Guy gets even with bill collectors

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Joeslogic, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Some how I cannot help but admire this guy I mean honestly bill collectors... fuckem I say.

    Better Off Deadbeat: Craig Cunningham Has a Simple Solution for Getting Bill Collectors Off His Back. He Sues Them.

    *Here is a taste click the link and read if you have assholes calling you for money*

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  2. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Don't be stupid, don't be greedy, and don't be late. You won't have bill collectors calling you. I don't.

    But Solicitors can kiss my ass.
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    In this guy's case with the ADT shit, I don't blame him. You shouldn't be charged with something that you don't deserve, just like the DR office that charged me for a no-show on an appt that I didn't make. Did I pay them? Hell no. Did they send me to collection agency? Yep. Did I talk to or pay them? Hell no. And I don't give a fuck about my credit score. It's just less money an identity thief can take. Go ahead and try to get a Lowe's card in my name. HAHAHA... you will be denied. :)
  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh, and what about the sick people w/no health insurance who are in massive debt and have debt collectors harrassing them? Fuck that. There are two sides to everything. Not everyone who is harrassed by these assholes went out and ran up a bunch of shit on a credit card and quit paying on it.

    Some of these people are older and then these assholes try to scare them and tell them that they are going to jail and losing their house if they don't pay them. It's terrible.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know my philosophic position is much like yours Major especially given the risky money schemes this guy in the article was involved in.

    But I hate bill collectors as much as I hate solicitors. So I get a chuckle at the idea of turning the tables on them when they cross the line. Because I know they do cross the line. Hell this guy gets 30 or so judgments in his favor dealing with these people he may pay off his debt which is a shame in a way.

    At the root of the problem the banks should have never engaged in a "risky" loan scheme either (they were under congressional pressure though to meet a threshold for minority loans).

    The winners in all of this were the loan officers who made outrageous commissions knowingly giving out the banks money in such a frivolous manner.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I just speak Arabic to them... they send the Spanish person to come to the phone...I start talking in Arabic.. they hang up. I guess when some sand nigga gets a job as a bill collector.. I will start speaking the little German I know (but never makes sense)
  7. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member


    I know a little German, too. Here she is.

    But, about bill collecting: I deal with customers all day that are delinquent (some waaay delinquesnt) with payments and my credit dept cuts them off. We have to pay this staff of people to try to extract money owed us by these customers and it's a PITA for all involved.

    Granted, the are shit-eaters out there who deserve what they get. I guess it makes my skin crawl when lawyers get involved. There are as many crooks among them as those whom they represent.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    well I can say - I have never had a credit card, store credit..or taken out a loan. (only have bank debit cards)

    Every car I have ever owned I paid cash for ... except the Element, and I paid it off very quick... had ONE late payment- because of a computer mishap... I called it in, it gave me a confirmation number... yet it did not go through, they said it would be fixed and not on my credit- I don't know if it was fixed or not.

    The only bill collectors I ever deal with are medical...and they are ASSHOLES .. I know it is their job, and I know I am dickhead for paying.. it just pisses me off that when I was paying 430 a month for insurance... and they denied to pay. On average I get 5 calls a day... with 12 calls being the highest. it sucks.
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I have lived in my house since 2005 and still get calls for two different people whose names are nearly unpronounceable and no doubt impossible to spell.

    One sounds something like Nevmesineet Membouyou. I just got another one as a matter of fact. I do not think there is such a person really I have a book of receipts for major appliances and work on this house since it was built no one. All people like Agee, Brown. Of course you could say its the person who had that number before. Really five years later?

    If someone put a bullet in the head of the person who instigated that mess I'd pay to watch it. Then piss on their dead corpse before tossing it in a sewage pit.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    You know I say screw the insurance companies that use the "change policy" tactic and like to always be able to find a loophole where you did not spend the five hours one day to re-read the new policy in order to identify the special stipulation now requiring you take some precaution before having any treatment. I have no doubt what so ever that it is made by design to be confusing so they can deny claims. But there should not be monetary penalties against them then only the scammers and trial lawyers win.

    BigMamma if they are screwing with you read up on that article find out your rights and counter sue. That being said don't get greedy keep it honest and pay what you can.
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Tell them to quit calliing and from this point forward to contact you only via mail. Or you could send them a letter stating the same thing (kinda like a modified cease and desist letter) and send it certified mail with a return receipt so you have proof that they received it.

    Or change your number. And they aren't allowed to call you at work if you tell them to quit calling (so if it's the business # tell them to quit calling).

    They are bottom feeders. They buy the debt for pennies on the dollar and harrass the hell out of people. Maybe if the original creditor would settle the debt for pennies on the dollar everyone would be happier, except for the debt collectors because they would have to go back being telemarketers.

    BIGMAMA New Member

    this is so funny.. I just got a call on my phone.. this was on the caller ID

    ASS H. 678-969-7840

    it was one of those. " this is not a solicitation call, please call for important business matter"

    I just found it funny while reading this.. and the fact it says ASS

    BIGMAMA New Member

    I have told them ... you want me to pay , send the bill ... not just from ___collection agency... but who I got service from .. they say we dont have that ... Im like do you really think I am going to give my credit card (debit) numbers or bank account info to someone who calls me from a blocked number.... who says I owe $___ to a doctor I have never heard of , for service on a date you do not know...

    I mean come on... Anyone could sit and dial numbers and say you owe 200$ whats your credit card number.

    when I had that cat bite ... like 13 bills from different people came in.. anesthesia, infectious disease doc, surgeon, 3 labs, hospital, and one from every doc that was on staff each day, that just walked in said how are you doing today....

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