I dont think ive ever posted in here so fuck it why not. http://www.downloadfestival.co.uk/lineup/index.aspx Hows about that for a line up i cant fucking wait.
I didn't know half of those bands are still together. The other ones I have never even heard of. Wolfmother sucks ass. I hate them. They sound like a Led Zeppelin cover band and I can't stand Led Zeppelin. I also can't stand Aerosmith or ACDC. STP, Deftones, RATM and fuck it, Billy Idol would be okay.
I also just want to profess my hatred for that shitty band Jet while I am at it. I had to google them because I can never remember their retarded fucking name. Oh, but I like the song Jet by Wings. Heh. It's happy. I love the synth sound at around 2:04. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPISSChpB7k
But I'd wonder: STP - is Scott Weiland going to be out of rehab that day? deftones - is Chi Cheng still in s coma? RATM - will they have side-project scheduling conflicts? Aerosmith - is Steven Tyler in or out? AC/DC - can they play more than three songs without having at least two sound alike?
Scott has a annual spot on my death pool every year. I was thinking the same thing about Aerosmith. I thought Tyler was out? And I agree about AC/DC too. All of their songs sound the same. Just like White Zombie and actually RATM. You only need to buy one album of theirs.