I just spent seven hours working on my 'missus' - getting that fucking flyback transformer off of the monitor board was quite a bitch, but I finally got the new one installed... I fucking swear, after I put her back together and plugged her in, that was the longest fucking ten seconds ever, waiting for the screen to spring to life... For the forum newbies, refer to the two animated gif's in my sig to decipher what the fuck I'm talking about.
Thanks, guys... I'd been putting it off for the longest time, then this morning I spent three hours looking for the last part I needed to make my 'discharging tool' for the anode on the monitor (Basically, the part that can send 30,000 volts through your body and really ruin your weekend)... never did find it, so I improvised. There are two things I needed to do to the monitor, one was replacing this flyback, which would get it working again... and the other thing I kinda put off was doing a cap kit on it (replacing all the capacitors on the monitor board). I guess I got eager to see if it would work, and thought I'd do the cap kit later... I'm going to have to take it all apart again sometime in the near future and do the caps to make the CRT brighter and get rid of the minor 'wave' in the picture. This should prove rather exciting, as now I'm going to have to discharge a monitor that was just used, as opposed to working on one that had been sitting for months... If all goes well, I'll get to move onto my next project, Assault...
I once bought a game called "Cabal". It had two moniters. One was on the top of the machine so that other people could watch you play. I left it in my apartment when I moved out. I wonder what ever happened to that thing.....
Wow... That must've been hard to leave behind... Ever thought about starting over with another game? And now for a moment of silence to reminisce...
Ahhhh the memories. I once played all five levels of that game without losing a single life. I racked up 2.5 million points before finally beating it.
I've got Mame... but I can't figure it out too well. I guess I don't know how to set the controls....
If I'm using the keyboard, I usually try to set the E,S,D,&F keys as the joystick directions, then whatever corresponding buttons for my right hand... It's been so long since I've messed with it (well, since my last reformat... err, fried hard drive...) so I don't exactly remember which buttons to use to change keys... I'm thinking the function keys at the top of the keyboard were used while the game was running, but I'm not entirely sure...