Got up @ 2AM, dizzy let the dogs out, got worse, tried to pee couldn't even get to the toilet, banged chin on sink blacked out and woke up on my back in the hallway with a huge knot on the back of my head and bruised backside, soaked in sweat, crawled to bed, passed out again, woke up freezing, called husband, he came over and he called 911, took me to ER, did ekg, ct scan, blood all came back okay, urine showed ketones? so the gave me a liter of iv fluid diagnosed me with syncope and dehydration. Also said to quit taking prozac because it could have played a part. I still feel sooo weak and shaky, dizzy, ill and scared. I had never blacked/out passed out like that before. Have had a ton of dreams about iit and it was just like those dreams. I'm forcing myself to eat now even if it kills my guts.
What we need is a Fugly intervention with Pukey. Something like this:
Right now I am eating Oreos and feeling kinda blah. I did get up and move around today, changed my bedding, swept, dusted my room, opened up the window (felt depressing) took shower, shaved, feel stronger but still weak. My usual vertigo is still here. Since I probably met my deductible with this ER visit, I am going to find out the vertigo is coming from... I'm not afraid of the tests. Who knew a little scrappy bitch hitting a hardwood floor would do so much damage to their head and ass? And the muscles in the front of my neck are all tight and really painful. I'm just hoping I didn't have a seizure. Half of my head is a bruise. The one on my chin looks super cute.
You didn't change mine. I've been in this fucking dryer sheet box for a week with the same paper towels.
Yikes. Maybe go back to wearing the helmet around the house. It wouldn't look any worse than Joe's tinfoil hat. If you go to Lowe's with that bruised chin, the hillbillies will be crawling over each other to get to you. Better be careful.