If your going to do it, bring one of your enemies down with you. Begin a week or so before hand with telling your family and friends that X is threatening to kill you. Make yourself a death threat note and post it to yourself with X's address on the back. Then take said note to the police citing numerous harrassing phonecalls and threats from the victim/perpetrator. File for a harrassment suit. Go into a gay bar and yell "Dykes suck" at the top of your voive. After being beaten within an inch of your life, go back to the police claiming X did it and apply for a restraining order. Tell your doctor that the real reason for your depression is X's continual harrassment, which is giving you nightmares and could you please have something to help you sleep. Now you are ready to do the deed. Remember it has to look like someone else did it. Wait till the middle of the night so there are no witnesses. Break a window, (make sure you do it from the outside so the class falls inwards). If you can get hold of one of X's possessions to leave at the scene of the crime this would be a bonus. One of their petrol cans or a lighter just outside the window would work best. Down a handfull of sleeping pills and splash petrol arround the room with the broken window and your bedroom. Wait till you feel very very sleepy before lighting it and going to bed for a nice eternal nap.
tqke your kid, put it in the child seat, place ducttape over kids mouth, drive said car (with windws rolled up in to lake... Waoit for the halsrious results.. P.S. you are a chicken shit becky... go do it or shut the fuck up... better yet, bring me the gun and Ill do it for you
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by F**cking pissed-off!! as a response to my request for pics: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, the way I figure it, most people just don't have the devotion nor the stamina to commit suicide, and almost everyone fails a few times before finally getting it right. Many times, these failed attempts leave nice scars/souvenirs about one's body. I just wanted to see them, that's all. Or, if you succeeded, maybe you could get an accomplice to take some nice pics and post them in your memory? I'm gonna level with you, Becky. I've got no sympathy for people that run around and threaten themselves with suicide. More often than not, they're full of shit. No offense. People get this idea that if they convince others that they're about to buy a one-way-ticket to the netherworld, all of a sudden they might become more popular, more desired, less annoying, etc. I don't buy the whole call for help load of horseshit. I think what you're witnessing here is the anthesis of forum backlash, wherein you're receiving the exact opposite of what your delusional plea for help was hoping to achieve. I.O.W. Shit or get off the pot.
I've thought about shooting myself in the head before. I didn't advertise it though. If I truly want to die, I won't tell anyone about it. I'll just sneak off to a secluded spot and put one in my skull. No suicide note or anything. This past eight weeks, I've come very close to doing it. But I think I'd rather feel miserable than feel nothing at all. Things will get better eventually. I just have to wait. So do you. But if you are still hell bent on killing yourself, send me the rest of your ritalin first. I sure could use a burst of energy. If you want a suggestion on how, I suggest a gun. It's quick, painless, leaves one hell of a mess, and lets you die without feeling like a coward (such as pills). If you don't have a gun, then trying hanging yourself. Just make sure you tie the rope into a noose and make sure its tight. Then jump from a high location. That's sure to break your neck so you won't strangle. Like I said before, stick it out a little longer. Things get better. I'm feeling depressed too but I'm not ready to give up yet. Besides, how would Kitana feel if her fiance killed himself before they even had a chance to meet? Or fuck? Think of the children.....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: how would Kitana feel if her fiance killed himself before they even had a chance to meet? Or fuck? Think of the children.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah, sky, just wait it out, things usually get better
Ok so im chicken-shit as you can see i didnt do it! At the time I posted this thread I was seriously going too but ive had a change of heart! And as you can see for the time being im still here! And if I feel like doing it again I sure as hell wont post it on here! And NO I didnt expect any sympathy!
Just as an added recourse *(Lord I shouldn't post this...)* I buried my grandpa today. Everyone there was sad. People will be sad if you die. Maybe the people in this place won't be.... but your kids probally will be. Just think about that.
oh cheezy! sorry about your grampa. i remember when we burried my grampa...i was in the 3rd grade, i couldnt get over it, i would start crying out of the blue for years afterwards
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: I've thought about shooting myself in the head before. I didn't advertise it though. If I truly want to die, I won't tell anyone about it. I'll just sneak off to a secluded spot and put one in my skull. No suicide note or anything. This past eight weeks, I've come very close to doing it. But I think I'd rather feel miserable than feel nothing at all. Things will get better eventually. I just have to wait. So do you. But if you are still hell bent on killing yourself, send me the rest of your ritalin first. I sure could use a burst of energy. If you want a suggestion on how, I suggest a gun. It's quick, painless, leaves one hell of a mess, and lets you die without feeling like a coward (such as pills). If you don't have a gun, then trying hanging yourself. Just make sure you tie the rope into a noose and make sure its tight. Then jump from a high location. That's sure to break your neck so you won't strangle. Like I said before, stick it out a little longer. Things get better. I'm feeling depressed too but I'm not ready to give up yet. Besides, how would Kitana feel if her fiance killed himself before they even had a chance to meet? Or fuck? Think of the children.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed, I think most people serious about doing that would adopt the canine trend of wandering off into the woods to die...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~*Sky*~: ok ok im not going to do it!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> can I still have the ritalin?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: Just as an added recourse *(Lord I shouldn't post this...)* I buried my grandpa today. Everyone there was sad. People will be sad if you die. Maybe the people in this place won't be.... but your kids probally will be. Just think about that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn, man... I'm really sorry to hear that. *lends Cheeze a virtual shoulder to cry on*
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Reverend Bitchslap: Damn, man... I'm really sorry to hear that. *lends Cheeze a virtual shoulder to cry on*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks man. I'm cool though. I'm good now.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ~*Sky*~: Ok so im chicken-shit as you can see i didnt do it! At the time I posted this thread I was seriously going too but ive had a change of heart! And as you can see for the time being im still here! And if I feel like doing it again I sure as hell wont post it on here! And NO I didnt expect any sympathy! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good ... because your chicken-shit ass will NEVER get any from me...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: Just as an added recourse *(Lord I shouldn't post this...)* I buried my grandpa today. Everyone there was sad. People will be sad if you die. Maybe the people in this place won't be.... but your kids probally will be. Just think about that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dman dude.. that sucks. They say bad luck comes in threes (who the fuck are they?) anyways, if you need someone to yell at find me Via ICQ
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: Dman dude.. that sucks. They say bad luck comes in threes (who the fuck are they?) anyways, if you need someone to yell at find me Via ICQ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah, i've heard that death comes in threes, too, and it does... be careful, cheezy
Thanks for the info guys. If death does come in three's, maybe I'm next. I don't know. I try not to think about it. But anyways, thanks for offering to let me yell at ya holmes. But I think I can keep my cool for the time being. If I freak out though, you'll be the first I holler at.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cheezedawg: Thanks for the info guys. If death does come in three's, maybe I'm next. I don't know. I try not to think about it. But anyways, thanks for offering to let me yell at ya holmes. But I think I can keep my cool for the time being. If I freak out though, you'll be the first I holler at.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> look at the bright side... if you do die, Ill give your eulegy, and try to comfort your greiveing mother by showing her my cock piercings...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I Murder Children VIOLENTLY: and try to comfort your greiveing mother by showing her my cock piercings...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah, that's real comforting