-6 weeks and drink infrequently,only to achieve as much as a 'rosy glow')...
  17. Yummy

    Yummy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kevin I. Slaughter:
    Maybe this is more of a personal attack on Nursey than an actual statement of ideals, but I'll treat it as the latter.

    I think drinking, fucking, and whatnot is more productive than helping the sick, homeless and stupid. I'm not a humanitarian or a humanist, though I don't spend my time sticking fondu prongs into babies eyes either.

    I think one can be quite intellectual and indulgent, but one becomes stupid when they are allowing complusion to dictate what they do, instead of understanding the reprocusions of ones actions and being willing to accept those reprocussions.

    Look at the list of artists, writers, and otherwise that have used mind altering subnstances. Certainly for every one of them, there's a hundred thousand shitbag loosers scrounging around their carpet at 4am looking for a fragment of crack rock, but they are out there.

    I smoke cigarrettes, and take Tylenol once in a while. Never been drunk in my life, never been stoned. Doesn't interest me. I do know people who are the exact opposite and have been able to match wits with me in the middle of dispicable benders. In other words, it's not what people DO, but who they ARE that makes the difference.


    It was a statement of ideals. I have found the people who don't let drugs/alcohol define them, are the ones who you don't even know use them. Some people are interesting/intelligent enough for it to not matter.
  18. Yummy

    Yummy New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    It's unfortunate how much you seem to think you know about me you chancing whore...at best you have crucial details missing which completely changes the context and tone (your views based on a tiny piece of information you have gleaned about the -unusual- circumstances of me and Pimp's 1 1/2 year relationship)...and at worst are completely wrong (your assumption about the amount of time i spend under the influence of 'chemicals' or alcohol.I take ecstacy,coke or speed every 2-6 weeks and drink infrequently,only to achieve as much as a 'rosy glow')...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It's unfortunate that if what you say is true that you come off like a psuedo-intellecutal druggy and don't even toast your brain that often
  19. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goddess Yummy:
    It's unfortunate that if what you say is true that you come off like a psuedo-intellecutal druggy and don't even toast your brain that often <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I 'toast my brain' when i do indulge...i like my drugs in strong doses...and as i already said,I'm not the 'intellecxtrual' in my family...my sister's the one who wrote a book.

    [ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: Nursey ]
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    ...and you sound like a pseudo -intelligentnonpseudointellectual.

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