Fucking MTV,where do I start? First off,that stupid ass show "Becoming".I watched this show a few days ago because my little sister is a Blink 182 freak and three guys were "becoming" them. So,instead of maybe showcasing a band that sounds like Blink 182(even though they suck) and giving them a break,they take these three idiots who worship the band and give them makeovers,show them how to look like they are playing the instruments(not play the instrument,just look like they're playing them),and then make a video exactly like one of Blink 182's video's.I want to make this perfectly clear:THEY CANNOT PLAY ANY OF THE INSTRUMENTS WHATSOEVER.And on top of that,they're making an exact copy of another video! If that isn't the lamest thing you've ever heard,I'll kick you in the crotch. Secondly,MTV2. Now I like MTV2 for the most part,nothing but videos all day everyday.That's cool,but now they're starting to do this control freak thing.A video plays and three other videos are shown on the side of the screen and you go online and vote for which one you want to see.The thing is,they put one video you actually wanna see up there,and two other video's that 50,000 thirteen year olds wanna see.Any shitty Linkin Park video is going to get more votes than "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath. The bottom line is:if I wanted to see the videos that the majority of the population wanted to see,I'd be watching regular MTV.
hey i got an idea if you dont like mtv THEN DONT FUCKING WATCH IT DUMBASS. p.s.feels like he has to apoligise a little as he's talking to another ozzy freak
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Friar Bitchicus Slapiticus: Huh? You mean they actually show videos on MTV? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was just getting ready to say that. All thats on regular MTV is fucking tv shows. FFS!!!! And MTV2 plays all the tenny bopper shit. Im with you GAS. MTV sucks ass!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tommy710: Originally posted by Kramped Kitana: TV sux what like your momma does kitana?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no no no, you got that wrong, Kitana's mom sucks for burritos... she has a large family to feed
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kramped Kitana: TV sux<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> aye, fuck the hypnobox
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tommy710: Originally posted by Kramped Kitana: TV sux what like your momma does kitana?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That was one great comeback dude....
well what the fuck do you want,if i had razor sharp wit id be making films and stand up comedy not getting stoned while i slag people off in this forum to get my cheap thrills
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quotewell what the fuck do you want,if i had razor sharp wit id be making films and stand up comedy not getting stoned while i slag people off in this forum to get my cheap thrills Fuckin' with ya on that Tommy...spliff?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GA-motherfucking-S: Fucking MTV,where do I start? First off,that stupid ass show "Becoming".I watched this show a few days ago because my little sister is a Blink 182 freak and three guys were "becoming" them. So,instead of maybe showcasing a band that sounds like Blink 182(even though they suck) and giving them a break,they take these three idiots who worship the band and give them makeovers,show them how to look like they are playing the instruments(not play the instrument,just look like they're playing them),and then make a video exactly like one of Blink 182's video's.I want to make this perfectly clear:THEY CANNOT PLAY ANY OF THE INSTRUMENTS WHATSOEVER.And on top of that,they're making an exact copy of another video! If that isn't the lamest thing you've ever heard,I'll kick you in the crotch. Secondly,MTV2. Now I like MTV2 for the most part,nothing but videos all day everyday.That's cool,but now they're starting to do this control freak thing.A video plays and three other videos are shown on the side of the screen and you go online and vote for which one you want to see.The thing is,they put one video you actually wanna see up there,and two other video's that 50,000 thirteen year olds wanna see.Any shitty Linkin Park video is going to get more votes than "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath. The bottom line is:if I wanted to see the videos that the majority of the population wanted to see,I'd be watching regular MTV.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> im gonna have 2 come back to say that i agree with that dude 100% i thoguth that every body had forgotten about all the good metal from the 80's and back but as i can now see i was wrong. black sabbath pretty much started heavy metal. in my opinion led zeppelin gets 2 much credit 4 metal. although an AWESOME band and probably one of the most influential bands of all time on all types of music sabbath started it all. it all comes from sabbath. without sabbath most of the bands that exist 2day wouldnt even exist. black sabbath started the darker side of metal. at the time sabbath came out there was all this hippee crap goin on and they were hard and heavy and proud of it. black sabbath ruels all i must commend the person that wrote this quote i hav not been here n a while bc most everybody here is all a bunch of dumb asses but i can c that there is a light at the end ot the tunnel.
btw if you are lookin 4 some good new matal there are some good bands out there like blind gaurdian, iced earth and hammer fall. they sound like the old GOOD stuff. some of blind gaurdian is very mythotical but its all good. they almost sound mid-evil with electric guitars. its some good shit
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sparky Bombastic: im gonna have 2 come back to say that i agree with that dude 100% i thoguth that every body had forgotten about all the good metal from the 80's and back but as i can now see i was wrong. black sabbath pretty much started heavy metal. in my opinion led zeppelin gets 2 much credit 4 metal. although an AWESOME band and probably one of the most influential bands of all time on all types of music sabbath started it all. it all comes from sabbath. without sabbath most of the bands that exist 2day wouldnt even exist. black sabbath started the darker side of metal. at the time sabbath came out there was all this hippee crap goin on and they were hard and heavy and proud of it. black sabbath ruels all i must commend the person that wrote this quote i hav not been here n a while bc most everybody here is all a bunch of dumb asses but i can c that there is a light at the end ot the tunnel.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ummm..thanks,I guess. You kinda missed the point of my rant,it's about how MTV sucks and MTV2 is cool but starting to go down the shitter like MTV.Not about Black Sabbath,even I though love 'em.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sparky Bombastic: i thoguth that every body had forgotten about all the good metal from the 80's <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Evrybody hass forgeetten.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: shut up spanky you godddmaned retarded cocksmoker<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Di-fucking-tto. Nobody cares what you think. Go back to PorkGravy and share your incoherent discontent for all things normal. Fuck off, asshole.