So I got on the elevator at work with this douce bag from accounting. As he gets off on his floor he farts, not like silent deadly fart but like old school blazing saddles sitting around the camp fire fart. He walks off with a smirk and all I can think is how I'd like to pummel him into mash potatos. Then before the door closed this hot chick gets on and here we are on the elevator with 3 floors to go with this dudes ass smash in the air. I know she thought I did it. What could I say? I told her it wasnt me, but I'm sure she didnt believe it. So much for taking her home I guess....
Nice reference! (Blazing Saddles) Next time you're on the elevator with him, spray him with some red fox urine as he steps out. He'll think twice before pulling that shit again.
Man that is just too funny. I can understand the smirk I mean surely he did not plan it to turn out like that. Hopefully one day he will be on when she is also and you can ask him loud enough for everyone to hear. "Hey man your not gonna shit on everyone in the elevator like you did before are you?" Now I got to go and Google red fox urine to see WHT. Nevertheless, all foxes will scent mark during the breeding season, and their presence can be determined by the strong, skunky smell their urine takes on at these times. Worth a try.
Dude. It's the worst smelling shit on the planet. I would rather be trapped in a dumpster filled with used kitty litter and soiled garments from the nursing home - FOR HOURS - than to have to walk around all day with that shit on me. I've got an ammo can stocked with my supply - it's the only thing air-tight enough to let me leave even the closed bottles inside the house without vomiting.
I remember one time out in the Mojave desert doing training while in the Marines.I had a camera one of those cheap 35mm and I took a bunch of pictures. Well some guy in my platoon takes a picture of his little pecker with it. So a few weeks later I go to pick them up at the photo place. This hot chick hands me the photos with this funny smirk. As I walk out to the truck I look and right there on top is Emit AKA Chunker's little pecker. I immediately look over and she is watching from inside. Those fuckers got me good.
I've seen the deer scent stuff for hunting, I'm guessing the fox stuff is from the same idea. Does it come in those eye drop size squeeze bottles? I was thinking maybe spray it in the fresh air intake on his car. The one up on the wiper cowl.
Been there, done that. I never fuck with people's cars, but this prick deserved it. On a record cold day when he had to drive 60 hours home with his lady-friend. Stupid prick never locked his car, either. You know that heater was on, too. I'm sure it was a memorable ride. A great delivery system involves using a 5-10cc syringe with removable 18-22 ga needle. Especially if you have access to upholstery. Just make sure that bottle seals well during transport.