[video=youtube;b1_R4asDyNU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=b1_R4asDyNU[/video] I think we should be told.
Uh really? A kid makes ridiculous faces and that makes them the devil? Look at Koreans, they all have funny faces, nobody says they're the devil(s).
She's probably just been injected with the life essence of L. Ron Bubba, founder of the church of scatology or whatever it is.
Obviously the two of you dont have kids, and probably have legal restrictions to how close you can live in relation to schools, bus stops, and playgrounds.
So you've got kids, hopefully not in a box under your bed, and they've never made off the wall crazy faces? You can take pictures of anyone over the course of a day and make it look like they are crack heads. And you of all people, being 'bullgod666' should know that scientologist don't believe in the devil, they believe in aliens.
You are obviously wearing your panties too tight saladmaster. Loosen up and try to see that not all comments here are meant to be taken seriously fucktard.
This is like watching Beevis and Butthead argue with someone other than themselves. Here do a little mental exercise and come back to finish this debate.
Where is he? Is it after 6pm in America? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-Harold-Camping-predicts-huge-earthquake.html
changed to 6:00 pm pacific time i think. gonna have to call my mother and see if she got caught in the rapture.
Off by five months it seems. http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/05/24/harold-camping-rapture-end-world-prediction.html