Your game is up.
when I was a teen I worked at a perfume store in a brand new mall that was DEAD... sometime the daily sales would be 200$ during the week days. I would just sit there doing nothing watching the shoe store across from me. One 30 something black guy that worked at the shoe store would sniff the shoes after people tried them on. I remember one time this fat lady tried on a pair, and I guess she had stinky feet... because he kept sniffing and went behind the counter when she left and I could tell he was jerkin and sniffin. So I looked on the mall guide and called him.... made fun of him... was pretty funny.
Here's another pitiful example of a human being... I suspect that everyone who looks just like that guy (and I've seen a million men just like him) is a seedy pervert. There must be a pervert cloning station somewhere in the western hemisphere that churns them out continuously.
Weird. Nothing is showing up. Like big blank space where something should be. I bet Obama has something to do with it.
Yeah, but it's gonna be ok. I've found someone who can help you...
Errrrrr.....? Huh?? ...oh I seeeeee! You're feeling a bit overexposed after seeing the footage of your chakra clearing session with ArtGarfunkleguy. That's perfectly understandable, but there is absolutely no need to be ashamed. Nobody is laughing at you. We're just proud to see you finally getting the sort of help you've obviously been waiting a lifetime for.
No, you're blind as a bat. I figured you must be one of the two emasculated males in the video. Sorry Cumwad, didn't mean to give you too much credit.
It also appears as though your echolocation needs to be calibrated because this doesn't bother me... bother me... bother me...... errr never mind. Thanks Cumwad.:biggrin:
Strange, because I havent been bumping into any walls at all lately? And your previous two posts have plenty of "f.u.c.k. y.o.u." - but not very much "ho ho ho!" about them? But I'm glad to hear you are man enough to take a good ribbing. For a moment there, I thought Bullgod666 was just an uptight, pouty, little bitchboy. You're welcum.
How odd! My powers of echolocation must indeed be off, because now they're telling me that you are NOT being one, in the very post where you just admitted you ARE!?! Crazy, huh?
I'm thinking you're panties are pulled up too tight. And here I was thinking you had a sense of humor Cumwad. Oh well.