As some of you know, I'm heavily against piracy, like hardcore. Today I learned that one of my co workers was a huge pirate, even downloading copies of books to her kindle and such. I asked her what she thought if she knew someone that lost their job because of piracy, she said she didn't care. Like seriously, I had to walk away, have we depraved ourselves so much as a society that we only think of ourselves in this time, it's nearly disgusting. Someone also had the nerve to say "Copying is not theft." to me, which I said "Would you copy a dollar bill?" They say no, "Why would you copy something that costs them then?" which he rolled his eyes to and walked away. I should be done venting now.
I think Fernando is right Piracy is stealing. But I just do not have much if any sympathy at all for the record labels and a little more for the bands.
If record labels didn't exist then music wouldn't be pushed to the masses. The thing that grinds me is movie and pc video game pirates, they are literally ruining the industry for their own selfish gain.
Oh your right. I just absolutely hate the commercialized sissy boy band faggoty shit music that is out there. I miss the legitimately talented bands of the 70's and 80's. Its like comparing Back Street boys to Fog Hat. Faggoty non-talent commercialized put together shove this shit down your throat. Look they actually play their own instruments and don't need to practice dance moves for hours on end led by some faggoty choreographer wearing spandex. Simple talent and music with emotion and soul. Live no help from a sound studio doing several takes and mixing it for a show.
Yeah, I think Joe flipped the dial from "E!" to "Headbanger's Ball." I really don't pirate anything since I got a Mac. I download iTunes for $.99/ea. I can afford that. I buy DVDs in the Blockbuster bargain bin. I am cheap, but not a thief.
Im a big Ebay user, before I knew better I bought one of those e-books off Ebay. Little did I know it was just the web address that I could download books off the web. Legal or not, yep I got screwed. I'll be more careful next time!