I am about to head out to vacation with new boy friend... last night I dreamed I woke up in a hospital.. with him over me crying ... we had been in a car wreck. I am freaked out - Im so gonna die this weekend...I just know it
Well, she didn't reply to my text yesterday... Maybe the dream wasn't really a car wreck per se, but a premonition. Maybe he knocked you unconscious and beat the shit out of you and made a fake hospital room to put you in to keep you there so he could 'take care' you but he was going to keep you sick and hurt forever so you could never leave it. It'd be like a combination of "Misery", "House of Thunder" and what happened to Dan in "One Tree Hill."
Im alive and well... had a great trip. you can see the pics on Facebook.. oh and as soon as I got home.. had to an emergency surgery on my sister's chicken.. pics of that as well. Im off to bed.
A lot of people do. My parents have four chickens and a polish rooster. Weird looking thing looks like a punk rocker rooster. If you hold him on your lap he puts his head down in your arm and falls asleep in about a minute. He is a wimpy rooster the hens try to peck him to death. Anywho a lot of people are keeping their own chickens these days because the eggs are a lot better than the store bought ones. The yolks are a red orange color and a lot richer cause the chickens only lay about one egg a day without all the extra chemicals that the big egg companies use.
I'll only eat eggs from a local farmer. I'd like to have chickens but I would just obsess about them getting egg bound or crop bound.