Why are men so dumb?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by sweetninnocent, Jun 8, 2002.

  1. sweetninnocent

    sweetninnocent New Member

    Girls, do you know of any men that have at least half a brain. When I read the postings on here I feel so exasperated, and perhaps a little bit sad that all the men are so petty, dismally thick, very probably ugly old wrinkled up fuckers that can't get it up any more (if they ever could). They all seem very bitter and twisted. Maybe they've been blown out more times than they could ever imagine they would be and getting a shag in now before they die is an impossibility. I don't know, they just seem very pitiable and I dispair. If any of you blokes (and I use the word loosely, 'things' would be more appropriate) feel you have a valid excuse for existance maybe you should express yourself in a more congruous manner. Otherwise keep your big gobs shut, you have nothing intelligent to say.
  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    you are a man you imbecile.... taking into account the stature of your penis though.. i can understand the confusion
  3. Wolfy

    Wolfy New Member

    Not all men are totally void of intuition, just that most are. You try having a sausage making 99% of your decissions for you. We think with our cocks, not out brains. That's the difference between men and women. The end.
  4. kitana

    kitana New Member

    yes men are dumb, they need big, strong womin to guide them. men need ta recognize us womin should take charge
  5. slab-o-spam

    slab-o-spam New Member

  6. slab-o-spam

    slab-o-spam New Member

    NEVER TRUST SOMETHING THAT BLEEDS FOR FIVE DAYS AND DOESNT DIE....................................thank you south park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. kitana

    kitana New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by slab-o-spam:
    NEVER TRUST SOMETHING THAT BLEEDS FOR FIVE DAYS AND DOESNT DIE....................................thank you south park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    oh no u dident. little boy, u dun know sheee-at. it's becus we r goddesses. bow down now!
  8. sweetninnocent

    sweetninnocent New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pimp Monchichi:
    you are a man you imbecile.... taking into account the stature of your penis though.. i can understand the confusion<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Eh???? I'm a man????????? Excuse me but I really do not think so. Seeing as I gave birth 3 years ago I think that gives me credibility as a woman wouldn't you say. And seeing as I breast fed that child and she nows calls me mommy I think that reinforces my belief. And seeing as my husband makes love to me, and he is ALL man trust me, I think that your pathetic little comment should be shoved right up your shitty scabby backside as far as it would go. You might stop talking out of it then. Fucking hell, don't you realise twatface that you proved me right straight away, men are all dumb, you being the No. 1 dumb cunt of the year.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

  10. GreenAppleSplatters

    GreenAppleSplatters New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sweet'n'innocent:
    Eh???? I'm a man????????? Excuse me but I really do not think so. Seeing as I gave birth 3 years ago I think that gives me credibility as a woman wouldn't you say..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Naw,you're just another dumbass,multiple personality motherfucker from England.You're a dime a dozen....
  11. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sweet'n'innocent:
    do you know of any men that have at least half a brain. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    uhhh, me, pimp, lomo, imc and many others.

    all the people listed have a high inteligence quota, they are all creative in some way and have a full set of bodily functions, thus they must have at least, half a brain.

    you probably need a helper to go to the bathroom, a stairlift to actually get there and some welfare to pay for them both. you need a magnifier to see the screen, spectacles to see the magnifier, a diploma to work a keyboard, you cant even USE a mouse, your stupid, you talk bollocks, you stink and you have hairy toes. any questions?

    also, i'm sure your voice dictation software would never understand phrases such as; bleeyuuhgg and naaayiigg. you'll have to gather enough courage and effort to get your disfigured hand to scratch some form of basic communication to your home-helper so she can run paintbrush for you.

    so many squiggles, so little time..
  12. slab-o-spam

    slab-o-spam New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Danza:

    yes they do dont they ahhhh yes they DO
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

  14. slab-o-spam

    slab-o-spam New Member

  15. Milo Danglers

    Milo Danglers New Member

    Why are men so dumb? Shit, half the guys I know are ten times smarter than their girlfriends. I mean, why is it that people make fun of women drivers, and not men drivers? Or that blonde jokes are directly related to females, not males? Explain that to me, and someone please shorten this bitch's chain. She's coming out of the kitchen too much to nag.
  16. nerpsen

    nerpsen New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    -=> Because they are missing a few chromizones.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    -=> Hardly. Don't count your imaginary friends.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    -=> I make fun of stupid male drivers every day. You don't get out much, do you?
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    -=> Because males make them up; not females, you fuckwit.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    -=> I hope she wraps that cain around your balls.
  17. Milo Danglers

    Milo Danglers New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Siber Bitch:

    Hardly. Don't count your imaginary friends.

    Hey, don't make fun of Reggie like that. He's very emotional...Don't worry Reggie, it's ok...The bad e-Whore won't hurt you..
  18. trubbsco

    trubbsco New Member

    Ok girls, this thread is cute, but playtime is over and you need to realize that we are the MEN. Sure, you can make good food, make kids, but come on, how can you expect equality if you make us kill every damned spider in your sight. Grow some balls, then come back and talk
  19. kitana

    kitana New Member

    JK: I Have Balls In Jars On My Bookshelf.
    You Need To Be Kastrated...

  20. nerpsen

    nerpsen New Member

    I think we have hit a few nerves here, Kit; What would you say? Men are such fickle creatures, they wonder why they can't get a woman with an IQ above 90. And if they DO find a woman with an IQ above 90 they feel threatened like they do now. Your days are numbered, guys. Women will rule supreme soon.

    Send thowse guys 2 mi, Kit. Mi study 2 b vet and lurn how 2 custerate!

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