Mayby because you and Souder are in the Republican camp and you defend him even though he is a blatant hypocrite? Dahmer would only have been a hypocrite if he condemned others for chowing down on human pork. An alcoholic would only be a hypocrite if he condemned others for drinking themselves to death. Souder IS a hypocrite because he took the right wing christian moral high ground while have an affair.
Thanks for the clear, concise breakdown, Fred. But unfortunately, there is no point in explaining something to someone who is doing all they can to avoid facing the simple, God-honest truth.
I'm not sure if you "defended" him.... but he is a cheating hypocrite. What he did is this. Preached Abstinence (lack of sex)... and boned the girl he was advocating abstinence with. Don't get me wrong. If dude wanted to get his wick wet; I've got no problem with that. His wife might have a SEVERE problem with that.... but I don't. I applaud his ugly ass for getting some poon. Just don't preach to my kids or anyone else about abstaining.
It was teen abstinence. And you are right there is a bit of hypocrisy to point out none the less in a more general way. Just replace abstinence with morality in general. But there is a little bit of it in everyone that gets all upset about it, however. I personally don't have kids so ...whatever. But the up and coming generations are seriously warped and its something you should be concerned about as a parent. You see them on forums like this. Fat fucks that ain't had pussy since pussy had them. But they know about all sorts of stupid sex terms like. Salad toss, dirty Sanchez, tea bagging. Their pale wimpy kids that never get out of their house. They learned all they know on pornos and are convinced that sex always starts out with a blow job and ends with a butt fuck. I can just see the dumb-asses 15 years later in their thirties if they ever get married going to a fertility clinic wondering why they never get pregnant. They have tried it all. Salad toss, dirty Sanchez, nothing seems to work. But seriously scoff at anyone you want who voices a concern about the kids these days. They are going to be a seriously fucked up bunch.