payback day

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by BIGMAMA, Mar 1, 2010.


    BIGMAMA New Member

    few weeks... or months, I forget... the chick that normally cuts my kid's hair asked for a football sized tumor to be removed from a 40lb 17 year old dog... FOR FREE. Sand nigga said no, that is like a 3-4 hour surgery (was deep) and he will not make it... and I dont shit for free... well today she cut the kids hair.... Evan looks like a Jim Carey from Dumb and Dumber... and Amir is sporting a mini Moroccan Mullet.

    She went on to tell me that her dog died 3 days after he saw it ( was gonna die anyway) and it was all our fault... I normally tip very well... today I left 2$ fuck her... she should have no let the tumor get that big...

    tomorrow I have to take the kids to get re-cut somewhere.
  2. chumwad84

    chumwad84 New Member

    Time to make another video.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2010

    BIGMAMA New Member

    too late, they let the kids out at 12 today due to snow - we went straight to Great Clips... got a cheap cut that looks better... not great, but better.

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