Had a dream that I had to have surgery. I think it was for my esophagus but when they told me about the surgery it sounded like it was for my heart or lungs because they told me that I would have drains coming out of me to prevent pneumonia. He said it was all down hill after the surgery and that I was going to be in a lot of pain and be miserable. Anyway, they take me down to surgery and it's a dirty dingy basement. With concrete floors and the exposed wood beams overhead and a bunch of shit laying around. The doctor was totally unkempt and pervy. He tries to anesthetize me and I'm like, "Where's the anesthesiologist?" and he's like "I have 6 jobs, one of them is anesthesiologist." And he gives me the shot and I yell out, "I am allergic to Demerol!" I expect to fall asleep, but no... so he leaves to go smoke and when he comes back in, he's pissed that I'm not passed out, so he gives me another shot IN MY NECK and I look down at the first injection site and it's all swollen. Then he sits there LIGHTS A CIGARETTE and asks me questions about being poked... like do I like it when my husband pokes me and I'm all confused and like wtf? He leaves again and I start to feel really good, like benzo good but my mouth won't close and it was getting really dry and I couldn't even lick my lips or shut my mouth, so I walk around the dingy basement with my mouth open and I had to pee so I go to this bathroom (that I never ended up using) and it's in a patient's room and the patient is in bed and the bedsheets have brown shit looking stuff all over them and I ask the woman by her bed what was on the sheets and she was like, "They were like that when we got here." And I'm thinking how badly I wanted to leave. I go back to my gurney and lay down and decide to take my blanket and fold it in half and sit on one half and cover myself up with the other half and when I pulled my blanket up (I had been laying on it the entire time) there was another blanket, and green blanket with crusty blue stuff stuck to it and it was all ratty and disgusting. At this point, I knew I was leaving so I take the blanket and throw it at the nurse's station. The doctor walks in and he's pissed that I am not asleep so he points to the room and there is this prison release looking guy with a hose standing over this wooden trough-like thing and he tells me to get in... they were going to gas me and I was like wtf ever and left. He told me that I would die w/o the surgery so I go to the other hospital in town and my gyno is in the parking lot and I tell him what's going on so he decides to do the surgery? and when the anesthesiologist comes in he gives me shot and as usual, it doesn't do anything. And the anesthesiologist writes some numbers and mgs on a dry erase board and comes over with a needle and I'm like, "Am I going to overdose with all of these shots?" And he was like, "Yeah, I kinda worried about that too." And then gives me another shot IN MY NECK. And then I woke up all scared (in real life).
I just took 1 1/2 woohoo, crazy dreams here I come. I think I will start writing mine down as soon as I wake up cause they fade fast. nite nite