Anyone that's known me for any extended or not-so-extended period of time knows of my complete and total hatred for Sony. But I have to say... today I played a couple fucking awesome PoS2 games, and I STILL think sony sucks. These games were made by other companies, but due to the miracle of public stupidity, they're only being released on the PoS2. Fuck. First and foremost... a game that should need no introduction. Grand Theft Auto 3. This game is quite possibly my favorite game at the moment, and that's based on a mere 2 hours of non-stop playing. Everything that made the first GTA good, taken to the next level. This is what GTA is supposed to be. Performing odd jobs in a city where you have complete freedom of movement, you get to run over pedestrians, walk the street and beat the shit out of them, shoot them, kick 'em while they're down, and steal their money. Every car on the streets is available for the taking, including ambulances, hummers, rigs, cop cars, fast cars, slow cars, you name it. For crissakes, you even get to pick up prostitutes, take them to a secluded area, fuck 'em as they suck not only your dick - your wallet, too - then run out of the car and pound them into the ground with a baseball bat and get your money back. This game fucking rocks. Next up, Devil May Cry - quite possibly the first "3-D" game that brings me back to the days of the glorious hack-n-slash 2-D days... This game is just downright fun, and the soundtrack and graphics are amazing. For crissakes... I haven't even played Metal Gear Solid 2 yet, nor Final Fantasy X... One of these days, I'm just going to have to break down and buy one of these shit-boxes.
Grand Theft Auto 3 is da shit!!! I been playin dat shit fo 3 months now. I like goin up on a high ass building and just killin everythings I sees on da street below. It gets me six stars and den I steal da tank and wreck mo havoc. I's da man at dat game! I also gots da FF 10 and MG solid but dey ain't shit compared to GTA3.
stoppit you cunt! god, thats like being starved to death and have you waving a meat pie in front of me going 'nahnahnahnah' damn..
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disorder: the PC version of GTA 3 will be available summer 2002<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you. I must now change my pants.
Oh yeah... if you get a chance, steal a car and park it someplace quiet, tune the radio to the talk show station and just listen to it... the shit's hillarious.
Fucking great stuff! I like the way you leave bloody footprints when you walk away after beating the shit outa someone! My only disapointment is that it doesn't shout 'Wasted' like the old one did. Apart from that it looks pretty cool! And the radio was my favourite thing about GTA2, what was the name of that mad japanese station it played? Right, I'm off to kill some more policemen... Laters...
You knows dat when you fuck da hooker she can git yo ass 125 health right? I's got 80 hidden packages so I's always got an arsonal.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PinkorBrown69: Fucking great stuff! I like the way you leave bloody footprints when you walk away after beating the shit outa someone! My only disapointment is that it doesn't shout 'Wasted' like the old one did. Apart from that it looks pretty cool! And the radio was my favourite thing about GTA2, what was the name of that mad japanese station it played? Right, I'm off to kill some more policemen... Laters...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I never played GTA2... I've got part one and the 'mission pack' that puts you in none other than smashing England, 1969...
i was round my mates last night.. one's walked out on his missus (mate A)... walked in and found her shagging his nephew... so he's sleeping on the other ones sofa (mate B).... (the bitch couldn't handle being dumped, so went round, put the window through, and wrote child molester and paedophile all over mate B's car) so i thought i'd go round with a fat lump of hash and a case of beers, cheer 'em up, get wrecked and fight with his 12 stone monster of a bull terrier, that dogs fuckin cool... well we were playing james bond on his PS2, and i mentioned GTA3 and how great you reckoned it was... lo and behold, ten minutes later mate B's little brother came round with the pills and a copy of GTA3!!!... Whoo-Hoo!! what a fucking funny ass game... squelching pedestrians, killing cops, beating up pimps(sweet irony), that game rocks... after a while though guilt started to get to me so i stole a fire truck and went to put a few fires out....
Just got to second island... Fucking mad game... Blood dripping out of the back of the ambulance when you're rushing people to hospital! Excuse me sir, do you enjoy your job?
I don't like the ambulance missions. I always run the victim over by mistake. I shot the guy point blank in the back of the head with a pistol six times. And ambulance showed up.... spent five seconds with him... and the guy got the fuck up and punched me!!! WTF?!? I shot him POINT FUCKING BLANK FIVE FUCKING TIMES!!! Blood was all over the place. I've got the whole map and 88 hidden packages... so I get all kinds of neat weapons for free. What else is fun.. is stocking up on weapons by running back and forth into the save location. Then you go on top of the casino (or some other high ground) and just start blasting the fuck out of everyone on the street below. The copters show up.. but you just rocket launch em or use the machine gun to take em out. You'll be at 6 stars in no time.
Damn... the more I hear about it, the more I want to break down and buy one of those POS2's... Oh, and Cheese... you wouldn't believe some of the gear some of the modern ambulances carry on board...
Shit, I'm gonna go buy GTA3. You guys should play Metal gear solid 2. It aint as badass as grand theft auto 3, but You get to hold guys up, pop em in the arm, then the knee and watch em try to stumble away
I got my playstation 2 for free. My brother bought a new one cause his stopped working (After one year no doubt. Fucking Sony pieces of shit. I still have to turn my playstation 1 upside down to play it.) Anyway, I put his busted one back in the box and took it to Wal-Mart for exchange and VIOLA! A brand new playstation 2 for me as well. He has Metal Gear Solid 2 but I didn't take to it. I like random violence too much and Metal Gear Solid makes you follow their storyline. Fuck that. Gimme the blood and guts of running over 50 people on a busy sidewalk anyday. PS: You should really break down and buy one Rev. You can't beat the shit they got out for it right now by a long shot. Even if they were designed by the same man who invented the Pinto....