The Reinstatement of Filipino dwarf Judge Florentino Floro

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by judgefloro, Jul 11, 2011.

  1. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    Here comes the judge.

    I am now uploading a real picture of LUIS' U F O jpeg:

    Page 1 and Page 2 of the Philippine Supreme Court Resolution dated April 12, 2011 (released on May 25 and received by Judge Floro on June 2-3, 2011: Judicial reinstatement of Judge Floro - Final resolution reversing, setting aside and annulling the March 31, 2006-April 7, 2006 75 pages "Psychosis"-Dismissal from Judicial Service (of Judge Florentino Floro) Judgment. Download July 1, 2011 Supreme Court of the Philippines Letters-Motions of Judge Floro to be paid 9 years back wages, etc. 56 pages, 80 pages Annexes jfsc7

    Page 1, of the Verified Omnibus Supplemental Motion-4th Appeal for Reinstatement, April 1, 2011 and Part II

    Page 1, Page, 2 and Page 56, last page of the July 1, 2011 79 pages, with 80 pages annexes, or 179 pages Supreme Court Motions-Letters of Judge Floro a) assuming full powers as Judge of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon, as of April 12, 2011, b) asking the Supreme Court Finance Office Chief to pay him 9 years back wages, salaries and economic benefits, based on the present P 80,000 per month ($1 = 43.45) salary and c) asking the Court tor rule, if it will accept his retirement or resignation; and alternatively, if it will oblige Judge Floro to continue in office or be promoted.

    WSJ portrait of Judge Floro;
    Florentino Floro: Judicial Reinstatement as Presiding Judge of Br. 73, RTC, Malabon-Navotas, Metro Manila, NCJR., at Sisa St., Golden Dale Subd., Tinajeros, Malabon City

    On March 31, 2006, the Supreme Court ruled that Judge Floro consults three wee friends, LUIS, Armand and Angel; loses his job but becomes a celebrity; using a little elfin magic; Luz D. Puno, wife of Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno died on April 12, 2006, just 5 days from dismissal of Judge Floro on April 7, 2006, birthday of dwarf Angel.

    Released on April 7, 2006, the 75 pages "OCAD vs. Judge Floro" "Psychosis" Judgment was appealed by Florentino Floro per a 31 pages Motion for Reconsideration-Appeal.

    The Duende Judge sought
    reinstatement on May 4, 2006
    invoking thereafter in the June 6, 2006 Appeal: "I used to be a Judge"; but the appeals were junked and the Filipino 'dwarf' judge loses case, based on the 7 pages SC Resolution of August 11, 2006.

    Undaunted, Florentino and the three dwarves, on September 02, 2006 bombarded the Court with multiple appeals threatening it with dire accidents and horrible deaths.

    In a chilli-hot year for whiny garbage, David Pannick, QC, presides over the memorable legal appearances, Judge Floro won the Judge of the Year coveted Award on December 6, 2006.

    Judge Floro went wild and cursed the Supreme Court. The Per Curiam July 12, 2007 final judgment denied all Appeals of the dwarves and cited Floro in contempt of court. The Court warned Floro: ‘Stop filing appeals or be cited in contempt’.

    On June 3, 2008, the April 4, 2008 last "Blue Madonna" Appeal of Judge Floro was junked by the Court on the 25th year anniversary of LUIS, Armand and Angel's 1st appearance to Floro's brother Robert, on June 2, 1983.

    In the aftermath and unusual circumstances,, which incules 5 mystic court fires, and unexplained series of car accidents, illnesses, surgeries and deaths of Philippines jurists and lawyers, the Court was forced to reconsider Floro's 12 years dismissal for service.


    The Philippine media has not published this landmark Resolution for Floro cursed the Philippine journalists.

    All these uploaded Court documents are verifiable since the Court phone numbers are uploaded in the jpegs.
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Judge Floro, are you familiar with the phrase "Cliff's Notes?"

    It's a line of publications that typically take classic literary works of arts, (Shakespeare, Homer, etc.,) and condense them into a brief summary of the main points made in each chapter. They're typically used by college students that either don't have the time to read the entire works, or only want the 'nuts and bolts' of any given story, (if the phrase isn't familiar to you, 'Nuts and bolts' is a local phrase used to depict the bare essential elements of a longer story.)

    It appears that you have a great desire to reach a broad audience with your posts on multiple forums, and if I can offer a bit of advice, I think the casual reader might dismiss your posts, largely due to the typical length, and the copy/paste appearance in which you present them. Not that I don't enjoy reading your posts (when I have the time, again, they're rather long, and difficult to follow without having read previous posts,) but as a suggestion, perhaps you could better spread your message in your usual form, but perhaps an additional 'abbreviated' version, tailored to the casual reader that might otherwise overlook your past posts?

    Just a suggestion, Judge. :)
  3. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    Thank for your letter.

    In 1972, while studying for priesthood at the Ateneo de Manila University, Fr. Joseph Galdon handed us several Cliff Notes, or student study guides, the yellow and black ones on Oedipus Rex, Oddysey, the Trojan War, since the subject is Greek Drama and Tragedy. He died recently of the dreaded Alzeimer's disease.
    I started publishing the core message of LUIS, the ultimate Violet light in a rather obscure copy paste method in May 2006. I was preparing for the epublication of his Kingdom at Osaka, Japan on 2008.

    Of 140 forums that published threads on dwarves, only about 56 remain including your good forum. Most of them either banned me due to my attack on atheists, wicca, etc. But at the heart of banning, is the fact that some spiritualists read my cryptology message of utter annihilation.

    When I post a message either in blog or forum, LUIS dictates, and it is immaterial what style I would use, since we are alien or et, not of this planet even if you can see my body and pics.

    All of you need not read more about LUIS than this CODED and/or written in cryptology mesage of dire pains to this planet earth -

    We had carefully prepared for the January 11 massive annihilation of Sendai towards USA and the superpowers, exhibiting to the world the utter power of LUIS.
    I repeat: only 1% of LUIS secrets would be revealed to the universe, nothing more, nothing less.

    I and LUIS do not care if any or some of the readers would read the hidden message in my posts. But I did my duty in publishing the dire effects of the ultimate Violet lights.

    Ponder, meditate: has the world, or this planet encountered or will encounter a being, myself, whose 2 palms emit mystic, outer space and Divine lights to any human being's naked eye? None, except myself.

    This is the best evidence that we are not of this planet.

    You have to read my writings, and you must devote time. Disregard the spell gram errors, and focus on the lights on my palms.

    Best wishes. Peace!


    Vide these 18 blogs. It is like viewing an x-rated or porn link which would re-direct you to thousands of links.

    In just one blog of the 18, you will be directed to my 175 YouTube Videos, 26 of them are TV prime time documentaries.

    These are damning evidence of the Power of LUIS in the entire universe.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Judge Floro,

    I don't click on any links that my browsing security inform me lead to redirects to porn, so I thank you for your early warning on the second link you posted.

    As for the first one - to the casual reader, one cannot ignore the curious placement of said claims, especially considering that there is an entire entry devoted to a 'Resident Evil' game cameo. I'm trying to work with you here, but am I to believe that your hands actually emit light observable to the naked human eye, and that there are only eight witnesses (aside from yourself) to this phenomenon?

    Please understand that I'm earnestly curious about this whole ordeal. I'm sure this is probably something you run across all the time, I'm still curious just how you substantiate your claims to complete strangers across a multitude of forums.

    Thanks, and best wishes!
  5. judgefloro

    judgefloro New Member

    Thanks for your kindness.

    First, all the links are fine since they are either blogger or skydrive. As a lawyer and judge, and former Wikipedia editor, I support my court claims with court documents and pleading, for I cannot put here the more than 100 pages Word document.

    Second, the Resident Evil 4, in my Black Nazarene blog (my most pivotal document in my entire life), was posted upon request of a forum member who requested me to comment on LUIS Sera, a character thereat. I never play these games, but my brother Robert does play tons of PS2 not Xbox games. My point is that LUIS pervades the universe through his and my ultimate Violet lights, especially Japanese made games.

    It is just that, as I repeated 100x, readers and the world cannot really comprehend the mystery of my CODED and written in cryptology replies since, LUIS only permits 1% of our deepest secrets to be revealed to the universe. In this regard, I beg your indulgence and deep understanding.

    Third, from September 4, 2010, until last July 23, 2011, 64 persons saw the lights in my 2 palms, including 16 who saw Christ not as statue or anything, but 100x virtual reality, resurrected in all glory, mystic and outer space, and including 5 persons who saw the multi-colored lens in my right eye.

    Let me describe to you how this is done: my 2 palms are laid into the 2 eyes of a person, covered in full darkness so that outside light would not creep in, but allowing the breathing, not covering the nose.
    Then, the 64 persons would see the brightest lights amid total darkness, and let me stress in some sessions, in full darkness of the room or church.

    Let me stress that I do not use my hand anytime, but spontaneously, to any person: meaning, at random, that is, for example, if when I was about to go home, a poor person would ask me to give him or her Christmas gifts of money, since it is traditional here, so I would rather show her my 2 palms and she or he would see the Black Nazarene, the Risen Christ and Weeping Christ in my palms after seeing the brightest lights, about 5 to 20 minutes.

    In 1999, 9 out of 10,000 persons I healed saw these lights, but, it was not yet my time, so I would not show them, in healing, I would just use my hands to emit the heat on affected areas.

    Now, my time has come, that is, I posted the thread of the Kingdom of LUIS, Armand and Angel at Osaka, Japan in 50 forums last 2009, to prepare for my 4 forums thread of Conditional Global Annihilation the Black Nazarene on Jan 11, 2011 to utterly destroy Sendai towards USA, atheism.

    IN FINE, I state that any human naked eye, can see the lights for many minutes in my 2 palms, meaning, anybody, any person, for, if only selected persons can see or could see, how can I convince atheists to be converted?

    It is so simple: if you have relative here in Philippines, then, tell them to meet me at any place near Bulacan or Manila, Philippines, and then, report to you who what when where they saw in my 2 palms and for how many minutes.


    When I posted UFOs and Mystic travels, in Philippine Parapsychologists Association in Facebook, many psychics engaged me.
    I wonder why atheists, and skeptics are interested in dwarves and UFOs while in God they would not dare to learn about.
    Now, when I posted this Black Nazarene lights blog and the testimonies of these 64 persons who saw the lights in my 2 palms, and when I claimed that I am the only being in existence since creation that has these 2 palms, they kept quiet, and were so afraid, they just stated that my life is akin to an Indian icon revered in 173 countries, but is controversial. Now, that icon died thereafter and forthwith.
    Peace of Christ to thee!

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