Urgent, Democrats Warn Snow Levels Mean We Must Act Now!!! Random cuts of Democrats over the previous recent years blaming supposed low snowfall as proof of global warming. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d70iXVN5EVM THE ONLY COPY OF THIS I CAN FIND ON THE INTERNET http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq9X7pn-MtI
Both sides play on our fears. It's the easiest way to turn people's way of thinking into THEIR way of thinking. Bush used the 9/11 terror attack as well as "false intel" about WMDs to gain support for his Iraq invasion. Al Gore used Global Climate Change to justify adding dollars to "research" this problem. Obama uses our hatred of insurance companies to push health care reform. The answer is so simple. Everyone abandon your political parties and just vote in the best interests of ALL America. No more backroom meetings. No more deals with each other to attach additional legislation to bills. Just vote the way the people of your state want you to vote. No more inflated salaries. It's time that we return to the way it was in days past when serving as a Senator was not about getting rich or great health coverage. It was about honor and doing your civic duty to the people. A revolution is brewing..... hope their health care coverage is good enough to bring them back from the dead.
False and I will add. Bush did not make up any false intelligence and there were and still are WMDs to deal with. Bush is given intelligence he does not create intelligence. True and I will add. Al Gore used the same class warfare tactic that liberals ALWAYS use to blame a fake problem on Capitalism with the solution being to ELECT MORE DEMOCRATS. And yes made hundreds of millions off the deal. True and I will add. Obama used the same old class warfare tactics to blame an economic problem DEMOCRATS and REGULATIONS created on Capitalism. And proposed Socialism as the cure for cancer and heart valves for innocent children. Yes I'm for tort reform, transparency, and by that I mean a public posting of each and every bill voted on at least one month in advance and the bill being no more than 50 pages. All earmarks must be itemized and annotated who entered them with an option to line item veto those earmarks. A three strikes policy to ensure the integrity of any televised news caster that misrepresents (spins) the news to benefit their political philosophy (85% Socialist and out of touch with the American people) A three strikes penalty for any network that black lists a news story creating the impression to the stupid public that it never happened. I'm open to ideas of what the penalty should be or other ways to keep our media honest. Because the media and education has a large portion of our general population stupefied, and ignorant.
yeah we are tards when it comes to snow... plus we dont have all the equipment to clear roads like places that get snow often ... Next time you are in town you should give me a call...