“67 years old guy beats a younger black man in self defense†This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community. To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up. http://boortz.com/nealz_nuze/2010/02/dont-mess-with-epic-beard-man.html But check out how they further harassed this old vet when they should be patting him on the back. http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleView/tabid/298/smid/1126/ArticleID/5038/reftab/536/t/AC%20Transit%20Says%20Bus%20Driver%20Followed%20Protocol%20During%20Fight%20on%20Bus%20in%20Oakland/Default.aspx The news media edited the video to make the black guy look as if he was assaulted. Reminds me of how the media edited the video of Rodney King removing the parts of Rodney attacking the police officers and resisting arrest. Something he was well known to do with a history of violence to include dangerous drugs among many others specifically PCP.
Yeah it is almost as good as last years video. http://forums.fugly.com/showthread.php?t=12230&highlight=Smurfslapper Damn those bastards! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOo6aHSY8hU
I love this. My grandfather and Buzz Aldrin were friends. I'm glad he doesn't take any shit about the moon landing.
Yeah Buzz Aldrin is a true American hero. I think the black man on the bus was mildly retarded. It's pathetic that he has been brought up to have a chip on his shoulder always looking for something to be offended about and hating white people.
I like how the bitch with the camera steals his bag... and films it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvk3HyGVwrM And what's a pinkie? Is that new slang?
I think that it is a Muslim thing calling white people pinkie as if pink like a pig is pink. But that is a guess I do not profess to know. If the Black guy was in the pen then he was likely subject to Muslim indoctrination. The Muslims like Democrats use hate as a took to recruit people.