Fuck those Islamic assholes. Obviously they are fanatics who can't take humorous criticism. If I was Matt and Trey.... I'd have drawn him with a dick in his mouth. Mohammed is just a fictional character anyway. So is Jesus, Moses, Thor, Zues, Apollo and hundreds of others. It's ok to believe a virgin gave birth to a Christ. It's ok to believe Jesus healed a blind woman, raised the dead, healed a severed ear. It's ok to believe a man put 2 of every animal on earth onto a boat. But a man driving the sun across the sky on a chariot..... now that's just ridiculous. When are people going to stop reading fantastical stories written centuries ago and finally start using their brains? If a woman went away for a few months and came back pregnant claiming to her fiance that "I didn't cheat. This is GOD'S baby!"; he would whip her ass 6 ways to Sunday. If some dude came down from a mountain claiming to have spoken to God through a burning bush which gave off no heat, people would say "Pass those shrooms here, dude!" We are much wiser today. Merlin was not a sorceror. Harry Potter is not a real person. If 2,000 years from now people are worshipping Harry Potter, we should just kill ourselves. But wait! We do worship those characters! Why not just off ourselves now?
LOL see I believe that Jesus was the true messiah and I have a sense of humor. I say on with the crusades kill all the Muslims. At least the non-tolerant ones fuckem even the ones that hide under rocks let them feel the same fate as Osama Bin Laden.
Check this out Cheesedawg. The Muslim solution to girls doing something so very wrong like being educated: Mass murder.
I have to ask you "Why" you believe Jesus was the messiah. If no one from the time you were born until today told you about Jesus..... then today someone came and told you these stories about him.... would you believe them? But really... the question is "why" do you believe he was the christ. "Why" do you believe he even existed? Do you have some proof you aren't sharing with the rest of the world?
Well I have heard the story and it seems reasonable to me. After deciding that any other theory regarding the meaning of our existence seems ridiculous I have concluded that there simply is no better explanation than there had to be a creator. All the stupid big bang theories are silly. Its like a chicken came along and created the egg. But what egg did the original chicken hatch from? And the evolution BS is simply just that BS. Look at civilization now we are actually devolving not evolving. Take someone today with all his knowledge and place them out with the serfs 1600s England. They would not last a year and they would be dead. No immune system without the help of antibiotics and no knowledge of common sense planning if they made it through the summer they would freeze in the winter. But to get back on target. So they say there were inert gases floating around and carbon atoms were formed then gravity took place blah, blah, .... do you really buy that crap? Their had to be a higher intelligence. Simply put their had to be a creator. Of this I have no doubt. Your interpretation of that person as a Christian may be different than some Indian tribe in the jungles of the Amazon. But its the same good and the same evil they respect, or disrespect. Take the different religions and consider a hybrid belief. What if heaven and hell exists here on the same plane? Is it possible that the Hindu people are not so fat off? Find the must miserable person on earth, could they have been an evil person in a prior life? Could it be that they were reincarnated into their own hell on earth? One verse in the bible says that it is easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven. My theory is do the right thing. Be compassionate of others. Find happiness in other things than the mainstream. But if you think true happiness is having the crib of the year on MTV think again.
What does believing in a creator have to do with Jesus? What part of his life dealt with the creation of man and earth? And you think that jesus being the messiah is "Reasonable"?!? A virgin giving birth, a man walking on water, raising the dead, healing the blind by laying of hands, giving prophecy, allowing himself to be tortured and crucified, and then rising from the grave 3 days later only to ghost away to heaven? That all sounds "reasonable"?!? If so, Clash of the Titans should sound reasonable. It has the son of a god in it (Perseus). He doesn't preform any miracles.... but he does kill Medusa and a giant sea monster. The Medusa fits in well because instead of turning stone to bread.... she turns flesh to stone! Perfectly reasonable!
Why be concerned about that anyways? There is so much documented evidence to make one logically consider the possibility. But why bog yourself down in the minutia? If you can at least admit that their simply had to be a higher intelligence at work that created our existence? Its like that Demi Moore movie where the guy sells his wife for I dunno a Million bucks to a rich guy. Now that we establish that the guy is a pimp and his wife a prostitute then game over its just a matter of haggling over the price. Consider that their is a creator and find your own idea of how to deal with that person. The native Americans believes he exists in the spirit of the animals, in the sun, water, earth, in plants. I have no problem with this. I think a lot of their perspectives are dead on right. And it does not conflict with my beliefs either.
Again... what does a creator have to do with Jesus? I can show indisputable proof that Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse. Does that mean that Donald Duck was a real person? I know someone built my house. Does that mean his son was a superhero who could walk through walls? What does a creator (Who may be dead or alive right now) have to do with stories about a guy with superpowers?!? I can find 12 people right now who will swear an oath that I, JOHNNY CHEEZEDAWG, am the messiah you have been waiting for. I can even get them to write stories about wonderous things I've done. Like... I dunno.... I can turn dirt into pussy. In 2000 years will people call me the son of God because they believe in a creator?
Ok you seem to be stuck on this it needs to be tangible human logic to you scientific proof. And you do not want to delineate from that position. Ok then fine dig you feet in and argue till the cows come home. If you read my previous posts my point is to get away from the specifics and just grasp the basics the spirituality of it. Is there such a thing as good and is there such a thing as evil? Or is it all relative and circumstantial? Is there such a thing as truth and lie? Pursuit if living a good life? Pursuit of living an evil life? Some measure of degree in between? Living the truth or living a lie?