Why does this disturb me?

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nursey, Jan 25, 2002.

  1. D

    D New Member

    ok I know Italian -

    La scintilla succhia il clit extremly grande di Nurseys mentre wanking fuori del dick molle del pimp anziano povero. I miei tits sono 34 il d. scommetteva che non avete conosciuto quello!
  2. D

    D New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the Spark that made the Fire:
    damn strait shes german

    damn straight your a retard...
  3. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

  4. D

    D New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the Spark that made the Fire:
    fuck u<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    vete a la mierda
  5. sparky69

    sparky69 New Member

  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Die dumme Ratte, gegenübergestellte, jealous Kuh versucht, ein arguement zu gewinnen, indem sie ihre Brustgröße angibt?
    Ihre Mutter muß sie auf ihrem Kopf fallengelassen haben, als sie wurde getragen!!!
  7. D

    D New Member

    im nicht eifersuechtig..., Ich war gerades Versuchen, zu sehen wenn jeder möglicher neue Bumser, was ich auf ungefähr ging. Meine Mutter ist nicht eine Mutter danken Ihnen. Und kein wurde ich nicht auf meinen Kopf fallengelassen. Ich hasse die Deutschen. Heil Hitler.
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally yabbered by Blank:
    in not jealous..., I was even trying, to see if each possible new Bumser, which I went on approximate. My nut/mother is not a nut/mother thanks you. And none I was not dropped on my heading. I hate the Germans. Welfare Hitler

    OH- no!Wank spricht genügende senseless Stier exkremente, während es ist, ohne es durch die yabbering Geplapperfische hindurchzuführen.
    OH...und Hitler ist kühl.
  9. CancerBeans

    CancerBeans Member

    nursey you know that translator is garbage...lol
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i think it's got some kind of room of monkeys/pens/million years/works of shakespeare type thing going...

    if you translate and retranslate about a million times or so.. eventually what comes out will make perfect sense..

    to someone anyway
  11. CancerBeans

    CancerBeans Member

  12. yoko

    yoko New Member

    I need to get out more,my brain hurts now.
  13. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i need to get out now, my brain hurts more
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Kompaktes s!If, das ich nicht besser, ich kannte, würde denken, daß Sie einen kleinen Penis von diesem letzten Kommentar hatten,Kuppler!
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i was playing around with whoever posted before me's words
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey and translated by Cancer Bean with a second rate piece of shit online translator:
    3rd : 41.5 % of the men in the population of world are cut!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Penectomy/Castration follow up

    I can’t remember when it first started, wanting to be cut and ruined like I was. Whenever it did start I doubt I would have envisioned that it would later lead to this. Or that it would be either so painful or so damned cool! But I suppose I’m getting ahead of myself; I can at least tell you how I met my torturer, and what happened.

    I posted some time ago in Yahoo clubs, and on the Eunuch Archive, hoping to find an older man to remove my cock. I wanted it done bloody, and this was a problem, most of the people I met were fakers: they wanted little more than live cyber-porn out of me. Those that were real were invariable two or three thousand kilometres away, and often seemed intent on having a “surgical procedure” done to me. I didn’t see that happening. The real turnaround was when someone else put out a post reading “Auckland, New Zealand. Any local guys?” I was as hard as a rock by the time I got to the third word, and to cut a very long story short I contacted Ricky, the sender by Email as soon as I could. I sent my mail “Penectomy/castration” and was greeted with the reply from Ricky within the day “Ricky:penectomy/Castration follow up”.

    Ricky was early 40’s with what I later found to be a nice dick, and a slightly evil grin that first showed a couple of minutes after we met and one I don’t think he believed I ever noticed. At first though even approaching my cutter was a little scary. We had agreed to meet up at the massive Centra hotel in Auckland. I saw him across the room and my stomach turned into a mash of butterflies. Was I really going to go through with this? I was 20, and knew how good-looking I was. My body was muscled and thin, yet I had little experience with sex; maybe because to get turned on I needed to think of having my dick ripped off……. Why would I do this though? But I had a huge hard-on (I never really knew I was 8’ before this), and almost without knowing why, slowly I walked across the room. As I approached the table he looked up, and for a while seemed lost, then I introduced myself, my throat actually hurting because it was so dry. “I’m Alex…. I, uh, we talked, you’re Ricky right?”. He clicked. He thought that the person who he’d corresponded with was another 40 plus wannabe, and he was half-speechless with desire, any idiot could see that, and checked me out like a piece of meat ready to be dismembered, just the way I wanted him to. That was when he first showed me his smile, and I think, the first time I came with such force. We talked briefly about what we wanted, and agreed that we both had a thing for heavy torture followed by a painful penectomy and castration, done with only the cruellest of instruments. A surprise followed our conversation, he showed me the key to a room, and motioned me to follow with his finger. Here again I think I should cut the story a little short, but it needs to be said my dick stood hard and bulging for him as I revealed it by unzipping my pants and exposing it naked, my whole body shaking, making his cruel smile into a grin, and that I had my first experience with being fucked up the ass. I was told I was good and tight but shit, did it hurt.

    After this we had two more similar meetings. Through these I worked out just how loaded Ricky was. He had a penthouse apartment at the Metropolis building, and took it upon himself to enjoy the build up to cutting me, although little was actually done there and then, “You’ll never know what pain and despair is till I do what I want to” was his explanation. And with this we set up our final meeting.

    That Wednesday, I finished my exam (Microeconomics, 616.101 for anyone interested) and walked slowly to his penthouse, without stopping, I knew if I stopped then I wouldn’t do it….. When I walked in the lights were almost off (it was about 7pm so it was dark outside). Then Rick came out of the dark. “Take your fucking clothes off Alex!” I did as he told, and my reward was to be escorted to a bed. There I was laid down, and Rick took off his pants, leaving his shirt on. First he caressed me, and then tied me onto the bed rails, splaying me out in an X. Ricky took out a pair of rods, one about four inches, the other eight. I had the four inch one shoved down my urethra, burning all the way. He took it out slowly and said, “This is going to hurt a lot more boy”. Ricky then went for the four-inch rod again, much to my surprise. He shoved this down me, and it went in until my head closed over it – I screamed, I knew it was almost impossible to get it out now. He continued, pushing the eight-inch rod down on top of the four inch one, deeper into my throbbing penis. Once again, my urethral lips closed over it, and I could feel and see the rods in me, making my dick and crotch keep firm straight lines. I lay there, spread-eagled, my red dick throbbing and shuddering. Then I almost came, the rods remained jammed, and I felt fire build up within me, but I kept it down, and slowly, slowly, I regained control. Ricky took out a razor blade, by this point I was in heaven and hell at the same time, and could only watch as he played down my taught chest, dripping with fresh sweat and leaving a thin line in it’s wake, coming down to my beautiful belly-button, he flicked in, and blood spurted. The razor made it’s way through my quivering flesh, and Ricky started sawing my naked flat stomach, the blade going around my belly button. He completed the half circle around it, and I realised I was screaming, but who cared? The blade continued, and came to a full circle around my belly-button, here, Ricky’s rough hands flicked the blade downwards, and my severed navel, now in those hands, was played with whilst I writhed, and fought down the irresistible urge to cum. Ricky offered my belly-button to me, saying I should eat it, I nodded, starting to cry now, and it was put in my mouth. I chewed, even savouring the taste a little, and finally swallowed. Ricky moved upwards, and started playing with my nipples, they stood up, so hard and glistening. Ricky, I knew, would take them next. The razor came out again, and sliding it under the skin of my nipples, he prised their tight little red circles away from my now bloody chest, one after the other. Blood washed over me. And Ricky smiled……….

    I was sobbing and screaming uncontrollably now, but at the same time, relishing in my own destruction, Ricky too, it seemed was enjoying himself, pausing only to masturbate and cum. Next came my balls. A blunt penknife was produced, and this was played over my soft carefully waxed scrotum. Eventually he dug it in and cut a straight line down my left ball, then followed with the right. My right nut was carefully pulled out of its protective sack, and exposed to me. “See your beautiful little boy nut here Alex? See the tender thing? I’m going to rip your whole genitalia off, and your boy nut here is where I’m gonna start!” With that my unprotected seed was left dangling, as Ricky pushed my lower back up, so my dick, scrotum (and my exposed testicle! I wailed now) hung down. My right nut hung about an inch lower that my scrotum, and from my collarbone to my pubic hair, I was dripping with blood. Ricky brought out a vice, and placed it around my left nut, still in the scrotum. He turned the vice handle until my nut squashed in and was then crushed, the pain was excruciating. Ricky stopped only when the planes of the vice were nearly together, he then pulled out my mashed boy-ball, and again came, this time over my tortured face. He cleaned it off though, so I could watch I guess. Ricky let my balls hang there for a while, pulling them, whilst he did this I noticed the red light of a video camera, and looked around, I counted at least three…. Ricky then took a glue gun, and rammed it up my perky butt (my best feature I reckoned) the searing hot glue made it’s way up, forming what was the most painful plug ever, he said it would last a week or more. He also dripped candle wax over the freshly pulsating head of my penis, searing it, letting it cool, and then tearing the accumulated wax off. Then my testicles were ripped off in a sharp motion, leaving my empty scrotum flat and flapping against my skin, he then took out a pair of clothing scissors and cut that off too.

    Oh my god, what had I done?

    “Alex, I’m now going to cut off that beautiful cock of yours, ok?” I couldn’t answer, I still sobbed over the pain, and agonised over the loss of so much of my body, I managed a weak shake of my head. “Too fucking late boy, I’m gonna slice the boy’s cock off!!” With that I looked at my manhood, standing straight up, rod’s still pushing it into a line. My dick………. Ricky started pulling out a meat mincer. “N-no! Noo!” I managed to break my silence, but Ricky just grinned harder. He gently fed the end of my dick into the grinder, which was all-metal and had a funnel at the end. He let the tip of my foreskin rest on the edge of the blades (actually they were just mashing grooves), and turned the handle. I think only a quarter inch was chewed off, but I almost died in agony. “Now finally, the piece de resistance!” With that, a kitchen knife came out. It was eleven or twelve inches long, and slightly serrated, probably a filleting knife. The edge of the knife was pressed to the side of my penis, then, slowly, Ricky began cutting. Blood spurted as my young penis was cut. Deeper, deeper, until it was half off, and I could see the insides of my penis. The sawing continued, now I was beyond screaming, and could only watch as the last piece of my 20 year old dick was – snap - cut off. Blood spurted everywhere, and then as it subsided I came, one last time, from my flat crotch, the mass of milky white flowing up around the rod still inside me. Ricky took my whole penis, removed the rod, and held it in his hand, then up to his face, where he brushed it against his cheek. I watched in horror as he forced my mouth open, and put my severed willie (I used to prefer calling my flaccid penis that) inside my mouth, where I was forced to suck, with him holding the end. Oh he played with it, he draped it along my ruined chest, all over me. I remember vividly the look on his face as he pushed it into the hole where my belly-button used to be, but I think he enjoyed it most of all when he put my willie up to my crotch, where it used to be. I didn’t want this, I thought, I didn’t want to go through with it for real…… I sobbed again as Ricky marvelled over my dick, scrotum, nuts and nipples and jerked his dick off whilst caressing what used to be mine…..

    I spent the next month at his place, recovering. My rear was unplugged within the week, and I began to look at what I’d done with a different view. I was still horrified at what had been done, but I knew I would regret not having done it. And that’s how I came to where you first met me. Ricky had my cock stuffed and put on display, next to my scrotum with the remaining ball inside (did I mention that he ate the other one in front of me? No?). I returned to my life, a few people do get off on my de-eroticised body, but Ricky was my main source of pleasure. He always continued to grin when he saw my smoothness though, and I would always like that smile.

    You might not believe it but the best thing though is that it isn’t just pure fantasy. I’m still out there, still whole. Ricky is in contact with me, but I don’t know when we’ll meet. If he’s even serious… However, should anyone come along in the mean time, and happen to share the same goals as me…. I would be willing. First come first served. My picture is available on my profile, and if you’re interested, I guess you should drop me a line.

    Yours Faithfully,


    Mail to: penectomyalex@yahoo.com

    somebody else that needs severe psychotherapy... maybe U.Slime could drag him along with her to group session... hmm.. second thoughts... i don't think he'd need the "weaning yourself from online stalking" course though
  17. CancerBeans

    CancerBeans Member

    wtf is going through peoples heads???
  18. D

    D New Member

    Für den Satz, während einiges von Ihnen nicht mich verstehen kann..., Im nicht die komplette Verzögerung bilde ich heraus mich bin. Ich scheine, genug von Ihnen getäuscht zu haben und im Allgemeinen war das mein Ziel. Für die, die wohles dieses lesen können...., Du Arschloch. Lächeln.
  19. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  20. D

    D New Member

    well... im gonna register

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