You are all just a bunch of people hating, non-stop complain

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by FunBobby, Oct 24, 2000.

  1. d4ta_fukin_ang3ld

    d4ta_fukin_ang3ld New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children:
    Hey hollz you know what the best part about fucking a 5 year old is? watching them breakdown on the witness stand<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    yeah right you ain't never had a bitch cry over you...but it was funny in context haha..

    He who is flogged by fate and laughs the louder is a masochist.
  2. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children:
    Hey hollz you know what the best part about fucking a 5 year old is? watching them breakdown on the witness stand<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    im afraid i have to disagree with u there imc, the best part has got to be snapping the pelvis
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Psycho Bob:
    im afraid i have to disagree with u there imc, the best part has got to be snapping the pelvis


    LOL now thats fucking funny!
  4. ILikeDrugsSoGiveMeAhug

    ILikeDrugsSoGiveMeAhug New Member

    HeHe!Dude,that is so fucked!!
  5. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    in fact..... i'm still laughing a day later....
    does this make me sick and/or twisted.....

    tut tut psycho bob... you're adding fuel to my depravity.... i'm gonna have to go and test out your theory to see what sound a snapping pelvis makes.....
    and my probation was nearly up too...
    shame on you

    PS yes i know i'm blaming others for my sick fascinations.... but it's societies fault i'm telling ya!!!

    its ok pimpdaddy, there is no need to jeperdise ur probation, i have a selection of my favorite cracks in mp3 format, ranging from the highpitch squeal\crack from the 3 yearolds to the lower tenors of the 8 year olds. if like me and have a very high bordom thershold you can load them into a synth and create your own "special" not seen in the charts songz

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  6. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    hmmmm i scence a money making oppertunity....
    for only the small price of 5 toothbrushes i can furnish you with the instant classic ode to the crack.mp3

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  7. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    hmmm.... toothbrushes eh??
    i'm afraid i don't brush my teeth....
    but i have a selection of small brushes i use to groom my pubes... will they do...?
    i also have a home video of dunblane...
    it was a video of all those 5 year olds running around in their blue gym knickers before old hamilton walked in and shot 'em all up... very graphic.... and erotic....
    in fact i think i'm gonna go watch it now...

    ah the old dunblane thing do u know why its so cold there? coz its -15 heh heh due to the current exchange rate im afraid i wont be able 2 accept less than 12 pube groomers oh and is the video in betamax format???

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  8. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    dyslexic me? probably that and sleep depravation and that fact i cant be arsed to spell check my posts, grammer being ranked about 477 on my important things list
  9. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    only 15? if i was u i'd move her up quickly! when i had her she didnt half go!! i tell ya when she takes out those teeth and goes down its a euphoric feeling! trust me m8 give her a go u wont regert it, i didnt

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  10. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    but family meansa lot to me..... who else can i blame when life fists me and/or i get caught....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    my family ment a lot 2 me, thats why i kept their bodys as trophys

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  11. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    recently ive been wanking myself into an effervesant frenzy over the diana crash pics does this make me strange?? if its not then i will happily distribute the pics here oh yeah being of a low iq i need assistance on how to post jpegs into my messages can anyone give me a semi-sencible reply??
    thanxs in advance

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  12. Ice man commeth

    Ice man commeth New Member

    You , I MURDER CHILDREN are in for a real treat. I have taken notice of your arrogance and misery and have decided on your fate. My decision is that you will soon die. It is ironic that , that which I have chosen as my profession you have chosen for fun. I am a professional, I kill for hire, strictly business. No fun and games , what I do is for real. I am quite good and it my little mark and you have struck a nerve with my conscience , however hypocritical that might seem. You see, I travel one would expect...and not always am I given all the info I require for my target such as scheduals, exact locations, professions etc. Thus I am forced to "track down" if you will excuse the term, my marks. It also helps keep my customers more annonymous and unknowing of the particulars of a hit. Why I am telling you this is so you will know that I am quite serious. I am on vacation , so to speak, and just for the Fun of it...I have decided to track you down and make your death known. What I mean by that is this...I feel that since you insist on behaving in the way you have chosen will know fear as only few do just prior to their death. Am I joking ? No. You see, normally my marks never know that they are about to become deceased...ahhh but you will !

    So how will I end your life and lack of respect for it ? Perhaps a thin metal rod shoved up under your throoat, through your tounge and into your brain...then I snap off the end where I have filed a groove arount the circumfrence so it breaks off nice and clean into your head. Or perhaps a nice mixture of jello and gasoline in a supersoaker brand , pump it up , light a lighter and there you have it ...instant flame thrower ! Both fun ideas and certainly worthy to take your life. Since you seem to have such disreguard for IT , then so shall I have for you. You must know that I really am quite good at what I do and in the next 7 weeks I will find you through the trail you have laid for me ( jewsinthe oven and soforth) and when you are thinking about something other than me ...there I will appear...and you shall live for only a few brief but agonizing moments. Your only way out of this situation , aside from killing yourself which I know you will not do because you are but a coward , is for you to admit on fugly that you are not what your name implies,,,and that you appologise for the offensive way in which you chose to present yourself. And then must just go away...not change your username...because we all know who you are and your writing habits. Should you wish to challenge me...I would welcome the opportunity ! But remember are a novice...I kill for a living...and will kill you for the sport of it as your life means nothing to me...absolutely nothing !
    7 weeks is all you have left....if that... I must fly to Europe next week and upon my and I shall meet !

    Untill then...enjoy life !

    MISSION New Member

    funboy, get the fuck out of here. faggot. if you stay ill tie a rope around your neck and drag you from my truck. funboy.
  14. Holy_Young_Man

    Holy_Young_Man New Member

    hey psychobob and pimply

    y don't u 2 fuckers get a room and get it on,this isn't the romance pages.i'm sure u can give each other u'r mail address and send nekkid pics of yourselves 2 each other.

    u guys probably slag of gays somewhere in this forums and here u are chatting to each other like a couple.

    And on the seventh day the lord said "WOW,WHAT A FUCKING WEEK"
  15. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    hey pimp what do u think ur up 2? share my lederhosen? i have them talored to my individual needs, they cost me most of my sour milk collection and im not gonna share them with anyone! i have got a spare leotard tho

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  16. Holy_Young_Man

    Holy_Young_Man New Member

    good look 2 u guys in the future


    And on the seventh day the lord said "WOW,WHAT A FUCKING WEEK"
  17. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    dont forget mugging little old ladys to add to our panti collection, continuing to cause train disasters all over the world, skinning live cats and collecting stamps

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    rember pension checks come out on the third of the month... might as well make a few bucks
  19. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    i was thinking of some sarcastic reply but it hurt so i stopped

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  20. FunBobby

    FunBobby New Member


    *sigh* so sad

    "Im going to thrash you to within an Inch of your life....and then take that Inch"

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