Got a note on the door citing me for three 'possible citations' regarding "parking on the front lawn." Disclaimer: I have four vehicles on the DRIVEWAY, one that makes a 90° curved turn before heading toward the garage. All of the vehicles are typically parked, perpendicular facing the street, and to make it easier on my daily driver, I back the Yeti up on one side (with one tire on the dirt, 6 inches away from the driveway,) and the other two head-to-tail on the other side, each with two tires right off the edge of the concrete, and I park the DD between them. Now, either one of my (oh so lovely, see previous posts,) neighbors complained, or some assclown working for the city had some time on his/her hands to go around and threaten random citations. I can't fucking stand my neighbors sometimes. Live and let live. Anyone that can't deal with that shit should be drug out into the middle of the street and shot. Twice, for good measure.
So you just need to widen your driveway by about a foot? Use some of those paving stones and add a foot or two on each side. Would look nice actually and kinda decorative. And the tire is actually on the drive.
I was thinking of stones, but it wouldn't work on the area where the truck has the one tire, as there's a large above-ground root for the nearest tree that I have to climb over. I'll likely end up getting some gravel if they harass me again. The part that pisses me off is that they claim it's so that should anything drip off the car, it doesn't contaminate the underground aquifer. Nine times out of ten, when you see a city work truck parked in a designated city lot, it's right on the grass.